Jobmonitor. Search results for wellness-massagezentrum-dr-gaschler-gmbh. Page 11113

561046 Jobs found

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  • wellness-massagezentrum-dr-gaschler-gmbhx
Displaying 560997-561046 of 561046 results.
  • Company Dansk Detail og Administration ApS in Risskov
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Dansk Detail Rengøring søger ny medarbejder til rengøring af dagligvarebutik.Der skal gøres rent i butikken 3 dage om ugen, mandag, onsdag og fredag.Der er 12 timer pr uge med opstart kl 7 alle dage.Vi sørger for oplæring også til gulvvaskemaskine.Vi forventer, at du kan kommunikere på dansk eller som minimum engelsk på et godt niveau.Mærk ansøgningen "Risskov"...

  • Company Dansk Detail og Administration ApS in Hasselager
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Dansk Detail Rengøring søger ny medarbejder til rengøring af dagligvarebutik.Der skal gøres rent i butikken 5 dage om ugen - mandag, tirsdag, onsdag, fredag og lørdag.Der er 10 timer pr uge med opstart kl. 6:00 alle dage.Vi sørger for oplæring, også til gulvmaskinen.Vi forventer, at du kan kommunikere på dansk eller som minimum engelsk på et godt niveau.Mærk ansøgningen "Kolt"...

  • Company RANDERS MØLLEBYGGERI A/S in Spentrup
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Vi er inde i en spændende udvikling og har derfor brug for flere medarbejder i vores virksomhed.Dine arbejdsopgaver vil bestå af montage af nye og brugte anlæg til foderstoffer, mineralfabrikkerlandbrug, træfabrikker og lign. Kan også være reparationer af møllerimaskiner, filtre, palletering,big-bag anlæg, gear/motor samt div. fejlfinding på anlæg m.m.Du møder ind på værkstedet i Spentrup og kører ud til kunder i hele Jylland og Fyn.Så er du udlært smed, mekaniker eller lign. og har teknisk forståelse, så er du lige den vi står og mangler.Kendskab til møllerimaskiner eller transportør ser vi gerne - men er ingen betingelse.Du skal have kørekort og gerne truckcertifikat.Vi kan tilbyde varieret arbejde og et godt arbejdsklima.Er du intresseret - så send os en ansøgning på info@mollebyg.dkHvi...

  • Company ROSSEN RECYCLING COMPANY A/S in Hedensted
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Vi søger en pladsmand til sortering, nedskæring, af- og pålæsning med kran og gaffeltruck. ...

  • Company Aprengo ApS in Bjæverskov
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 13.12.2024

    Gode og stabile rengøringsassistenter søges til kontor rengøring.Sma bi job.Dyssegårdsvej, Ringsted: Hver tirsdag og torsdag 2 timer 15 minRengøringsassistenter der bor i nærheden vil blive fortrukket. Der er tale om små pladser der giver få timer hver uge. Vi har ikke deltid eller fultids stillinger. Straffeattest kræves.Skritlig ansøgning og CV sendes til Elisabeth Sørensen eller Vana Lekka påaprengojob@gmail.com_______________________________________________________________________________________Cleaning assistant wanted for an office in Ringsted.Dyssegårdsvej, Ringsted: Every Tuesday and Thursday, 2 hours and  15 minutes.The position offers only a few hours per week. We do not offer full-time or part-time positions.A criminal record is required.Written application and CV can be sent t...

  • Company Aprengo ApS in Bjæverskov
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 13.12.2024

    Gode og stabile rengøringsassistenter søges til kontor rengøring.Sma bi job.Græsmarkvej, Bjæverskov: hver lørdag: 1 time 30 minRengøringsassistenter der bor i nærheden vil blive fortrukket. Der er tale om små pladser der giver få timer hver uge. Start fredag efter kl 12:30. Man skal senest være started lørdag kl 18:00 Vi har ikke deltid eller fultids stillinger. Straffeattest kræves.Skiftlig ansøgning og CV sendes til Elisabeth Sørensen eller Vana Lekka på:aprengojob@gmail.com______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Cleaning assistant wanted for an office in Bjæverskov.Græsmarkvej, Bjæverskov: Saturday, 1 hour 30 minutes.All Saturday shifts can be done on Friday evening. You can start after 5:00 PM on Friday, but must sta...

