Jobmonitor. Search results for zp-hospriz-as. Page 4

109420 Jobs found

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  • zp-hospriz-asx
Displaying 301-350 of 109420 results.
  • Company ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH Leipzig Nord in Taucha

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Du suchst einen neuen Job als Staplerfahrer / Gabelstaplerfahrer (m/w/d) in Vollzeit?Dann haben wir im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung in Taucha den passenden Job für Dich!Unsere Benefits für Dich- Gutes Arbeitsklima- Abschlagszahlungen- FahrtkostenzuschussDeine Aufgaben- Fahren von Flurförderfahrzeugen- Fahren von Front- und Hochregalstaplern- Be- und Entladen von LKW´s- Kommissionierung- Lagertätigkeiten- Bearbeitung der Warenein- und ausgänge- Sortierung von Waren- Verpackung von Waren- Durchführung von Bestandsprüfungen- Aktives Mitarbeiten in Teilbereichen des LagersBringst Du folgende Qualifikationen mit?- Befrachtung- Beladen, Entladen- Beschaffungslogistik- Gabelstapler (Diesel-, Benzin-, Elektro-, Gas-)- Logistik- BerufseinsteigerMit diesen persönli...

  • Company ISD Immobilien Service Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG in Kesselsdorf

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Was wir suchenDu willst dem Staub den Kampf ansagen und unser Reinigungsteam in Kesselsdorf und Umgebung tatkräftig unterstützen? Dann bist Du beim Immobilien Service Deutschland genau richtig!Wer wir sindDer Immobilien Service Deutschland. Mit mehr als 100 Niederlassungen und über 6.700 Mitarbeitern gehören wir zu den großen nationalen Gebäudedienstleistern.Was Du mitbringst- Idealerweise konntest Du bereits Erfahrung als Reinigungskraft (m/w/d) sammeln- Du zeichnest Dich durch Deine Zuverlässigkeit aus- Du besitzt einen Sinn für Sauberkeit und Ordnung- Du bringst einen Führerschein der Klasse B mitDein Auftrag- Als Reinigungskraft (m/w/d) kümmerst Du Dich um die Treppenhausreinigung, die Unterhaltsreinigung und die Sanitärreinigung- Du arbeitest 30 Stunden pr...

  • Company Manpower GmbH & Co. KG in Lengenfeld

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Du suchst einen neuen Job?Du bist es leid daheim zu sitzen oder ödet dich dein aktueller Job an? Kein Problem, wir haben einen Ausweg für dich und helfen dir, bei einem bekannten Metallbetrieb, Fuß zu fassen.Starte schon morgen als Produktionsmitarbeiter(gn) bei unserem Kunden in Lengenfeld.Unser Angebot an dich:- Stundenlohn von 14,80EUR- Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld on top- Kein Auto? Kein Problem! Erreichbar mit den ÖPNV- Mitarbeiterparkplätze vorhanden- Arbeitskleidung wird dir bei Bedarf gestellt- Getränke und Snackautomaten vorhanden- Sauberer Arbeitsplatz- Mitarbeiterrabatte für Marken wie z.B. Apple, Adidas u.v.m.- Starterprämie 200EUR on top nach 6 Wochen BetriebszugehörigkeitDas sind deine Aufgaben:- Entnahme und Verpackung von Metallteilen- Durchführu...

  • Company Manpower GmbH & Co. KG in Reinsdorf

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Maschine ist Ihr zweiter Vorname?Dann dran bleiben bitte! Unser Auftraggeber ist ein renommiertes Unternehmen aus der Automobilbranche. Gesucht wird ein Helfer(gn) für die Zeiss-Maschinenbedienung, der dem Team am Standort Reinsdorf unter die Arme greift!weil wir Sie begeistern wollen:- Attraktiver Stundenlohn ab 14EUR- Keine Befristung- Freie Wochenenden- Sauberer Arbeitsplatz- Start ab sofort möglich- Mitarbeiterrabatte für gute Marken wie z.B. Adidas, Apple etc.- Sehr gute Übernahmechance nach kurzer ZeitSo halten Sie die Produktion am Laufen:- Sie legen Bauteile auf Zeiss-3D-Messmaschinen auf- Sie führen Messungen mittels festgelegter Messprogramme durch- Die Kommunikation der Ergebnisse an den Schichtleiter zählt zu Ihren Tätigkeiten- Die Interpretation vo...

