Jobmonitor. Search results for wellness-massagezentrum-dr-gaschler-gmbh. Page 11813

637295 Jobs found

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  • wellness-massagezentrum-dr-gaschler-gmbhx
Displaying 637246-637295 of 637295 results.
  • Company Fleischwerk Toni Partheymüller e.K. in Marktgraitz
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 01.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Hallo, wir sind das Team von Fleischwerk Toni Partheymüller e.K.Wir suchen ab sofort unbefristet eine/n Fleischer/in in Vollzeit oder Teilzeit (ab 20 Wochenstunden).Quereinsteiger sind gerne willkommen.Die Produktion und Schlachtung befindet sich in Marktgraitz Hauptstraße 5, die Verkaufsstelle ist Redwitz Flurstraße 1.Am Anfang belaufen sich Ihre Aufgaben durch das ganze Sortiment. Schlachtung, Zerlegung, Produktion und Reinigungsarbeiten. Nach einer persönlich angepassten Einarbeitung finden wir dann Ihre Stärken und setzen sie dort mehr ein.Wir bieten:- flexible Arbeitszeiten und individuelle Absprachen (i.d.R. Arbeitsbeginn 5.30 Uhr, späterer Beginn nach Absprache möglich z.B. auch 8.00 Uhr)- Tankgutscheine nach individuellem Bedarf- persönliche BoniBei Int...

  • Company Mittermeier GmbH Bilderleisten-u.-Rahmenfabrik in Bogen
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 01.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Echtes Handwerk rockt! Bei uns gibt es das noch! Mittermeier steht für hochwertige Bilderrahmen in allen möglichen Ausführungen, welche wir vor Ort in Bogen herstellen. Unseren Betrieb gibt es seit 1912. Werden Sie Teil unseres Teams und selbst zum Experten auf dem Gebiet Einrahmung. Jeder Kundenwunsch findet bei uns Gehör, was die Produktion (vom rohen Holz bis hin zum Vergolderrahmen) sehr abwechslungsreich macht.Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir Mitarbeiter (Vollzeit), die Lust haben, sich in die zuerst so unscheinbar wirkende Welt der Einrahmung einzuarbeiten. Der richtige Rahmen lässt ein Bild oder Objekt oft erst zum Kunstwerk werden. Aktuell sind wir auf der Suche nach Unterstützung im Produktionsabschnitt „Farbarbeiten und Lackiererei“.Ihre Aufga...

  • Company Stadtwerke Forchheim in Forchheim
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: STADTWERKE FORCHHEIMZEIT FÜR VERÄNDERUNG?Wir bieten dir eine sichere berufliche Zukunft!Als regionaler Energieversorger befinden wir uns in einem stetigen Wandlungsprozess und stellen uns den Herausforderungen als Team. Gemeinsam arbeiten wir daran, Beruf und Privatleben in Einklang zu bringen - Kinderbetreuung in den Sommerferien, gesundheitsfördernde Maßnahmen und Workshops, um unsere Resilienz zu stärken. Unsere hektische Welt verlangt nach modernen Arbeitsansätzen, die wir gemeinsam entwickeln. Überzeuge dich gerne selbst!OFFENE STELLEN- Tiefbauer/Baumaschinenführer/ LKW-Fahrer (m/w/d)UNSERE BENEFITS- Vergütung nach Tarif- Pers./fachl. Teamevents- Weiterbildung- Gesundheit/ Fitness- Flexible Arbeitszeiten- ZusatzleistungenDeine Ansprechpartnerin:Frau Kathri...

  • Company Stadtwerke Forchheim in Forchheim
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 20.01.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: STADTWERKE FORCHHEIMZEIT FÜR VERÄNDERUNG?Wir bieten dir eine sichere berufliche Zukunft!Als regionaler Energieversorger befinden wir uns in einem stetigen Wandlungsprozess und stellen uns den Herausforderungen als Team. Gemeinsam arbeiten wir daran, Beruf und Privatleben in Einklang zu bringen - Kinderbetreuung in den Sommerferien, gesundheitsfördernde Maßnahmen und Workshops, um unsere Resilienz zu stärken. Unsere hektische Welt verlangt nach modernen Arbeitsansätzen, die wir gemeinsam entwickeln. Überzeuge dich gerne selbst!OFFENE STELLEN- Fahrer für den Kanalspülwagen (m/w/d)UNSERE BENEFITS- Vergütung nach Tarif- Pers./fachl. Teamevents- Weiterbildung- Gesundheit/ Fitness- Flexible Arbeitszeiten- ZusatzleistungenDeine Ansprechpartnerin:Frau Kathrin Brehm | T...

