Jobmonitor. Search results for agasaat-gmbh. Page 1846

114349 Jobs found

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  • agasaat-gmbhx
Displaying 114300-114349 of 114349 results.
  • Company Zespół Szkól Sportowych i Mistrzostwa Sportowego in Other
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 08.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: Przygotowanie produktów zgodnie z zasadami higieny obowizujcymi w placówkach ywienia zbiorowego. Waciwe przygotowywanie posików zgodnie z normami ywienia.Wspóudzia w sporzdzeniu jadospisu, wspópraca z Intendentem, pomoc z sporzdzaniu listy zakupów. Racjonalne wykorzystywanie produktów pobranych z magazynu do przygotowywania posików. Nazdór nad procesem produkcji posików, Staa dbao o estetyk wydawanych posików.  Przestrzeganie zasad higieny, czystoci naczy i sprztu kuchennego oraz subowej odziey osobistej. Dbanie i monitorowanie czystoci na kuchni, stanowisku pracy, pomieszcze kuchennych oraz stoówce szkolnej. Przestrzeganie dyscypliny pracy, zasad HACCAP, przepisów bhp oraz przepisów p.po. Kultura obsugi dzieci i pracowników szkoy korzystajcych ze stoówki. Praca od ponied...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 08.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: Codzienne wspieranie koordynatora w wyznaczonych zadaniach. Utrzymywanie czystoci i porzdku obsugiwanego obiektu. Zapewnianie waciwego stanu higieniczno-sanitarnego pomieszcze, w tym pomieszcze biurowych i socjalnychWykonywanie prac zgodnie z harmonogramem, procesem i zaleceniami. Pranie wykadzin. Pomoc przy przeprowadzkach (gówne czynnoci podczas pracy to pakowanie i zabezpieczanie mebli, monta i demonta oraz noszenie i ustawianiesprztów). Praca od poniedziaku do pitku, zgodnie z grafikiem ustalonym z pracodawc. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: podstawowe - konieczne - pozostae: wymagane minimum roczne dowiadczenie zawodowe na stanowisku pracownika utrzymania czystoci, dobra organizacja pracy. Mile widziane prawo jazdy kat. B. Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - ...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 09.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: Wspieranie koordynatora w wyznaczonych zadaniach. Utrzymywanie czystoci i porzdku terenów zewntrznych. Wykonywanie prac zgodnie z harmonogramem, procesem i zaleceniami. Pomoc przy przeprowadzkach (gówne czynnoci podczas pracy to pakowanie i zabezpieczanie mebli, monta i demonta oraz noszenie i ustawianie sprztów). Oczyszczanie potów ze zgromadzonych przy nich elementów zanieczyszczajcych teren, w tym take tych wpltanych w ogrodzenie.Posypywanie piaskiem i odnieanie cigów komunikacyjnych w strefie wejdo budynków administracyjnych Kontrola adu w punktach gromadzenia odpadów komunalnych. Praca od poniedziaku do pitku, zgodnie z grafikiem ustalonym z pracodawc. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: podstawowe - konieczne - pozostae: wymagane minimum roczne dowiadczenie zawodowe na stano...

  • Company Powiatowy Urząd Pracy in Dzierzgoń
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: obsuga wózka widowegoobsuga magazynu Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: rednie ogólnoksztacce - konieczne - pozostae: UPRAWNIENIA NA WÓZKI WIDOWE UDT Sposób aplikowania: - kontakt przez Powiatowy Urzd Pracy Powiatowy Urzd Pracy w Sztumie z siedzib w DzierzgoniuTadeusza Zawadzkiego Zoki 11Dzierzgo 82-440 - wymagane dokumenty: cv - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: TAK...

  • Company XV Liceum Ogólnokształcące in Other
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: Utrzymanie porzdku i czystoci w wyznaczonym rejonie na terenie szkoy. Praca od poniedziaku do pitku w godzinach 13-21. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: brak lub niepene podstawowe - konieczne - pozostae: gotowo do podjcia pracy. Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: - - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