  • Company Manpower GmbH & Co. KG in Oelsnitz

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Sie suchen einen neuen Job?Für unseren Kunden, ein Unternehmen aus der Metallbranche suchen wir im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung am Standort Oelsnitz/Erzgebirge einen Löter(gn) in Vollzeit für die Produktion.Unser Angebot an Sie:Bei uns erhalten Sie eine fest kalkulierbare Entlohnung gemäß BAP/DGB-Tarifvertrag.Die sich darüber hinaus ergebenden Zahlungen, wie z.B. Weihnachts- und Urlaubsgeld, Schicht- und Branchenzuschläge sind für uns selbstverständlich.Bei Bedarf erhalten Sie von uns kostenlose Weiterbildungsangebote.Bei unserem Kunden erwarten Sie außerdem:- Attraktive Vergütung- Gute Einarbeitung- Option auf Übernahme- Kostenlose Parkplätze- Saubere Umgebung- Angenehmes ArbeitsklimaDas sind Ihre Aufgaben:- Montieren von Elektrobaugruppen- Endprüfung Le...

  • Company RS Security Chemnitz GmbH & Co. KG in Döbeln

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wachmann §34a GewO für Döbeln gesucht!•    Unterrichtung §34a GewO erforderlich• Pkw-Führerschein und eigenes Fahrzeug zwingend erforderlich• Berufserfahrung als Empfangsmitarbeiter/-in und im Umgang mit Kunden von Vorteil• Deutschkenntnisse fließend in Wort und Schrift• Gute PC-Kenntnisse• Freundliches, aufmerksames und serviceorientiertes Auftreten• Hohe Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit• Bereitschaft zum Wochenenddienst und SchichtdienstNur schwerbehinderte oder ihnen gleichgestellte Personen...

  • Company Office People GmbH Niederlassung Chemnitz Personaldienstleitungen in Ottendorf-Okrilla

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über unsWir bei office people bringen täglich tausende Menschen mit unserem weit verzweigten Kundennetzwerk zusammen. Als erfahrener Personaldienstleister sind wir an über 130 Standorten in 10 Ländern erfolgreich für unsere Mitarbeiter und Kunden im Einsatz.Was sollten Sie mitbringen?- Idealerweise erste Berufserfahrung im Bereich Lager und Logistik- Bereitschaft zur Schichtarbeit, teilweise auch am Wochenende- Hohes Maß an Motivation und Zuverlässigkeit- Gute DeutschkenntnisseWas erwartet Sie?- Verpacken der Ware und Vorbereitung für den Versand- Einhaltung der vorgegebenen Qualitätsstandards- Unterstützung bei allgemeinen Lagerarbeiten- Be- und Entladung von Lkws und Lieferfahrzeugen- Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Lagermitarbeitern, um den reibungslosen Ablauf s...

  • Company RENTA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Altenberg

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Mitarbeiter in der Kunststoffproduktion (m/w/d)Wir suchen Sie!Für unseren Kunden im Raum Altenberg suchen wir ab sofort Mitarbeitende in der Kunststoffproduktion (m/w/d).Es handelt sich um eine unbefristete Anstellung in Vollzeit.Das können Sie von uns erwarten:- Gehalt nach Qualifikation, mindestens 14 € brutto pro Stunde zzgl. Schichtzuschlägen sowie Weihnachts- und Urlaubsgeld- Bis zu 30 Tage Urlaub- Sicherheit und Planungsfreiheit durch einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag im festen Schichtsystem ohne Wochenendarbeit (Früh und Spät, von Montag bis Freitag)Ihre Aufgaben:- Einfache Maschinenbedienung nach Anweisung- Sichtkontrolle und bei Bedarf Entgraten der Fertigteile- Leichte Handmontage der EinzelteileIhr Profil:- Ideal geeignet für Quereinsteiger*, Kenntn...

  • Company ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Pausa/Vogtland

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Für unseren Kunden in Pausa/Vogtland suchen wir Dich als Produktionshilfskraft Kunststoffweiterverarbeitung (m/w/d)!Dein neuer Job im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung mit Option auf Übernahme in Schicht/Nacht/Wochenende, Vollzeit im Bereich Produktion wartet auf Dich!.Dich erwarten attraktive Vorteile- Fahrdienste / Shuttle Service zum Arbeitsplatz- Bis zu 30 Tage Urlaub pro Jahr- Langfristiger Einsatz im Kundenunternehmen- Ermäßigungen oder kostenlose Eintrittskarten für Veranstaltungen oder AttraktionenDein Gehalt- 14,00 € pro StundeDeine Aufgaben- Packarbeiten und leichte VormontagetätigkeitenAnforderungen an den Job- Kunststoffherstellung- KunststoffverarbeitungDeine persönlichen Stärken- Sorgfalt/Genauigkeit- ZuverlässigkeitDein Weg zu unsWir freuen uns,...

  • Company ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Radeburg

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Du bist Produktionshelfer Aluminium (m/w/d) und möchstest im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung mit Option auf Übernahme bei uns arbeiten?Dein neuer Arbeitsplatz für 14,50 € pro Stunde  befindet sich in  Radeburg im Bereich Metallverarbeitung.Deine attraktiven Jobvorteile- Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag in Vollzeit- Bis zu 30 Tage Urlaub pro Jahr- Abschlagszahlungen- GesundheitsprämieDeine Arbeitszeit- VollzeitDeine abwechslungsreichen Tätigkeiten- Maschinenbedienung- Tätigkeiten in der Metallerzeugung- Aluminiumprofile in Form bringen- Aluminium mit Hilfe von Schneidewerkzeug von überschüssigem Material befreien- Arbeiten an einer AbkantbankVerfügst Du über vergleichbare Qualifikationen?- Abkanten- Maschinenbetrieb- Metallbearbeiten, Metallverarbeiten- Produktio...