  • Company Stadtwerke Forchheim in Forchheim
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 20.01.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: STADTWERKE FORCHHEIMZEIT FÜR VERÄNDERUNG?Wir bieten dir eine sichere berufliche Zukunft!Als regionaler Energieversorger befinden wir uns in einem stetigen Wandlungsprozess und stellen uns den Herausforderungen als Team. Gemeinsam arbeiten wir daran, Beruf und Privatleben in Einklang zu bringen - Kinderbetreuung in den Sommerferien, gesundheitsfördernde Maßnahmen und Workshops, um unsere Resilienz zu stärken. Unsere hektische Welt verlangt nach modernen Arbeitsansätzen, die wir gemeinsam entwickeln. Überzeuge dich gerne selbst!OFFENE STELLEN- Monteur Netzbetrieb (m/w/d)UNSERE BENEFITS- Vergütung nach Tarif- Pers./fachl. Teamevents- Weiterbildung- Gesundheit/ Fitness- Flexible Arbeitszeiten- ZusatzleistungenDeine Ansprechpartnerin:Frau Kathrin Brehm | Tel. 09191 ...

  • Company Stadtwerke Forchheim in Forchheim
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 20.01.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Netzmonteure Mittel- / Niederspannungsnetz (m/w/d)STADTWERKE FORCHHEIMZEIT FÜR VERÄNDERUNG?Wir bieten dir eine sichere berufliche Zukunft!Als regionaler Energieversorger befinden wir uns in einem stetigen Wandlungsprozess und stellen uns den Herausforderungen als Team. Gemeinsam arbeiten wir daran, Beruf und Privatleben in Einklang zu bringen - Kinderbetreuung in den Sommerferien, gesundheitsfördernde Maßnahmen und Workshops, um unsere Resilienz zu stärken. Unsere hektische Welt verlangt nach modernen Arbeitsansätzen, die wir gemeinsam entwickeln. Überzeuge dich gerne selbst!OFFENE STELLEN- Netzmonteure Mittel- und Niederspannungsnetz (m/w/d)UNSERE BENEFITS- Vergütung nach Tarif- Pers./fachl. Teamevents- Weiterbildung- Gesundheit/ Fitness- Flexible Arbeitszeite...

  • Company Vanneste Projects BVBA in Perk
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 23.01.2025

    Is werken in tuinen je grote passie? Dan is dit misschien jouw ideale job!Wat ga je doen? Je komt ons team aanleg versterken Je staat in voor de aanleg van oa terrassen en opritten, gazons, plantenborders, (meerstammige/vorm) bomen,... Heb je ervaring met de kraan? Dan behoren voorbereidingswerken ook tot je takenpakket IBO (individuele beroepsopleiding) mogelijk Waar ga je werken?We zijn een tuinbedrijf uit Steenokkerzeel, gespecialiseerd in tuinaanleg en tuinonderhoud van A tot Z. We werken steeds op maat van onze klant en werken met de modernste materialen. Je komt terecht in een toffe equipe tuinaanleggers....

  • Company JDC SORT & TRADE BV in Sint-Truiden
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 24.01.2025

    - snoeien van perenplantages - allerlei buitenwerkzaamheden - plukken en sorteren van fruit- Engels is een pluspunt - Liefst ervaring in de sector ...

  • Company OSMUNDA BV in Haacht
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 25.01.2025

    Als ploegbaas werk je met een team van 2 à 3 personen. Jij begeleidt en werkt mee in de aanleg, borduren zetten, afchappen, klinkers leggen, draad zetten, terrassen leggen, vijvers, constructies. We doen zowel kleine als grote opdrachten wat zorgt dat we langere periodes bij 1 klant zijn. Dit geeft voldoening van je werk om van nul tot een mooi resultaat te komen..Ervaring of studies in de richting van tuin is een groot pluspunt. Kandidaten met een bouwachtergrond ook welkom. Je stuurt mensen aan en je werkt mee. Je kan plannen lezen en uitvoeren. Afwisselend werk schrikt je niet af en je kunt zelfstandig werken. Je neemt initiatief. Je bent in het bezit van een rijbewijs B, mogelijkheid tot het behalen van een rijbewijs BE. ...