  • Company Uggerly Installation A/S in Aarhus V
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Er du en dygtig og faglært elektriker, som brænder for at være en del af den grønne omstilling? Så er du den rigtige kandidat til vores afdeling i Aarhus.Vi er på udkig efter dygtige elektrikere i serviceafdelingen til at udføre installation og service af ladebokse i Midtjylland omkring for et stort dansk energiselskab. Din primære opgave vil være at opsætte ladebokse hos private kunder. Du får stillet egen firmabil til rådighed, og du vil have ansvaret for alle processer, herunder opmåling, test og rådgivning til kunden.Der er mulighed for at kørsel sker fra eget hjem og ud til opgaverne.Tiltrædelse hurtigst muligt.Som del af Uggerly Installation forventer vi, at du: Er uddannet elektrikerBrænder for den grønne omstillingAltid udfører dit arbejde af højeste håndværksmæssige kvalitet...

  • Company JJOPS in Randers SV
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Har du let til smil. Elsker en humoristisk og fri omgangstone blandt dedikerede og dygtige kollegaer der alle brænder for ”at stå på hovedet” i en motor? Så bør du læser med her.Hvem er vi?Vi er totalleverandør indenfor transportbranchen med servicecenter, der har samlet alt under et tag. Her yder vi dagligt service på lastbiler, varevogne, trailere, og blokvogne indenfor alle mærker og har forrygende travlt.Derfor søger vi en ny kollega til at indgå i vores fantastiske team af medarbejdere, der hver dag yder deres bedste for at levere et professionelt stykke arbejde og opretholde vores høje kundetilfredshed, så vi kan fortsætte vores udviklingsrejse.Hvem er du?Om du er ny i gamet eller en erfaren ”værkstedsrotte”, betyder mindre for os. Blot du brænder for dit håndværk, har en professione...

  • Company Eurojob Denmark ApS in Vejle
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Type of employment: permanent Location: 7100 VejleStarting date: as soon as possibleJob description 25 skilled and experienced butchers needed in Vejle, Denmark. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply by sending their application or calling +45 88448244 during our office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-15:00 and Friday 9:00-13:00.Job duties and responsibilitiesSlaughtering: Working on the slaughter line, performing humane stunning and slaughtering of pigs.Carving and Deboning: Skilled cutting and deboning of pork carcasses, separating primal cuts and preparing them for further processing.Trimming: Trimming excess fat and removing any imperfections to ensure high-quality meat.Knife Handling: Expert use of knives and other cutting tools to perform tasks efficiently and safely.Hygiene and ...

  • Company Din Frisør in Videbæk
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    FRISØR SØGES Din Frisør Videbæk Vi søger en  frisør til vores team i Videbæk! Hvis du er udadvendt, smilende og stabil med evnen til at tage ansvar og jonglere flere opgaver samtidigt, så er det dig, vi leder efter! Vi tilbyder:- Fuldtidsstilling (37 timer) - deltid - Løn: i timen, afhængigt af dine kompetencerEr du klar til at tage det næste skridt i din karriere? Ring til Henriette på 20 85 20 35 eller send en sms for en uforpligtende samtale. Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig! ...

  • Company BPA PRO TEAM ApS in Aulum
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Disability helper wanted in Denmark. If you are a homecareassistent/helper and want to explore the adventures of living and working in one of the happiest nations in the world, you may be interested in working as a disability helper in Denmark – known for ‘hygge’, work-life balance and fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen’s the Little Mermaid. We are looking for skilled people who are interested in moving to Denmark. The two-year process of getting a Danish authorization.You will be offered a fulltime job in a private home working as a disability helper for our clients. You must learn to speak Danish by attending Danish language school two times a week. These classes can also be attended online. There will be a teaching period where you will learn all about the client that you will be...