  • Company ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Nossen

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Starte jetzt erfolgreich bei uns als Produktionshelfer (m/w/d) im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung durch!Dein neuer Job ist in Vollzeit in Nossen im Bereich Produktion.Deine Vorteile in diesem Job- Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag in Vollzeit- Bis zu 30 Tage Urlaub pro Jahr- Abschlagszahlungen- GesundheitsprämieDiese Aufgaben erwarten Dich- Beheben von kleineren Störungen an den Montageautomaten und ggf. entsprechende Abstimmung mit den Mechanikern- Maschinenüberwachung- Kontrollieren der produzierten Ware auf Beschädigungen und VerschmutzungenDu bringst diese Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten mit- Produktion, Fertigung- Ziegel, baukeramische Produkte herstellen- BerufseinsteigerDu punktest mit diesen Kompetenzen- Belastbarkeit- Teamfähigkeit- ZuverlässigkeitFreue Dich ...

  • Company ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Radeburg

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Du suchst einen neuen Job als Forstwirtschaftshelfer (m/w/d) in Vollzeit?Dann haben wir im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung in Radeburg den passenden Job für Dich!Unsere Benefits für Dich- Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag- Bis zu 30 Tage Urlaub pro Jahr- Abschlagszahlungen- GesundheitsprämieDeine Aufgaben- Vorbereitung von Böden für Pflanzarbeiten nach Anweisung- Pflegen und Schützen der Waldbestände- Transport, Sortierung, Lagerung und Vermessung von HolzBringst Du folgende Qualifikationen mit?- Forstgeräte, -maschinen- Holzsortieren- Maschineneinsatz (Landwirtschaft, Forst, Garten)- BerufseinsteigerMit diesen persönlichen Stärken überzeugst Du uns- Belastbarkeit- Lernbereitschaft- Teamfähigkeit- ZuverlässigkeitFreue Dich auf eine attraktive Vergütung: 14,00 € b...

  • Company ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Meißen

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Für unseren Kunden in Meißen suchen wir Dich als Reinigungshelfer (m/w/d)!Dein neuer Job im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung in Teilzeit - Abend, Teilzeit - Nachmittag, Teilzeit - Vormittag im Bereich Reinigung wartet auf Dich!.Dich erwarten attraktive Vorteile- Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag- Bis zu 30 Tage Urlaub pro Jahr- Abschlagszahlungen- GesundheitsprämieDein Gehalt- 14,00 € pro StundeDeine Aufgaben- Treppenhausreinigung- Büroreinigung- Reinigung von Büroräumen, Praxen oder auch sanitären Einrichtungen- Abfallbehälter entleerenAnforderungen an den Job- Bodenbeläge reinigen- Gebäudereinigung- Kehren- Reinigen- BerufseinsteigerDeine persönlichen Stärken- Belastbarkeit- Selbständiges Arbeiten- Sorgfalt/Genauigkeit- ZuverlässigkeitDein Weg zu unsWir freuen u...

  • Company ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Brand-Erbisdorf

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir suchen Dich als Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/w/d) in Brand-Erbisdorf!Deine Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten kannst Du im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung im Bereich Produktion vertiefen.Dein Job ist in Vollzeit, Schicht/Nacht/Wochenende und Du erhältst 14,00 € pro Stunde.Wir bieten Dir- Fahrdienste / Shuttle Service zum Arbeitsplatz- Sehr gute Übernahmechancen- Übertarifliche Bezahlung- Langfristiger Einsatz im Kundenunternehmen- Wir bieten Ihnen Abschlagszahlungen anDeine Aufgaben umfassen- Beschicken von Maschinen- Bestücken der ProduktionsanlagenAnforderungen an diesen Job- Auffüllen- Hochofentechnik- Produktion, FertigungDeine persönlichen Stärken sind- Belastbarkeit- Motivation/LeistungsbereitschaftMöchtest Du weitere Informationen über den Job?Wir stehen Dir...

  • Company be4work GmbH in Leipzig

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Für unser Partnerunternehmen, bekannt für Automatisierung und Digitalisierung in der Industrie und Infrastruktur, suchen wir zur sofortigen Besetzung eine/n Verlader (m/w/d) in Leipzig zur Unterstützung.Sie bringen mit- Berufserfahrung in den oben genannten Aufgabenbereichen- Sie verfügen über sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift- Gültiger Staplerschein und Berufserfahrung erforderlich- Vorsorgeuntersuchung G25 von Vorteil, aber nicht zwingend- Sie arbeiten teamorientiert, überzeugen durch Freundlichkeit und Aufgeschlossenheit und sind auf der Suche nach einer langfristigen Berufsperspektive!- Schichtbereitschaft (Wechselschicht)- Eigeninitiative, Belastbarkeit und Flexibilität runden Ihr Profil abIhre Aufgaben- Be- und Entladen von LKW´s mittels Gab...