  • Company Boomkwekerij Kristof Van der Haegen VOF in Wetteren
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 01.02.2025

    Je taken zijn: Het inpotten van stekken. De planten vrij maken van onkruid. Het knippen en steken van stekken. Graag buiten werken met een natuurlijk product. Interesse hebben in planten en hun onderhoud is een voordeel. Gemotiveerd en praktisch ingesteld. Collegiaal en in team kunnen werken. ...

  • Company PERDIX BV in Komen
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 17.01.2025

    Onze klant, een bedrijf gespecialiseerd in groenonderhoud, is op zoek naar een enthousiaste fleximedewerker in tuinonderhoud. Taken: Uitvoeren van diverse tuinwerkzaamheden, zoals maaien, snoeien, planten, bemesten en onkruid verwijderen; Zorgen voor een nette en verzorgde uitstraling van de tuinen; Werken volgens de opgestelde planning en instructies; Samenwerken met collega's om efficiënt en kwaliteitsvol werk te leveren; Veilig gebruik maken van gereedschappen en machines. Ben jij klaar voor deze uitdaging? Solliciteer dan met je cv naar We kijken ernaar uit om kennis met je te maken en jouw talenten te laten schitteren! In aanmerking komen voor het fleximedewerkstatuut; Willen werken; Groene vingers hebben; Ervaring is mooi meegenomen; Rijbewijs B is een must, ...

  • Company Van der Velpen, Filip in Kersbeek-Miskom
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 18.01.2025

    Je werkt mee in één van onze frambozenplantages: Je helpt bij het in- en uitzetten van de planten, het onderhoud van de plantages, zoals planten en opbinden van planten, dunnen van scheuten. Je zal ook worden ingeschakeld voor het snoeien van perenbomen. Je kan starten vanaf midden november tot midden maart. Je werkt via seizoensarbeid, via flexijobs kan wettelijk niet.Je bent stipt en gemotiveerd. Je bent positief ingesteld en steekt graag de handen uit de mouwen. Je werkt nauwkeurig en bent in goed fysiek conditie. Je bent in goede fysieke gezondheid Beschikken over een rijbewijs is een voordeel....

  • Company APB Provinciaal Recreatiedomein Zilvermeer AUTOPRB in Mol
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Wat zal je als medewerker groen & onderhoud bij het Zilvermeer doen? Je staat permanent mee in voor het onderhoud van het hele domein en zorgt mee voor een gezellige, gastvrije en ordelijke uitstraling. Onderhoud van het vele groen op het domein. Ophalen van afval en dagelijks ledigen van vuilbakken op het domein. Hulp bieden bij de opvang van rest- en recyclebaar afval in het eigen containerpark. Zwerfvuil prikken. Dagelijkse opkuis van het strand en het domein. Meehelpen bij evenementen, zowel bij de voorbereiding, opruim en het evenement zelf Wie ben jij? Als medewerker groen & onderhoud beschik je bijkomend over onderstaande specifieke gedrags-competenties: Je hebt groene vingers. Je hebt zin voor orde en netheid en werkt nauwkeurig en resultaatgericht. Je kan zowe...

  • Company Land- en Tuinbouwbedrijf HOLTAPPELS BV in Lanaken
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 24.01.2025

    Je zal instaan voor het planten en plukken van aardbeien, bessen en laagstam kersen. Ook het onderhoud en opruimen van de plantages behoort tot uw taken. Je voert je taken uit in open lucht of onder kappen. Je verricht fysiek zwaar werk. Wij staan ook open voor niet Europese medewerkers. ...

  • Company Land- en Tuinbouwbedrijf HOLTAPPELS BV in Lanaken
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 24.01.2025

    Je zal instaan voor het planten en plukken van aardbeien, bessen en laagstam kersen. Ook het onderhoud en opruimen van de plantages behoort tot uw taken. Je voert je taken uit in open lucht of onder kappen. Je verricht fysiek zwaar werk. Wij staan ook open voor niet Europese medewerkers. ...