  • Company MICHNA MEAT SP. Z O.O. in Other
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 08.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: * Przyjmowanie, wydawanie, warzenie towaru;*Planowanie przestrzeni magazynowej;*Rozkadanie towaru w magazynie;*Oznaczanie kartonów i wprowadzanie produktów na stan magazynowy;*Sprawdzanie zgodnoci przygotowanych do wysyki towarów z dokumentacj magazynow;*Obsuga urzdze magazynowych- wózka widowego niskiego skadowania, terminala wagowego i Scanera (nie wymagane uprawnienia UDT)*Kontrolowanie stanów magazynowych;* Paletyzacja produktów i Surowca;Okres próbny 3 miesice;Elastyczny tryb pracy (start 5:00-7:00  w zalenoci od potrzeb pracodawcy)Osoby zainteresowane ofert pracy proszone s o kontakt: telefoniczny: 58 770-12-62, e-mail: Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: rednie zawodowe - konieczne Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokum...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 08.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: Praca w brany rusztowaniowej na terenie hal produkcyjnych. Praca od poniedziaku do pitku, w zakresie godzin 7-16. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: podstawowe - konieczne - pozostae: nie jest wymagane dowiadczenie. Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: - - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

  • Company F.H.P.U. Logist System Tomasz Rutkowski in Warszawa
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 08.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: - Prace pomocnicze w magazynie,- Wynagrodzenie NETTO 4000,00 z- Kontakt telefoniczny 58-531-36-00, 600-012-691, e-mail: Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: zasadnicze zawodowe - podane - umiejtnoci: Prawo jazdy kat. B - podane Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: - - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

  • Company F.H.P.U. Logist System Tomasz Rutkowski in Warszawa
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 08.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: - Prace w magazynie,- Kontakt telefoniczny 58-531-36-00, 600-012-691, e-mail: Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: zasadnicze zawodowe - podane - umiejtnoci: Prawo jazdy kat. B - podane Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: - - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 14.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: 1. Przygotowuje magazyn do procesu–ustawia kosze, pojemniki, pobiera tyczk mierzc/wózek/skaner skanujcy,wykonuje prace porzdkowe jak ustawianie/zbieranie tacek, worków itp. 2. aduje i rozadowuje auta z przesykami. 3. Sortuje przesyki wg ustalonych zasad i procedur. 4. Skanuje, way/mierzy sortowane przesyki nadajc im odpowiednie statusy.  5. Przyjmuje i wydaje przesyki kurierom. 6. Przekazuje przesyki uszkodzone do wyznaczonej strefy/osoby. 7. Dokonuje zapisu statusów w obsugiwanych aplikacjach poprzez odpowiednie skany – np. definiowanie kierunków, odbiór auta, rejestr przesyek nieprawidowych, stanów magazynowych itp. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: brak lub niepene podstawowe - konieczne Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: - - jzyki aplikowan...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Zakres obowizków: Pakowanie paczek wg rozdzielnika, klejenie standów kartonowych. Praca od poniedziaku do pitku w godzinach: 6-14, 13-21. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: brak lub niepene podstawowe - konieczne - pozostae: punktualno. Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: - CV - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Innsatsleder er øverste leder på taktisk nivå i politidistriktet og skal lede og disponere politidistriktets samlede personell og andre ressurser under akutte og planlagte hendelser på tvers av driftsenhetsgrenser i politidistriktet. Du skal foreta vurderinger, iverksettelse av tiltak, og i samråd med operasjonsleder kvalitetssikre skarpe oppdrag i distriktet.Ved driftsenhet Østre Agder er det ledig fast stilling som Innsatsleder ved Arendal og Froland politistasjon, seksjon for patruljetjeneste. Vi søker en kollega som i sin rolle setter retning og bygger godt faglig og sosialt arbeidsmiljø. God kulturbygging på vaktlagene er et viktig bidrag og personlige egenskaper som fremmer dette vil bli vektlagt.Vi ønsker god kjønnsbalanse ved seksjonen og i denne sentrale funksjonen, kvinner oppfor...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Vi søker helsefagarbeidere, sykepleiere og vernepleiere. Oppfordrer også sykepleiestudenter og vernepleierstudenter til å søke.Lillehammer Helsehus har 10 avdelinger, generell geriatri, psykogeriatri, demens, intermediæravdeling og korttidsavdeling. Dersom du har et spesielt interessefelt, ber vi deg skrive dette i søknaden. Søkere må beherske norsk skriftlig og muntlig på en tilfredsstillende måte. Utenlandske søkere med godkjenning som helsefagarbeidere, må ha minimum nivå Norsk B2.Søkeren må ha grunnleggende datakunnskap, være fleksibel og ha gode samarbeidsevner. Personlig egnethet vil bli vektlagt.Faglig kvalitet, godt arbeidsmiljø og kompetanseutvikling er viktige satsningsområder for helsehuset. I Lillehammer kommune jobber alle ansatte i helse- og omsorgssektoren etter visjonen «Me...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 08.10.2024