  • Company ISD Immobilien Service Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG in Leipzig

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Was wir suchenDu sorgst gerne für Ordnung und Sauberkeit und schaffst so eine Wohlfühlatmosphäre? Dann haben wir den perfekten Job für Dich. Werde Teil des Teams des Immobilien Service Deutschland in Leipzig-Gohlis!Wer wir sindDer Immobilien Service Deutschland. Mit mehr als 100 Niederlassungen und über 6.700 Mitarbeitern gehören wir zu den großen nationalen Gebäudedienstleistern.Was Du mitbringst- Du zeichnest Dich durch Deine Zuverlässigkeit aus- Du besitzt einen Sinn für Sauberkeit und OrdnungDein Auftrag- Als Reinigungskraft (m/w/d) kümmerst Du Dich um die Treppenhausreinigung und die Müllbereitstellung- Du arbeitest in Teilzeit ab 25 Stunden oder in Vollzeit 35 Stunden pro WocheWas wir Dir bieten- Ein unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis- Tarifgerechte und pünk...

  • Company Search Consultancy LTD in Altrincham

    Occupational Therapist Opportunity - NorthwestAre you an experienced Occupational Therapist with a passion for mental health? We have an exciting opportunity in the Northwest region where you can make a real impact. This role offers a blend of patient-centered care, professional growth, and flexible working arrangements.Experience Required:* Mental Health Expertise: We are looking for an Occupational Therapist with solid experience in mental health. Experience working with patients dealing with eating disorders is a bonus!* Sensory Integration: Familiarity with sensory assessments and sensory integration techniques is essential for this role.* Patient-Centered Approach: You should have a strong commitment to delivering tailored, personalised care that meets each patient's unique needs.Job ...

  • Company Travail Employment Group in Bristol

    Supply Chain administrator£26,000 to £28,000 per annum, Mon - Fri : 37.50 hours per week, BS34 Bradley Stoke, Bristol, Pension, Holiday, Life cover, EAP, Private Health Cover, parking plus more A global manufacturer within a multi-billion pound turnover and with a clear vision of further growth are looking to recruit a purchasing administrator to join their supply chain team. Operating across 40 countries with 212 sites globally, this opportunity is not to be missed for your future career progression. This position as purchasing administrator will see you :Placing and maintain purchase orders of materialsManaging suppliers and booking requestsSupport the management of aged inventoryAdministering stock check and inventory controlTo support a Supply chain lead in supply chain improvementsGen...

  • Company United Response in Bank

    Are you passionate about working with young people?Are you looking for a way to positively impact people’s lives?United Response is looking for a Functional Skills Tutor to join our education team to support students with disabilities in realising their aspirations to participate in work related activities. You will do this predominantly but not exclusively by assisting in the development of maths and English skills.What are we looking for?In order to be considered for the post of Function Skills Tutor you should have previous experience of tutoring/teaching SEN students including working on functional skills and have at least a level 4 teaching qualification. As our students offer require support and encouragement you should have the ability to form excellent working relationships and be ...

  • Company United Response in Ilfracombe

    Are you passionate about working with young people?Are you looking for a way to positively impact people’s lives?United Response is looking for a Functional Skills Tutor to join our education team to support students with disabilities in realising their aspirations to participate in work related activities. You will do this predominantly but not exclusively by assisting in the development of maths and English skills.What are we looking for?In order to be considered for the post of Function Skills Tutor you should have previous experience of tutoring/teaching SEN students including working on functional skills and have at least a level 4 teaching qualification. As our students offer require support and encouragement you should have the ability to form excellent working relationships and be ...

  • Company United Response in Bank

    Role: Support WorkerSalary: £11.75 per hourLocation: WelwynJoin Our Caring Team: Make a Difference in People's Lives!Are you compassionate, hardworking, and driven by a deep belief in equality for all? Do you want to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities?If so, we want to hear from you!About UsAt United Response, we are more than just a charity—we are a vibrant community dedicated to empowering people with learning disabilities and mental health needs. We believe in breaking down barriers and ensuring that every individual has the right to live, work, and thrive in their community.We are currently expanding our dedicated team in Welwyn, where we provide exceptional care to eight remarkable individuals with complex needs. Our mission is to enrich their liv...