  • Company Land- en Tuinbouwbedrijf HOLTAPPELS BV in Lanaken
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 24.01.2025

    Je zal instaan voor het planten en plukken van aardbeien, bessen en laagstam kersen. Ook het onderhoud en opruimen van de plantages behoort tot uw taken. Je voert je taken uit in open lucht of onder kappen. Je verricht fysiek zwaar werk. Wij staan ook open voor niet Europese medewerkers. ...

  • Company Schoofs, Frank in Herk-de-Stad
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 26.01.2025

    Snoeien van appel - en perenbomen Aanleg nieuwe aanplantingen Plukken van appels en peren Sorteren en verpakken van appels en perenFlexibel, gemotiveerd, teamplayer...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Manchester
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    To find out more about the key responsibilities and the specific skills and experience youll need, take a look at the Job Description & Person Specification attachments under the Supporting Documents heading. So that youre even more equipped to make an informed decision to apply to us, youll need to take time to read the Candidate Essentials Guide that sits with the Job Description and Person Specification. This document provides you with details about the Trust, our benefits and outlines how we care for you as you care for others. Most importantly, it also contains critical information youll need to be aware of before you submit an application form. Diversity MattersMFT is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, celebrating and valuing diversity and eliminating any form of unlawfu...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Manchester
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    To find out more about the key responsibilities and the specific skills and experience youll need, take a look at the Job Description & Person Specification attachments under the Supporting Documents heading. So that youre even more equipped to make an informed decision to apply to us, youll need to take time to read the Candidate Essentials Guide that sits with the Job Description and Person Specification. This document provides you with details about the Trust, our benefits and outlines how we care for you as you care for others. Most importantly, it also contains critical information youll need to be aware of before you submit an application form. Diversity Matters MFT is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, celebrating, and valuing diversity and eliminating any form of unlaw...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Manchester
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    To find out more about the key responsibilities and the specific skills and experience youll need, take a look at the Job Description & Person Specification attachments under the Supporting Documents heading. So that youre even more equipped to make an informed decision to apply to us, youll need to take time to read the Candidate Essentials Guide that sits with the Job Description and Person Specification. This document provides you with details about the Trust, our benefits and outlines how we care for you as you care for others. Most importantly, it also contains critical information youll need to be aware of before you submit an application form. Diversity Matters MFT is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, celebrating, and valuing diversity and eliminating any form of unlaw...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Whitehaven
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Please see attached job description and person specification for further information regarding the role and the essential and desirable criteria required to be met by applicants. Please note, due to changes implemented by the Government to the UK immigration policy, individuals who require a Health and Care Visa or a Skilled Worker Visa may no longer be eligible for sponsorship where the UKVI salary threshold is not met or if the occupation is not included in the updated Immigration Salary List (ISL). Applicants must check their eligibility to be employed in any role they are interested in applying for, prior to completing an application for employment.Any applicants who do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be progressed. If you are applying under the Disability Confident Scheme o...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Stratford
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    For further details on this role, please refer to the attached job description, please ensure that you pay careful attention to the essentials and desirables of the person specification when completing your supporting statement.________________________________________ Applicants who can clearly demonstrate how they meet our role profile requirements will be shortlisted for interview. To enquire about your application or inform us of any changes in your circumstances please ensure you quote your application reference number. Please ensure you check your email account regularly as this is how we will communicate with you. Invitations for interview are sent by email only, so it is important that you monitor your emails once you have applied online. If you have not heard from us within a month...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Field
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    IPC Lead -PPG Plymouth Practice Plus Group are now actively looking for an experienced Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Lead for our Hospital in Plymouth. We are interested in hearing from individuals who are a Registered Practitioner with several years clinical experience, hold a Diploma in Infectious Prevention or MSc. Infectious Control or relevant field, have experience of teaching and presenting and have practical, hands on experience of undertaking audits and development plans. About us:Practice Plus Group is one of Englands largest independent providers of self-pay, insured and NHS healthcare. Practice Plus Group Hospital Plymouth has a CQC Good rating and provides excellent healthcare to the population of Plymouth and the south west region, including Cornwall, Isles of Scilly...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Middlesbrough
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Applicants for the post will hold a suitable qualification in Speech and Language Therapy, have relevant experience in this clinical field and have a particular interest and enthusiasm for leadership, service delivery, collaborative working and championing SLT. Please refer to the attached job description and person specification for further detailed information to ensure that you meet the role criteria before applying. Additional contact details: Sam Bradley, Professional Head of Speech and Language Therapy Helen Curry, Service

  • Company NHS Jobs in Billericay
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    For a detailed list of job responsibilities, please refer to the Job Description and Person Specification attached to this vacancy. Please contact the recruiting manager, Dr Rachael Miller, Principal Clinical Psychologist at 07581068759 or for details about the role....