  • Company Friall s.r.o. in Tábor
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 16.12.2024

    Mzda od 40.000 K +  bonus z prodeje + osobní ohodnoceníNápl práce:- zajištní komplexní obchodní a marketingové innosti ve sveném úseku- rozvoj obchodního potenciálu u stávajících zákazník formou návštv a elektronické komunikace- vyhledávání a kontaktování nových a potenciálních zákazník.- zpracování nabídek pro nové i stávající zákazníky.- kontrola pítomnosti výrobk na prodejnách- provádní msíního cenového monitoringu, zpracování týdenních report výsledk návštv, pravidelné msíní meetingy s obchodním manaeremPoadujeme: - minimáln SŠ vzdlání nebo vyuení v oboru,- pedpoklady k obchodní innosti, schopnost navázat a budovat vztahy se zákazníky- znalost práce na PC,- praxi v prodeji rychloobrátkového zboí- zodpovdný pístup k práci, dobrý zdravotní stav, organizaní schopnosti a flexibilitu pi pln...

  • Company VIKARRINGEN ApS in Roslev
    11.12.2024 Updated on: 22.12.2024

    Montagemedarbejde til Glyngøre Til vikariat ved kunde i Glyngøre søger vi montagemedarbejdere Vikariatet er langvarigt.Jobbet: Du skal kunne arbejde selvstændigt, have en god portion selvdisciplin, betjene værktøj (skruemaskine, skruetrækker m.m.) og være tålmodig. Arbejdet forgår primært stående ved arbejdsstationer. Arbejdsopgaverne er samling af forskellige elementer, som kan indeholde både mindre og større ting. Kvalifikationer: Erfaring i betjening af værktøj – skruemaskine Du taler og læser dansk (tegninger/instruktioner er på dansk) Håndtering af småting; såsom skruer, bolte osv.   Arbejdstiden er 37 timer ugentligt og timelønnen er 161,25 kr. i timen plus pension, feriepenge m.v.  Virksomheden har et godt arbejdsmiljø med mange søde kollegaer Hvis, ovenstående har din interesse sen...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Oldham
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Do you have at least 2 years of experience in rheumatology or orthopaedics? The Pennine MSK Partnership is offering an opportunity for a Pain Physiotherapist to join the team. You'll gain the skills and knowledge to become an expert in biopsychosocial assessment and treatment, ultimately providing comprehensive care to our patients. You'll work alongside a multidisciplinary pain team (MDT) including specialist physiotherapists, nurses, GPs with a special interest in pain (GPSI), psychiatrists, psychologists, and CBT therapists gaining invaluable insights from each discipline and fostering a collaborative approach to patient care. You will have excellent organisational skills, be an effective team player and have a flexible approach to service delivery. You will have a strong commitment to ...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Newcastle
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    . The main duties of the post holder will be; Supporting departmental managers in the day-to-day management of the contracts Liaising with MESC contract holders, primary suppliers and third parties Liaising with internal Trust departments including but not limited to finance and procurement Working with colleagues across the directorate to ensure accurate and up to date costings are provided. The post holder will work alongside senior managers both within the directorate and elsewhere across the Trust. Communication and interpersonal skills will be key to making a success of the role, and project management experience is desirable the directorate currently has many interdependent projects in the pipeline. Please note it is a requirement of The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation T...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Halifax
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you a strong clinical manager with a passion for Dermatology, love working as part of an enthusiastic community team and are looking for some career progression? Then this could be the role for you! A bit about us... Hello! We are Vita Health Group and have a great opportunity for a Nurse Team Manager to join our service. We have recently been recognised as being one of the UKs best health care companies to work for, and we want you to become part of that! As a people-centred company, we are keen to develop individuals careers where their interests apply. So, if you're looking to enhance your skill sets, progress your career or focus on your personal growth, please read on. What you will do in the role... The Nurse Team Manager will lead a team of healthcare professionals in delivering...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Gloucester
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Strategic Responsibility Lead the development of the strategic elective direction for the specialities in line with the Division and Trusts overall strategy and transformation programme, ensuring that all strategic plans are incorporated into service plans and objectives for all staff Provide leadership to areas managed, working with surgical general managers and clinical colleagues to manage the design and delivery of clinical/non-clinical elective services within the specialities. Develop a culture within areas managed in which all staff are delivering high quality patient-centred clinical and support services. Develop short, medium and long-term objectives, which are turned into effective, affordable and achievable annual service plans for the specialities, and deliver these plans withi...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Peterborough
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    The job plan is anticipated to contain 10 programmed activities, 8.5 PA's of direct clinical care and 1.5 SPA's per week. You will be required to work across Peterborough City Hospital and Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Huntingdon. Travel between sites will be suitably reimbursed. We are open to consider alternative job content on a personal basis. You will be joining the Consultant rota on a 1:7 weekend ward rounds as following consultant of the week model. Currently, there are no on call commitments; however, it is expected that the cardiology team moves towards providing 24/7 cover. You will contribute to general cardiology services including outpatients clinics and inpatient ward work as consultant of the week as well as reviewing outlying patients with cardiac conditions. You will share r...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Guide
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    To find out more about the key responsibilities and the specific skills and experience youll need, take a look at the Job Description & Person Specification attachments under the Supporting Documents heading. So that youre even more equipped to make an informed decision to apply to us, youll need to take time to read the Candidate Essentials Guide that sits with the Job Description and Person Specification. This document provides you with details about the Trust, our benefits and outlines how we care for you as you care for others. Most importantly, it also contains critical information youll need to be aware of before you submit an application form. Diversity Matters MFT is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, celebrating and valuing diversity and eliminating any form of unlawf...