  • Company RE Personnel in Cheltenham

    Are you looking to join an industry leading company based in Cheltenham? Do you have an interest in marketing, social media and online marketing? Are you someone who’s willing to learn and work as part of a team? If you’re somebody who’s wanting to work for a company where you can learn, develop and have a passion for marketing with some experience, this will be the perfect opportunity for you! Working Monday – Friday with an early finish Friday and a starting salary of £24,000, this is a brilliant opportunity. Immediate start is available for the right person!Benefits:• 25 days holiday + bank holiday.• Early finish Friday.• Pension.• Opportunity for hybrid working.• Onsite parking.• Genuine career development opportunities.Roles and Responsibilities of a Junior Marketing Assistant:• Posti...

  • Company Ambitions Personnel in Grantham

    We are looking for laundry operatives to work for our client in Grantham on a temporary-ongoing basis. This role is working Monday to Friday 6am-2.30pm however flexibility to work overtime on Saturdays is required. The job role involves loading/unloading washing machines/tumble dryers therefore the ability to manual handle is essential. Immediate start!Weekly pay!If interested call Meda on 01476574514 or email meda@ambitionspersonnel.comOr Apply Now!GRA1...

  • Company Logistics People in Skelmersdale

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In SKELMERSDALE!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on a Full time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Great Bear Skelmersdale depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Skelmersdale WN8 8DZ Working Hours:• Monday - Friday Or Tuesday - Saturday Night Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday - Sunday Days: £14.61 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday - Sunday Nights: £15.61 P/hr Including Holiday PayAbout You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• No more than 6 points no DD/...

  • Company Logistics People in Lutterworth

    Warehouse Admin Wanted In Lutterworth!Logistics People are looking for an Warehouse Admin to join our team.Location: Lutterworth, Great Bear Working Hours:• Monday - Friday 14:00 - 22:00 Shifts Available Pay rate: £12.35 P/hrPosition: Warehouse AdministratorAs a Warehouse Admin for Logistics People your role will consist of various duties including but not limited to:• A Warehouse admin will divide their time betweenw working in an office and in our busy warehouse facility.• Management of stock within the organisation. This includes receiving, issuing, and dispatching stock.• Administrator will spend a lot of time using computers and need to be very familiar with Excel, Word and data programs, and may also need to use specialist management software programs.• Responsibility for the date en...

  • Company Housing Plus Group in Cannock

    Job title:Activities CoordinatorSalary:£11.44 per hourLocation:Vine Court, CannockHours:16 hours per week, permanentWe currently have a great opportunity for an Activities Coordinator to join our Retirement Living Plus team at Vine Court, Cannock on a part-time, permanent basis. We’re looking for a dedicated professional to bring our values to life and ensure our customers receive outstanding services.The RoleAs an Activities Coordinator, you will design, organise, and deliver a varied and appropriate programme of activities taking into consideration the needs and wishes of each individual. You will incorporate learning, health and physical fitness, social and mental engagement within activities delivered. You will ensure that the service delivered promotes the independence, dignity, right...

  • Company Teacheractive Limited in Bristol

    Job Title: Primary TeacherLocation: BristolStart Date: Immediate StartSalary: £120 - £160 per day Can you inspire young minds with an engaging teaching style?Do you have strong classroom management?Do you have sound knowledge of the Primary Curriculum? TeacherActive, one of the UKs largest leading education recruitment agencies, is proud to be working with a number of Primary Schools across the Bristol region. We are committed to providing our schools with dedicated, passionate and quality Primary Teachers, aswell as providing specialist in-house Career Progression Development opportunities to help maintain our high standards.Whether you are a Primary Teacher who is looking for day-to-day supply, long-term or permanent roles, our expert team of consultants work with a variety of settings a...

  • Company Teacheractive Limited in Messing

    Teacher Active is proud to be working with secondary schools in Stoke-on-Trent that support vulnerable children that have Special Needs which vary from Moderate Learning Disabilities and Severe Learning difficulties to Challenging Behaviour, Global Developmental Delay and Autism. The schools we work with pride themselves by giving a mass amount of support to their students by focusing on desirable behaviour and skills to become independent for life after school. They have created a strategy to build a strong foundation for the development and learning for their students by building and strengthening healthy relationships between teacher and student.As a SEND Teaching Assistant you will be help prepare learning material for the class and frequently carry out 1:1 and group learning support ...

  • Company Teacheractive Limited in Bargoed

    Job Title: SEN Learning Support Assistant / SEN LSA Location: BargoedStart Date: NovemberSalary: £76 - £85 per dayAre you a looking to work in a SEN provision? Do you have experiencing supporting children with additional needs and/or disabilities?Do you have a patient and nurturing nature?TeacherActive is proud to be working with a school in Newport, supporting with their recruitment for a SEN Learning Support Assistant / LSA. The setting is centred on pupil’s development, as well as an intrinsic desire to make progress both academically and with their own emotional, social and behavioural skills.The school is seeking a passionate team player to take on this short-term role, although there is potential...