  • Company NHS Jobs in Winsford
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Please download a copy of the job description for full details. Recruitment selection processes are based on competence (see Person specification) and values. CWP recruits people that can demonstrate the Trusts Values and Behaviours in their everyday life. Therefore, if you are invited to interview, you will be undertaking aValues Based Interview/Assessment,which explores not only what you do but how and why you do it. Before applying, we encourage you to review the Trusts Values and Behaviours which are the 6 Cs Communication, Competence, Courage, Care, Compassion and Commitment. The supporting information section in your application should therefore reflect your understanding of the Trusts Values and associated behaviours. You will be expected to provide us with examples from work experi...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Chester
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Please download a copy of the job description for full details. Recruitment selection processes are based on competence (see Person specification) and values. CWP recruits people that can demonstrate the Trusts Values and Behaviours in their everyday life. Therefore, if you are invited to interview, you will be undertaking aValues Based Interview/Assessment,which explores not only what you do but how and why you do it. Before applying, we encourage you to review the Trusts Values and Behaviours which are the 6 Cs Communication, Competence, Courage, Care, Compassion and Commitment. The supporting information section in your application should therefore reflect your understanding of the Trusts Values and associated behaviours. You will be expected to provide us with examples from work experi...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Rhymney
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Are you an Occupational Therapist who would like to explore a rewarding career experience? About Us Cygnet was established in 1988 as an independent provider of health and social care services in England, Scotland and Wales. Your Role Salary:£29,544 per year and increasing to £31,865 per year after preceptorship Service Line:Mental Health Adults (Female) &High Dependency Rehabilitation Summary of the site: Located in the village of Rhymney (Gwent), amid the beautiful Welsh countryside, easily accessible by road/ rail from Cardiff. Cygnet St Teilo House is a 23-bed service specialising in high support inpatient rehabilitation (level 2) for women in a safe and comfortable environment. Cygnet St Teilo House has been designed to provide an environment that promotes recovery for women with its ...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Reading
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    For further information on the job role, please refer to the job description and Person specification attached. This job description is not exhaustive and will be subject to periodic review in association with the post holder. For further details / informal visits contact: Ade Ukoha - Associate Chief Pharmacist for Clinical Services: Tel 0118 322 6970 or email

  • Company NHS Jobs in Didcot
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    A full job description can be obtained prior to application by sending an email to

  • Company NHS Jobs in Bristol
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Post Title: Affinity Primary Care Network (PCN) Manager Location: Working across BNSSG and both Affinity GP Practices Responsible to: Affinity PCN Clinical Directors Hours per Week: 15-20 Salary: Negotiable, dependent on experience Duration: One year initially, subject to renewal About Affinity PCN Affinity Primary Care Network (PCN) is a collaboration of two well-established GP practices in North and West Bristol, serving a combined patient list of approximately 20,000. Our mission is to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care through innovation, collaboration, and effective resource management. We are seeking a PCN Manager with a strong background in healthcare management to support the delivery of the PCN agenda and lead the network towards achieving improved outcomes for our local ...

  • Company EDF in Gloucester
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    EDF Energy is a core part of the EDF Group, one of the largest energy companies in Europe with key business operations in the UK, France, Italy and Belgium. We're the UK’s largest producer of low-carbon electricity, the biggest supplier of electricity by volume in Great Britain, the largest supplier to British businesses and we employ more than 13,000 people. We operate nuclear, coal and gas power stations, wind farms, and combined heat & power plants. We have a focus on safe, dependable energy generation and an ethos of service excellence. We are playing a leading role in new nuclear build in the UK to secure a bright future for the combined business and its employees.Are you an enthusiastic and passionate leader looking to manage performance delivery during a crucial period of change? If...