  • Company NHS Jobs in london
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    See attached Job Description and Personal Specification for more details. If you would like to discuss the opportunity, please feel free to contact Brad Tobin ( Interviews for this role are expected to be on the 3rd January or early the following week....

  • Company NHS Jobs in Rugeley
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    The main duties of the role will be: Provision of highly specialist psychological practice Governance of psychological practice across neurodevelopmental services Clinical, strategic and professional leadership of CYP Autism and associated neurodevelopmental services in conjunction with other leads Service development and quality improvement Please do view and read the job description for more detailed information on the role. We also encourage you to contact us if you would like to discuss this challenging but exciting role further. Please contact: Wendy Hallows, Service Manager at Chris Faram, Professional Lead for Psychological Services at

  • Company NHS Jobs in Liverpool
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you a strong clinical manager with a passion for Dermatology, love working as part of an enthusiastic community team and are looking for some career progression? Then this could be the role for you! A bit about us... Hello! We are Vita Health Group and have a great opportunity for a Nurse Team Manager to join our service. We have recently been recognised as being one of the UKs best health care companies to work for, and we want you to become part of that! As a people-centred company, we are keen to develop individuals careers where their interests apply. So, if you're looking to enhance your skill sets, progress your career or focus on your personal growth, please read on. What you will do in the role... The Nurse Team Manager will lead a team of healthcare professionals in delivering...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Edgbaston
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Please view the attached recruitment profile which is a summary of the detailed Job Description and Person Specification for the full personal attributes we require for the role. You will need to demonstrate these throughout the recruitment process. What we offer: NHSBT promotes flexible working opportunities where the role will allow. 27 days annual leave (pro rata for part-time) plus Bank Holidays, increasing to 29 days after 5 years service and to 33 days after 10 years. NHS pension scheme. The NHS Pension Scheme is a defined benefit scheme (not dependent on investment returns) Further details and outline of benefits can be found at: Weve fostered a culture of continuous learning where colleagues are well-led, engaged, and encouraged to grow. We support you in...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Cambridge
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Please see the attached Applicant Information Pack (combined Job Description and Person Specification) for key duties and responsibilities. This vacancy will close at midnight on Monday 27th December 2024. Selected candidates will be invited to attend preliminary interviews with Odgers Berndtson.The final interview process with CUH will take place on a date to be confirmed in February. The preferred method of application is online at: you are unable to apply online please email: All applications will receive an automated response. Any postal applications should be sent directly to Carmel Gibbons, 20 Cannon Street, London, EC4M 6XD. Benefits to you At Cambridge University Hospitals, we want to do all we can to support good working days. We of...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Oldham
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you an Occupational Therapist who would like to explore a rewarding career experience? About Us Cygnet Health Care was established in 1988 as an independent provider of health and social care services in England, Scotland and Wales. Your Role Service Line:Mental Health Adults - High Support Inpatient Rehabilitation Service (Level 2) for Women Summary of the site: Providing a safe and secure care pathway for women with mental health needs, we have collaborated with the NHS to develop services to support individuals from the North West to be treated closer to home. Cygnet Kenney House is on the redeveloped site of a former nursing home situated on Wester Hill Road. The service is named after the Oldham suffragette Annie Kenney. The hospital will be staffed by a dedicated and highly skill...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Coventry
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you a strong clinical manager with a passion for Dermatology, love working as part of an enthusiastic community team and are looking for some career progression? Then this could be the role for you! A bit about us... Hello! We are Vita Health Group and have a great opportunity for a Nurse Team Manager to join our service. We have recently been recognised as being one of the UKs best health care companies to work for, and we want you to become part of that! As a people-centred company, we are keen to develop individuals careers where their interests apply. So, if you're looking to enhance your skill sets, progress your career or focus on your personal growth, please read on. What you will do in the role... The Nurse Team Manager will lead a team of healthcare professionals in delivering...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Mansfield