  • Company Teacheractive Limited in Bristol

    Job Title: Nursery Practitioner Location: BristolStart Date: Immediate StartSalary: £13-£15 per hour Are you an enthusiastic Nursery Practitioner who would like the opportunity to join a friendly team in Bristol?Are you reliable, honest and hard-working?Do you adopt a ‘can-do’ attitude? TeacherActive is proud to be working with a day-nursery with sites across Bristol, who are looking for a Nursery Practitioner to cover shifts across all sites. This is an exciting opportunity to work with a warm and positive day-nursery in Bristol, who focus on child engagement with a therapeutic approach. Both indoor and outdoor areas are split into age-appropriate sections and provide senso...

  • Company Teacheractive Limited in Middlesbrough

    The Role: Maths Teacher (KS3 - KS4) Location: MiddlesbroughStart date: September 2024 Pay Scale: £165 - £235 per day DOETeacherActive works closely with a school located in the Middlesbrough area who are looking for a Maths teacher to join their team in September. The will be joining a great team of staff and supporting students in KS3-4.The role:• Teaching assigned classes and creating a productive learning environment• Planning and delivering engaging content to mainstream secondary students• Monitoring pupils progress and supporting them through areas of weakness.Requirements:• PGCE, QTS and a BSc (Hons) Maths or in a relevant field.• Has a DBS• Has classroom experience• Has the right to work in the UK.If this is something you would be interested in please apply now.In return you can e...

  • Company Teacheractive Limited in Llanelli

    Do you have experience working with children?Do you have a passion for children’s learning?Are you able to act well as part of a team and autonomously?TeacherActive is proud to be working with a renowned college in Llanelli. The college is focused on giving the best level of education to all of their pupils in a warm, safe and accepting environment. This is where you as a talented Learning Support Assistant come in!The college is looking for talented Classroom Assistants to support the classroom teacher and act autonomously. The successful Classroom Assistant will have a positive attitude, fostering a supportive and encouraging atmosphere for pupils and colleagues. If you are a Classroom Assistant who has 6 months experience working with children we’d love to hear from you! If you have exp...

  • Company Affinity Trust in Ellingham

    Doing amazing things together We’re all about possibilities. Are you? Are you an outdoorsy person? Someone who loves being surrounded by countryside, walking and spending time in the garden? Become a Support Worker. What matters to the people we support matters to us. It’s their life, their way. We are looking for a warm, welcoming person to join our fantastic team supporting 3 ladies who live in a rural, countryside area in Great Ellingham. You will be working in their home, so it’s important you can connect, share interests and be interested. They love spending time outside and going for drives to explore the local area, trips to the café, shopping, horse riding and cooking. They enjoy spending time with people who have a great sense of humour. You should be available to work a variety o...

  • Company Affinity Trust in Street

    Doing Amazing Things Together We’re all about possibilities. Are you? Is community important to you? Are you outgoing, passionate and courteous? Become a Bank Support Worker. What matters to the people we support matters to us. It’s their life, their way. Our Outreach and supported living homes across the Mendip area works alongside people living in Street, wells, Frome, Nunney and Wookey in their own homes who need people like you to ensure they can live as independently as possible. If you are good at cooking, managing a budget, planning and managing your time. Or just passionate about helping others, then you could be part of our team supporting people to maintain or learn new skills needed to live their best life! For this role we need you to be a driver with access to your own car, ...

  • Company Turners (Soham) Ltd in Park

    Turners (Soham) is recruiting LGV Class CE (Class1) tramper food grade powder tanker drivers to be based at our Trafford Park, Manchester Depot. Nights away from depot will be required for these vacancies.Shifts available: Sunday to Thursday. (Average earnings £846 weekly plus subsistence). Tuesday to Saturday. (Average earnings £840 weekly plus subsistence). Monday to Friday, with optional weekend day every second week. (Average earnings £816 weekly plus subsistence) As a professional and skilled driver you will be required to demonstrate professionalism and courteous conduct to our customers. As a driver within our Foods Grade Products division, you will develop close working relationships with your planning, training, and supervisory team, and driving colleagues in an organisation that ...

  • Company Randstad Education in Hassocks

    Learning Support Assistants Required in Thriving SEN School in West Sussex.Location: HassocksPosition: Learning Support AssistantContract Type: Full-time / Part-timeSalary: Competitive, based on experienceAbout The School:This is a thriving independent school that provides a nurturing environment for students with a range of learning needs. They are dedicated to fostering a positive and inclusive atmosphere where every student can achieve their full potential.Role Overview:We are seeking a compassionate and dedicated Learning Support Assistant to join their team. In this role, you will work closely with students, providing tailored support to enhance their learning experiences. Your contributions will help create an engaging and inclusive educational environment.Key Responsibilities:Provid...