  • Company EDF in Hartlepool
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    EDF Energy is a core part of the EDF Group, one of the largest energy companies in Europe with key business operations in the UK, France, Italy and Belgium. We're the UK’s largest producer of low-carbon electricity, the biggest supplier of electricity by volume in Great Britain, the largest supplier to British businesses and we employ more than 13,000 people. We operate nuclear, coal and gas power stations, wind farms, and combined heat & power plants. We have a focus on safe, dependable energy generation and an ethos of service excellence. We are playing a leading role in new nuclear build in the UK to secure a bright future for the combined business and its employees.Are you skilled at building positive relationships with employees and fostering a supportive environment as an Occupationa...

  • Company Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust in Norwich
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    The East Norwich Community Nursing team has an exciting opportunity for a registered nurse to join our friendly and supportive team of Nurses, Health Care Assistants, Assistant Practitioners and Nursing Associates, to provide nursing care and interventions across Norwich Place. We are a well-established team who are passionate about Community Nursing and aspire to give our patients the very best care that we can give. We treat patients in their own homes, residential homes, supported living complexes, and also provide catheter clinic and leg ulcer clinic services. The kind of nursing care we provide is vast, and includes (but is not limited to) diabetes management, wound care, catheter care, palliative care and post-operative care. Experience is preferred but not essential as full training...

  • Company Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust in Maidstone
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    The Lead Theatre Practitioner - Orthopaedics forms part of the new Kent and Medway Orthopaedic Centre team at Maidstone Hospital. Over 200 new posts will support the new Centre, which is part of a national scheme to deliver more than 50 new surgical hubs across England. The new Centre will open in spring 2024 and treat patients from across the region, increasing the Trust’s capacity for planned surgical procedures. The Centre will contain the latest novel open plan laminar flow theatres; open-plan surgical areas where up to three patients are treated in a dedicated space with a specialised air canopy over each station to prevent the spread of infection. The new facility will also include a 14-bed inpatient ward and a 10-bed day case ward, with recovery, x-ray and therapy space, all within...

  • Company Capita plc in Hope
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    You will be a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on all fire risk related matters to Commander British Forces Cyprus (CBF) & Chief Officer Sovereign Base Areas (COSBA) and as requested by United Nations Forces in Cyprus (UNFICYP).This role is based in Cyprus with regular attendance expected across the sovereign based areas What you'll be doing:• Operational performance and delivery of FRMS across the BFC AoR.• Delivery of Fire Service Operational and Training Policy to ensure provision of an effective and efficient fire & rescue response capability.• Maintenance regime for Firefighting vehicles and Rescue equipment.• FRA regime and provision of Fire Safety support and advice.• Health and Safety at Work Act as applicable to the Fire Service• Functional Control of Locally Employed Civilian Personne...

  • Company Capita plc in Edge
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Help get better trained personnel to the front line faster.We are dedicated to providing exceptional Royal Navy career training. The Foundation Degrees in partnership with the University of Lincoln take place at HMS Sultan and HMS Collingwood. Our tailored modules cater to Marine Engineering, Electrical and Communication streams, ensuring relevance and precision. Each module is thoughtfully mapped to University of Lincoln units, contributing towards a recognised Foundation Degree.As the Higher Education Accreditation Manager you will ensure the quality of the learner experience and delivery of quality and outcome targets. This role works collaboratively across the Team Fisher contract focused on ensuring excellent relationships, support, administration and services are provided within the ...

  • Company Sanctuary Group in Banbury
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    One of the UK’s leading providers of housing, care and community services, Sanctuary Group employs around 13,000 people and manages more than 100,000 units of accommodation throughout England and Scotland, including general rented, retirement living, supported housing, student and key worker accommodation and care homes. Sanctuary also provides a range of other services including maintenance, care and telecare, all of which are delivered by our dedicated employees who are completely committed to customer service.Multi-Trade Operative Banbury - covering the Banbury and Cherwell area £35,387 - £37,249 per year 40 hours per week We have an opportunity for a Multi-Trade Operative to join our Operations Voids/Responsive team, based in Banbury. In this role you will be responsible for carrying...