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you a newly qualified Occupational Therapist who would like to explore a rewarding career experience? Bramble Ward Male Acute Mental Health service Bramble Ward is one of our 16 bed male emergency acute inpatient services. The ward provides a safe and stabilising environment for individuals who are experiencing an acute episode of mental illness and require an emergency admission. The ethos of the service is about assessing and treating individuals in the least restrictive environment and planning for discharge in a robust and timely fashion. With a focus on stabilisation, we support individuals to manage their mental health, reinforce daily living skills and prepare for independent life back in the community. Our team work closely and collaboratively with service users, their families...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Cleator
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Please see attached job description and person specification for further information regarding the role and the essential and desirable criteria required to be met by applicants. Please note, due to changes implemented by the Government to the UK immigration policy, individuals who require a Health and Care Visa or a Skilled Worker Visa may no longer be eligible for sponsorship where the UKVI salary threshold is not met or if the occupation is not included in the updated Immigration Salary List (ISL). Applicants must check their eligibility to be employed in any role they are interested in applying for, prior to completing an application for employment.Any applicants who do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be progressed. If you are applying under the Disability Confident Scheme o...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Dodworth
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Please view the attached recruitment profile which is a summary of the detailed Job Description and Person Specification for the full personal attributes we require for the role. You will need to demonstrate these throughout the recruitment process. What we offer: NHSBT promotes flexible working opportunities where the role will allow. 27 days annual leave (pro rata for part-time) plus Bank Holidays, increasing to 29 days after 5 years service and to 33 days after 10 years. NHS pension scheme. The NHS Pension Scheme is a defined benefit scheme (not dependent on investment returns) Further details and outline of benefits can be found at: Weve fostered a culture of continuous learning where colleagues are well-led, engaged, and encouraged to grow. We support you in...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Carlisle
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Please see attached job description and person specification for further information regarding the role and the essential and desirable criteria required to be met by applicants. Please note, due to changes implemented by the Government to the UK immigration policy, individuals who require a Health and Care Visa or a Skilled Worker Visa may no longer be eligible for sponsorship where the UKVI salary threshold is not met or if the occupation is not included in the updated Immigration Salary List (ISL). Applicants must check their eligibility to be employed in any role they are interested in applying for, prior to completing an application for employment.Any applicants who do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be progressed. If you are applying under the Disability Confident Scheme o...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Catterick
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Duties of the role include but are not limited to: Supporting the Regional Pharmacist in the ongoing development of the new Dispensary at the Catterick Integrated Care Centre (CICC). Managing the repeat prescribing and reauthorisation process by reviewing requests for repeat prescriptions and medicines reaching review dates. Responsible for the generation and collation of reports on own practice and that of team on service delivery and local and national targets, and monthly reporting to Healthcare Governance and other relevant Meetings. Working closely with the Regional Pharmacist to contribute towards the development and delivery of Head Quarters DPHC Pharmacy Strategy. Please see the attached Job Description and Person Specification for additional job duties and responsibilities Selecti...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Melton Mowbray
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    What DHU can offer you: Location Melton Mowbray Urgent Care Centre, Melton Mowbray Hospital, Thorpe Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1SJ Enderby Urgent Care Centre, Enderby Leisure Centre, Mill Lane, Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 4LX Market Harborough Urgent Care Centre ,St Lukes Hospital,31 Leicester Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7BN Hinckley & Bosworth Community Hospital, Ashby Road, Hinkley, Leicestershire, LE10 3DA Competitive salary:£62,484 - £72,865 (Band 8.b0) Generous annual leave entitlement: Standard 25 days + 8 bank holidays, increasing with service up to 33 days + 8 bank holidays. Pro Rata/ Per Annum Employee benefits: As part of our team at DHU Healthcare, we believe in rewarding you, our colleague, for your hard work and dedication to providing the v...