  • Company Randstad Education in Woking

    MFL Teacher Required in Woking. If you are an MFL Teacher, experienced at teaching French, please read on...We are seeking an experienced and passionate French Teacher to join a school in Woking, Surrey, on a part-time basis.Position Details:Role: French TeacherLocation: Woking, SurreyContract: Part-time, 3 days per week (Monday to Wednesday)Start Date: ASAPKey Stage: Up to KS4Key Responsibilities:Teach French to students up to KS4 level.Plan and deliver engaging lessons that cater to a variety of learning styles.Assess and monitor students' progress, providing constructive feedback.Contribute to the French department's development and the wider school community.Requirements:Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or equivalent.Experience teaching French up to KS4.Strong subject knowledge and a pas...

  • Company Randstad Education in Stourport-on-Severn

    Exciting Opportunity: SEN Teaching AssistantPosition: SEN Teaching AssistantLocation: Kidderminster, Worcestershire Hourly Rate: £11.72 - £12.78 per hourAnnual Salary: £20,941.30 - £22,835.30 (Term-Time Only)Contract: Permanent, 40 hours per week, term-time onlyAbout the RoleAs a Teaching Assistant, you will play a crucial role in supporting students aged 11-16 with special educational needs, including Autism and associated conditions. Working alongside our experienced teaching team, you will provide both academic and vocational support, helping students excel in their educational and personal development. Whether it's in the classroom, outdoors with Bushcraft, or in life skills activities, your role will make a real differenceIn this role, you will provide essential support in a highly sp...

  • Company Randstad Education in Stone

    Exciting Opportunity: SEN Behavioral Support Teaching AssistantPosition: SEN Behavioral Support Teaching AssistantLocation: Kidderminster, Worcestershire Hourly Rate: £11.72 - £12.78 per hourAnnual Salary: £20,941.30 - £22,835.30 (Term-Time Only)Contract: Permanent, 40 hours per week, term-time onlyAbout the RoleAs a Behavioral Support Teaching Assistant, you will play a crucial role in supporting students aged 11-16 with special educational needs, including Autism and associated conditions. Working alongside our experienced teaching team, you will provide both academic and vocational support, helping students excel in their educational and personal development. Whether it's in the classroom, outdoors with Bushcraft, or in life skills activities, your role will make a real differenceIn thi...

  • Company Randstad Education in Stourport-on-Severn

    Exciting Opportunity: Level 2/3 Learning Support Assistant Position: SEN Learning Support Assistant Location: Kidderminster, Worcestershire Hourly Rate: £11.72 - £12.78 per hourAnnual Salary: £20,941.30 - £22,835.30 (Term-Time Only)Contract: Permanent, 40 hours per week, term-time onlyAbout the Roleeducational needs, such as Autism and related conditions. Collaborating with our skilled teaching team, you will offer academic and vocational assistance, empowering students to thrive both educationally and personally. Whether in the classroom, outdoors through Bushcraft, or during life skills activities, your contributions will have a meaningful impact.In this position, you will provide crucial support in a specialised learning setting, assisting students in managing sensory overload, anxiety,...

  • Company Randstad Education in Stourport-on-Severn

    Exciting Opportunity: SEN Behavioral Support Teaching AssistantPosition: SEN Behavioral Support Teaching AssistantLocation: Kidderminster, Worcestershire Hourly Rate: £11.72 - £12.78 per hourAnnual Salary: £20,941.30 - £22,835.30 (Term-Time Only)Contract: Permanent, 40 hours per week, term-time onlyAbout the RoleAs a Behavioral Support Teaching Assistant, you will play a crucial role in supporting students aged 11-16 with special educational needs, including Autism and associated conditions. Working alongside our experienced teaching team, you will provide both academic and vocational support, helping students excel in their educational and personal development. Whether it's in the classroom, outdoors with Bushcraft, or in life skills activities, your role will make a real differenceIn thi...

  • Company Randstad Education in Stone

    Exciting Opportunity: Level 2/3 Learning Support Assistant Position: SEN Learning Support Assistant Location: Kidderminster, Worcestershire Hourly Rate: £11.72 - £12.78 per hourAnnual Salary: £20,941.30 - £22,835.30 (Term-Time Only)Contract: Permanent, 40 hours per week, term-time onlyAbout the Roleeducational needs, such as Autism and related conditions. Collaborating with our skilled teaching team, you will offer academic and vocational assistance, empowering students to thrive both educationally and personally. Whether in the classroom, outdoors through Bushcraft, or during life skills activities, your contributions will have a meaningful impact.In this position, you will provide crucial support in a specialised learning setting, assisting students in managing sensory overload, anxiety,...

  • Company Randstad Education in Bewdley

    Exciting Opportunity: Specialist Support AssistantPosition: SEN Teaching AssistantLocation: Kidderminster, Worcestershire Hourly Rate: £11.72 - £12.78 per hourAnnual Salary: £20,941.30 - £22,835.30 (Term-Time Only)Contract: Permanent, 40 hours per week, term-time onlyAbout the RoleAs a Specialist Support Assistant, you will play a crucial role in supporting students aged 11-16 with special educational needs, including Autism and associated conditions. Working alongside our experienced teaching team, you will provide both academic and vocational support, helping students excel in their educational and personal development. Whether it's in the classroom, outdoors with Bushcraft, or in life skills activities, your role will make a real differenceIn this role, you will provide essential suppor...