  • Company MET Recruitment in Tipton
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Class 2 DriverMET Logistics are looking for a Class 2 Driver for our Tipton based Client.The role will be regular for the right candidate. As a Class 2 Driver you will-Have a full valid UK Driving Licence-Hold a Valid Digital tacho Graph Card-Hold a Valid CPC card-You will need to have no major endorsements on your driving record (No DD, DR, IN).- For this role you will need to have Min 12 months experience due to Insurance purposes.The roleYou will required to deliver Bed components to suppliers, there is some handball involved to load and unload the vehicle. The role does require the occasional night out. Nights out will be in a hotel with evening meal and breakfast included.Typical start times are 06.00am to 07.00amThe rate of pay for this Job is £13.50ph If you are interested in this r...

  • Company CBW Staffing Solutions Limited in london
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    General Maintenance Operative - FM Service Provider – East London - Up to £20p/hAre you looking for a new role?Do you have building maintenance experience?If the answer is yes, then read on...Exciting opportunity to work for a leading FM Service Provider situated in East London. CBW is currently recruiting for a General Maintenance Engineer to be based in a building Located in East London. The successful candidate will have an all-around understanding of most fabric duties and a proven track record in commercial building maintenance. Working within a team on-site, he or she will need to be level 2 quailed in either electrical, mechanical, plumbing or AC and will be required to carry out fabric PPM and reactive maintenance across a blue chip commercial office building by Bank. Hours of work...

  • Company Ministry of Justice in UK
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    BackgroundThe Community Delivery Group oversees policy development and operational guidance for Unpaid Work, Interventions and Sentence Management teams across the 12 Probation regions. Working closely with other workstreams within CDG including Interventions (Accredited Programmes), Sentence Management and Enforcement and Targeting.You will be part of a multi-faceted team and work closely with colleagues from across our regions and other programmes within the Probation Operations Directorate and wider Directorates. We are looking for someone to join us to help deliver this work in a fast-paced environment and who are passionate about making a positive difference. Having a resilient, problem-solving approach and a strong communicator. This is a unique opportunity to play a role in making...

  • Company Wellspring Academy Trust in Barnsley
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Are you looking for a new challenge within a vibrant, progressive organisation?Do you want to support the education of young people in Leeds?Can you offer a range of practical skills to help maintain a diverse range of buildings?Would you like to join an expanding site team who are positive and enthusiastic about supporting students through providing a safe and secure learning environment?Location:This role will show a location of Digital Media Centre in Barnsley, as that is where our central team are based, but this role will be based at Springwell Leeds (South Site- Belle Isle Rd, Leeds LS10 3JA)As part of Wellspring’s continued development across the region, the Trust requires an Assistant Caretaker to join our enthusiastic site team. This is an exciting opportunity for a candidate read...

  • Company Staffordshire County Council in Sound
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    We are looking for an experienced Social Care Commissioner who has a thorough understanding of adult social care and commissioning to take forward key projects within the County.This post will lead on Care in the Home, with a particular focus on commissioning of Home Care and Market Sustainability, and will support the delivery of the Social Care Older People and Housing Strategies. The post will also lead on Carers across OPPD Commissioning.You will be based within the Older People and Physical Disability Commissioning Team, working as part of a team of five commissioning managers.Main ResponsibilitiesIn this role you'll:Develop and implement strategies and plans to deliver the council's strategic objectives. Lead on developing future commissioning arrangements for home and community care...

  • Company Tudor Employment Agency Ltd in Bristol
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Tudor Employment Agency are currently recruiting for a Depot Administrator to work for our prestigious client based in Bristol.As a Customer-Focused Administrative Assistant, you will be the first point of contact for clients and play a crucial role in ensuring their needs are met efficiently and professionally. Your primary focus will be on providing outstanding customer service while managing various administrative tasks to support our team and operations.Duties will include:Greet and assist customers, both in person and via phone/email, with a friendly and professional demeanorRespond to customer inquiries, resolve issues, and escalate complex matters to appropriate team membersManage and maintain customer records, ensuring all information is accurate and up-to-dateSchedule appointments...