  • Company NHS Jobs in York
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    A full description of the role is available in the attachment: job description. Please note that if a high number of applications are received this advert may close early. You are advised to submit your application at the earliest opportunity. Working for the Trust Across our organisation, people are guided by values that were co-developed with staff: we are kind; we are open; and we pursue excellence. Our values play into our ambition to develop a more diverse workforce, truly representative of our communities. We welcome applications from everyone, while working with our Staff Networks - including our Race Equality, LGBTQ+, Disability and Carers Networks - to increase the number of applications we receive from different backgrounds. If there is anything we can do to make our application ...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Manchester
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    To find out more about the key responsibilities and the specific skills and experience youll need, take a look at the Job Description & Person Specification attachments under the Supporting Documents heading. So that youre even more equipped to make an informed decision to apply to us, youll need to take time to read the Candidate Essentials Guidethat sits with the Job Description and Person Specification. This document provides you with details about the Trust, our benefits and outlines how we care for you as you care for others. Most importantly, it also contains critical information youll need to be aware of before you submit an application form. Diversity Matters MFT is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, celebrating and valuing diversity and eliminating any form of unlawfu...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Hinckley
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    The main duties of this role are outlined below; however, more information is available upon request. To undertake duties governed by the contract and Direct and Local Enhanced Services including: Face to face and telephone consultations Patient Home visits and Nursing Home visits Checking and signing repeat prescriptions Administration - dealing with queries, patient test results, referral letters NHS/private, task, emails and other paperwork and correspondence in a timely manner. Cover all the clinical management of the patients in surgery as appropriate including initiating investigations, reviewing results, making referrals to secondary care or to other providers as appropriate. Develop care and treatment plans in consultation with patients and in line with current Practice disease man...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Manchester
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    st To find out more about the key responsibilities and the specific skills and experience youll need, take a look at the Job Description & Person Specification attachments under the Supporting Documents heading. So that youre even more equipped to make an informed decision to apply to us, youll need to take time to read the Candidate Essentials Guide that sits with the Job Description and Person Specification. This document provides you with details about the Trust, our benefits and outlines how we care for you as you care for others. Most importantly, it also contains critical information youll need to be aware of before you submit an application form. Diversity Matters MFT is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, celebrating and valuing diversity and eliminating any form of unl...

  • Company City Health Care Partnership CIC in Hull
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Senior Health Care Assistant positions available days & nights working hours 7-7 The main role will be to assist the Care leaders & deputy manager of the Residential nursing dementia & Rehabilitation Unit and Intermediate Care qualified nurses to deliver the prescribed care as indicated in the patient’s care plan. To work alongside a team of health care assistants to ensure delivery of high-quality person centred care by promoting best practice within the Intermediate Care Team.To assist the Care leaders & Deputy Manager of the Residential & Rehabilitation unit in maintaining efficient and effective day to day operation of the home.For more information, please contact Amy Ayre, Deputy Manager on 01482 363111/ 07904074667 or email At CHCP, we’re passionate about people and...