  • Company Randstad Education in Bewdley

    Exciting Opportunity: SEN Behavioral Support Teaching AssistantPosition: SEN Behavioral Support Teaching AssistantLocation: Kidderminster, Worcestershire Hourly Rate: £11.72 - £12.78 per hourAnnual Salary: £20,941.30 - £22,835.30 (Term-Time Only)Contract: Permanent, 40 hours per week, term-time onlyAbout the RoleAs a Behavioral Support Teaching Assistant, you will play a crucial role in supporting students aged 11-16 with special educational needs, including Autism and associated conditions. Working alongside our experienced teaching team, you will provide both academic and vocational support, helping students excel in their educational and personal development. Whether it's in the classroom, outdoors with Bushcraft, or in life skills activities, your role will make a real differenceIn thi...

  • Company Randstad Education in Liverpool

    Job Overview:We are looking for an enthusiastic Reception Teacher to join a one-form-entry primary school in Liverpool. Whether you're an experienced educator or an Early Career Teacher (ECT), this full-time role offers you the chance to inspire and educate young learners. Key responsibilities include delivering engaging lessons, tracking pupil progress, and providing support to students with Special Educational Needs (SEN). The school fosters a close-knit community and offers significant opportunities for career advancement. Key Responsibilities:Plan and deliver inspiring, age-appropriate lessonsMonitor and assess student progressProvide tailored support to SEN studentsCreate an inclusive and nurturing learning environmentRequirements:Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)Knowledge of the Nationa...

  • Company University of Exeter in Exeter

    Faculty of Health and Life SciencesThe postThe Faculty wishes to recruit either a Graduate Research Assistant, Postdoctoral Research Associate, or Postdoctoral Research Fellow to participate in a Wellcome funded collaborative project spanning the University of Exeter, University of Cambridge, and the University of Helsinki. The project studies our recent discovery of human-specific gene regulation in pancreatic beta-cell development. This post is available from December 1st, 2024 on a fixed term basis until 31st March 2027The successful applicant will analyse genome sequencing data from individuals with neonatal diabetes to identify novel genetic causes of the disease. They will also analyse publicly available datasets and pancreatic differentiation single-cell genomics data to understand ...

  • Company Gen122 in london

    Job vacancy for an Ofsted Deputy Manager in North West London.Role: Ofsted Deputy ManagerLocation: North West LondonJob Type: Permanent, Full-timeSalary: £42k - £45kResponsibilities:• Develop and maintain a high-quality service level.• Collaborate with the clinical team to develop and implement therapeutic strategies.• Provide leadership and support to the staff team.• Ensure the highest standards of care and support for the children.• Foster a safe, loving, and positive environment.• Report and action service improvements when identified.• Ensure that all necessary records are complete, accurate and legible, and available to authorised persons when required.Requirements:• Experience in a similar role within SEMH provisions.• Passion for making a difference in children's lives.• Strong lea...

  • Company United Response in Bank

    Are you passionate about working with young people?Are you looking for a way to positively impact people’s lives?United Response is looking for a Functional Skills Tutor to join our education team to support students with disabilities in realising their aspirations to participate in work related activities. You will do this predominantly but not exclusively by assisting in the development of maths and English skills.What are we looking for?In order to be considered for the post of Function Skills Tutor you should have previous experience of tutoring/teaching SEN students including working on functional skills and have at least a level 4 teaching qualification. As our students offer require support and encouragement you should have the ability to form excellent working relationships and be ...

  • Company Travail Employment Group in Bristol

    Head of Marketing£60,000 per annum plus bonus, Permanent, Monday to Friday, BS32 Bristol, Holidays, Pension and free Parking. A well-established Bristol based company are seeking a dynamic and experienced senior marketing person to continue growth in their established domestic market and to expand their business into Europe. The successful head of marketing will be team focused, with a track record of developing strategies to build new business opportunities in the construction supply and building safety sector. You will lead a small marketing team and manage external agencies to deliver projected business growth reporting to the senior leadership team. Key Responsibilities for the head of marketing:Develop and implement comprehensive marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness and m...

  • Company Home Group Limited in Lane

    Financial Inclusion Associate Hybrid working from our office at One Strawberry Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne and from home Permanent, full time (37.5 hpw) £23,464 pa and great benefits including Health Cash Plan Home, a place where you belong We have a brilliant job opportunity for you to join our awesome team as our Financial Inclusion Associate. We support our customers nationally by telephone. We maximise their income through Benefit Checks and Budgeting and help them to be more financially confident. The cost-of-living increase has had an impact on our customers’ money, and we are here to help them manage the extra costs. Typical day as our Financial Inclusion Associate Engaging customers over the phone, offering them tailored advice to enhance their financial stability through suppo...

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