  • Company Ex-Mil Recruitment Ltd in Send
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Mould Maintenance Technician, Automotive (005lw) – Oxfordshire - £attractive salaryA great career opportunity for an individual with an Engineering (electrical) background, interested to work in the Automotive Industry! (We will be able to discuss salary in a telephone call – offers a very attractive salary with a shift premium). DUE TO THE NATURE OF THIS RECRUITMENT CONSULTANCY, WE ARE ONLY ABLE TO REPRESENT INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE EX MILITARY.Our client is one of the world’s largest automotive suppliers with 347 manufacturing operations and 94 product developing, engineering and sales centres in 27 countries. Their capabilities include body exteriors and structures, power and vision technologies, seating systems and complete vehicle solutions.The have the largest Mould department in Europe. ...

  • Company Service Care Solutions in City
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Trainer Facilitators Needed for Exciting Police Project Location: London UniversityContract Duration: 4 MonthsStart Date: April 2025Daily Rates:PAYE: £250.00Umbrella: £320.38Working Hours:Onsite, 5 days per week9:00 AM - 5:00 PMAbout the Role: Service Care Solutions, a trusted recruitment partner in public service sectors, is seeking experienced Level 4 Trainer Facilitators for an impactful training initiative at London University. This project supports the implementation of the National Management & Leadership Framework (NMFL) and delivers values, culture, and victim-focused training. This is a fantastic opportunity to shape learning experiences and foster a positive culture within a dynamic and inclusive setting. Key Responsibilities:Facilitate in-person training sessions, incorporating ...

  • Company Service Care Solutions in Bank
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Service Care Solutions are recruiting for experienced Practice Nurses within the North West of England. Come and join our Primary Care Bank!Are you a Practice Nurse, located in Lancashire, Merseyside or Greater Manchester, and looking for a new job opportunity? Service Care Solutions are pleased to announce our new Primary Care Staff Bank! Join us to get access to adhoc, locum and block booking shifts, located in the north west.Benefits of SCS Primary Care Staff Bank: - Flexible shifts: Choose your own hours! - Excellent Work/Life Balance - Joining and Referral Bonuses - Opportunities to learn and develop - Work within established GP Surgeries, established PCN's, Federations and OOH Services - Travel and work in new locations!Practice Nurse:Pay: £25 - £30 LTD p/h (dependent on client) Loc...

  • Company Holt Recruitment Group Limited in Andover
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Production EngineerLocation: AndoverSalary: up to £40k Production Engineer Overview Are you a detail-orientated and organised individual with a passion for engineering and manufacturing technical support? Holt Engineering are seeking a talented Technical Production Engineer to join our client in Andover. In this role, you will play a crucial part in ensuring the smooth operation of their manufacturing processes for the complete lifecycle of their components. The company produces a variety of complex mechanical components for industries including Aerospace, Defence, Motorsport, Pharmaceutical, Oil & gas and Marine industries. Production Engineer Responsibilities: - Document Review: Thoroughly review written work instructions, ensuring accuracy, clarity, and adherence to customer requirement...

  • Company Holt Recruitment Group Limited in Portsmouth
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    CNC Miller Location: Portsmouth Salary: £27,000 - 30,000 Benefits: 4-day working week, overtime (1.5x), working with a world-leading product CNC Miller Overview:An opportunity has opened up in the Portsmouth area to join a well-established precision engineering company who have been operating for over 40 years and manufactures a world leading product synonymous with precision. The ideal CNC Miller must be able to set/operate CNC Mills using Bridgeport/Heidenhain.CNC Miller Requirements - Ability to set and operate CNC Mills - Understanding of control languages such as Heidenhain or Fanuc - Working with offsets and tooling changes - Ability to use manual measuring equipment - Understanding of drawing tolerances and specificationsCNC Miller Responsibilities and Essentials - Must have right ...

  • Company Holt Recruitment Group Limited in Andover
    12.01.2025 Updated on: 15.01.2025

    Honing Operative Location: Andover Salary: £12-13 p/h Holt Engineering is seeking a skilled and motivated Honing Operative to join our client's expanding team. As one of the premier precision machining companies in their field of expertise, they are able to offer full turnkey solutions to a variety of industries including Tier 1 Defence Primes. Due to this they are looking for diligent and conscientious individuals to work to specific production timelines.Honing Operative role: As a Honing Operative, you will be responsible for operating specialised machinery to create precise, deep holes in various materials as well as hone them to tight tolerances. This is a critical role in the manufacturing process, requiring a high level of skill and attention to detail.Honing Operative Responsibiliti...

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