  • Company Capita plc in Edge
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Help get better trained personnel to the front line fasterSelborne is a 12-year training partnership delivered by a 'whole force' team made up of Team Fisher and Royal Navy staff, its purpose is to deliver 'better trained people to the frontline, faster'Your role will be to oversee and maintain Quality Assurance/Improvement strategies throughout all Apprenticeship areas for the Royal Navy What you'll be doing:• Overseeing and ensuring quality assurance delivery.• Continuously improving quality assurance processes for Apprenticeships.• Planning and updating training manuals for Apprenticeship processes.• Support the Quality Assurance Manager in new Apprenticeship Standards projects.• Delivering Training to staff supporting apprentices to ensure best service is givenWhat we're looking for:• ...

  • Company Capita plc in Hope
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Home based role, fully remote. Help strengthen our Team as our IT Disaster Recovery Manager. Home based role. An excellent opportunity for an IT Disaster Recovery Manager to join our IT DR team and be at the forefront of safeguarding our global IT infrastructure! As a leading Global IT Service Provider, we are dedicated to maintaining a robust IT Disaster Recovery policy, framework, and processes. Your role will be crucial in minimizing risks and ensuring the availability of key IT systems and services across all our divisions and business units.At Capita, we pride ourselves on demonstrating top-notch IT DR planning and testing. This not only builds trust and confidence with our clients but also showcases our commitment to industry standards and best practices.As part of our dynamic IT D...

  • Company Capita plc in Coningsby
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you looking for an exciting and rewarding career that combines civilian and military firefighting? Do you have the courage, skills and commitment to serve the Royal Air Force and the nation? If so, you might be interested in this opportunity to become a Sponsored Reserve Firefighter.We are currently hiring for multiple positions across various locations. Please note that the start dates for these positions are dependent on successful completion of various assessments and course availability at the Fire Service College. As a result, the application process can take several months to complete.Sponsored Reserves are crucial in providing Defence with a mission-critical service which enables the military to operate in the UK, overseas and on operations.As part of our commitment to building ...

  • Company Capita plc in Hope
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    We are seeking a highly experienced Senior Procurement Consultant to join our team, with a specialist knowledge of clinical procurement.Capita Procurement Solutions is a London based niche management consultancy firm - we are a collection of procurement specialists and experts, listening closely to the specific needs of our diverse range of clients. We use our extensive procurement industry experience to analyse and present tailored and innovative solutions to our clients, to help transform their procurement functions and respond to complex procurement challenges.This is home based role, with some client travel. We're truly committed to building a diverse and representative workforce and as part of our strategic plans we are aiming to accelerate gender and ethnic representation in leadersh...

  • Company Capita plc in Honing
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you looking for an exciting and rewarding career that combines civilian and military firefighting? Do you have the courage, skills and commitment to serve the Royal Air Force and the nation? If so, you might be interested in this opportunity to become a Sponsored Reserve Firefighter.We are currently hiring for multiple positions across various locations. Please note that the start dates for these positions are dependent on successful completion of various assessments and course availability at the Fire Service College. As a result, the application process can take several months to complete.Sponsored Reserves are crucial in providing Defence with a mission-critical service which enables the military to operate in the UK, overseas and on operations.As part of our commitment to building ...

  • Company Capita plc in Edge
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Help get better trained personnel to the front line fasterThe Deputy Product Owner will work within a new Training Transformation process to shape the solutions and ensure valuable products are created for the Royal Navy. They will coordinate the input from Educators, Curriculum Specialists, Training Designers, VLE specialists, infrastructure, technology, and synthetic training solutions to achieve our ambition to get better trained people, to the frontline faster.This is a hybrid role working between home and HMS Collingwood, Fareham on average 2/3 days a week.What you will be doing:• Deputising for the Product Owner, providing day to day leadership, helping a multidisciplinary team deliver a coherent product aligned with the transformation vision for your assigned Training Delivery Unit ...

  • Company Capita plc in Edge
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Help get better trained personnel to the front line fasterSelborne is a Transformational Training programme with a strategic goal of modernising Royal Navy training to deliver "better trained sailors to the front line faster".This role is an essential member of the Royal Navy's Learning and Development Organisation (LDO) at Taunton-Norton Manor Camp primarily supporting Royal Marine and Royal Navy recruits.The role will work to provide informative and supportive advice and guidance to recruits on the future of their service careers, resettlement as well as ensuring key administrative and organisational tasks are completed with information being shared with Royal Marine/Navy colleagues. What you'll be doing:• Providing through-life Learning and Development advice, guidance, information and ...

  • Company Capita plc in Benson
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you looking for an exciting and rewarding career that combines civilian and military firefighting? Do you have the courage, skills and commitment to serve the Royal Air Force and the nation? If so, you might be interested in this opportunity to become a Sponsored Reserve Firefighter.We are currently hiring for multiple positions across various locations. Please note that the start dates for these positions are dependent on successful completion of various assessments and course availability at the Fire Service College. As a result, the application process can take several months to complete.Sponsored Reserves are crucial in providing Defence with a mission-critical service which enables the military to operate in the UK, overseas and on operations.As part of our commitment to building ...

  • Company Capita plc in Honing
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you looking for an exciting and rewarding career that combines civilian and military firefighting? Do you have the courage, skills and commitment to serve the Royal Air Force and the nation? If so, you might be interested in this opportunity to become a Sponsored Reserve Firefighter.We are currently hiring for multiple positions across various locations. Please note that the start dates for these positions are dependent on successful completion of various assessments and course availability at the Fire Service College. As a result, the application process can take several months to complete.Sponsored Reserves are crucial in providing Defence with a mission-critical service which enables the military to operate in the UK, overseas and on operations.As part of our commitment to building ...

  • Company Capita plc in Honing
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you looking for an exciting and rewarding career that combines civilian and military firefighting? Do you have the courage, skills and commitment to serve the Royal Air Force and the nation? If so, you might be interested in this opportunity to become a Sponsored Reserve Firefighter.We are currently hiring for multiple positions across various locations. Please note that the start dates for these positions are dependent on successful completion of various assessments and course availability at the Fire Service College. As a result, the application process can take several months to complete.Sponsored Reserves are crucial in providing Defence with a mission-critical service which enables the military to operate in the UK, overseas and on operations.As part of our commitment to building ...

  • Company University of Brighton Academies Trust in Hill
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Contract: FTC until end 24/25 Academic YearWorking Pattern: Term time only (38 weeks)Hours: Monday- Friday (11.30 - 13.00)Actual Starting Salary (calculated pro rata): ££4,020 plus fringe allowance of £119 per annumSalaries are paid in 12 equal monthly instalmentsPound Hill Primary Academy are looking for a part time Midday Meals Supervisor to join our team. This role is crucial to ensuring all our pupils experience a happy, enjoyable safe and inclusive lunch break whilst at our Academy.Working within a team, you will be responsible for:Preparing the dining hall ready for the lunchtime mealAssisting the children in the dining hallMaintaining an hygienic environment at all times, including after the meal Although no previous experience is necessary, we do ask that you:Are reliableEnjoy work...

  • Company Staffordshire County Council in Newcastle
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Are you passionate about making a difference to children's lives who are placed in Local Authority Foster Care?As a Family Time Worker, you’ll play a critical role in supporting children in understanding their birth identity and supervising their time with birth parents. We’re looking for people to join us with the skills to encourage and help maintain positive relationships between children and parents. We work with very vulnerable children so we must ensure we maintain professional relationships whilst managing complex family needs and behaviours.You'll play a vital role in supporting families for them to spend quality time together. Our aim during family time is to promote a positive and meaningful time for children with their family. This could include offering support, guidance, and p...

  • Company Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust in Cambourne
    10.12.2024 Updated on: 12.12.2024

    Part time - 25 hoursMon-Fri.We are looking to recruit an enthusiastic and motivated administrator to work alongside the Tissue Viability, Bladder and Bowel Service, providing administration support to a countywide service, liaising with clinicians and service users to ensure an effective, efficient and streamlined service.We can accommodate the successful candidate to be based in an open plan office at Cambourne. If you enjoy variety in your work and wish to be a part of a friendly and dynamic team, then we would love to hear from you. The post holder will have excellent communication, organisational & customer service skills.If you are looking for a new challenge and to be part of a growing, innovative service then we want to hear from you.Within OPAC we have 4 Integrated Care Admin Hubs ...

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