    Produksjonssjef slakteriØnsker du deg en utfordrende og spennende jobb innenfor lakseoppdrett, med muligheter for å utvikle både deg selv og Grieg Seafood Finnmark? Vi søker etter en dyktig produksjonssjef som blir engasjert og glad av å skape utvikling i et spennende, allsidig og tverrfaglig miljø  Som produksjonssjef inngår du selskapets ledergruppe og rapporterer til regiondirektør. Arbeidsoppgaver og ansvarsområder: Resultat- og personalansvarTilrettelegge og samhandle med alle avdelingerStøtte og veilede ledere og mellomledereOptimalisere bemanning og organiseringStrategisk planlegging for utvikling, bærekraft og digitaliseringRekrutteringHMS og kvalitetsarbeidOppfølging av eksterne samarbeidspartnere og leverandører Ønskede kvalifikasjoner: Relevant ledererfaringHøyere utdanning, gje...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 09.10.2024

    Om enhetenEnhet Psykisk helse og avhengighet tilhører seksjon Behandling og mestring. Enheten består av fem avdelinger herunder Psykisk helse, FACT, Hverdagsmestring og avhengighet, samt tre boliger med bemanning i Spydeberg, Askim og Mysen.Løvestadjordet bolig består av ca 11 årsverk og gir tjenester til 21 personer; seks personer i boligen og 15 personer det ambuleres til. Vi har mange spennende og utfordrende arbeidsoppgaver. Om stillingenStillingen innehar en funksjon som fagutvikler i avdelingen. Stillingen er 100 % fast på dagtid i en av våre boliger beliggende i Spydeberg. Det er en døgnbemannet base knyttet til boligen, og ansatte ambulerer ut til tjenestemottakere og yter tjenester etter vedtak. Vi følger opp personer med ulike psykiske helseutfordringer og/eller rusutfordringer.A...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 09.10.2024

    Etat for psykisk helse og rustjenester er en del av Byrådsavdeling for barnevern, sosiale tjenester og mangfold i Bergen kommune.MO Gyldenpris består av Dagavdeling, Tverrfaglig Overdose team, Brukerrom. I  tillegg stab og støtte funksjoner.MO-senteret, Gyldenpris er en bydekkende enhet som yter en rekke lavterskel sosiale- og helsetjenester til personer med alvorlig avhengighet og utfordringer knyttet til bruk av illegale narkotiske stoffer, ofte i blanding med legemidler og alkohol.Hovedperspektivene i all tjenesteyting ved MO-senteret er skadereduksjon, rehabilitering og habilitering. Dette skjer i nært samarbeid med andre aktuelle samarbeidspartnereMO-Gyldenpris sin Dagavdeling er et tilgjengelig dag- og ettermiddagstilbud med lav terskel for kontakt, og høy kvalitet på tjenestene. Alt...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 09.10.2024

    Psykiatrisk langtidspost B søker sykepleier/vernepleier i 100% fast stilling på dag/aften med arbeid hver 4. helg.Psykiatrisk langtidspost B er en del av klinikk psykiske helse og avhengighet (KPA) i Sykehuset i Vestfold HF. Klinikken driver utredning og behandling, forskning og undervisning innen psykisk helsevern og tverrfaglig spesialisert rusbehandling. Vi holder til flere steder i Vestfold og har en utadrettet og ambulant tjenesteprofil. Driften er fordelt på: Barne- og ungdomspsykiatrisk avdeling, psykiatrisk sykehusavdeling. DPS Vestfold, Avdeling rus og avhengighet, Autismeavdeling samt klinikkens fellesressurser – ledelse, fellesfunksjoner, fagressurs og forskning. Opptaksområdet har tilsvarende ca 230.000 innbyggere. Psykiatrisk langtidspost B har åtte sengeplasser og har siden ...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 09.10.2024

    Vil du bygge karriere som eiendomsmegler? Vi søker engasjerte meglere på vegne av våre oppdragsgivere!Har du et driv for salg, en lidenskap for eiendom, og ønsker å ta din karriere som eiendomsmegler til nye høyder? Vi er på jakt etter dyktige eiendomsmeglere som ønsker å bli en del av en suksessrik og fremtidsrettet virksomhet. Hos oss får du muligheten til å jobbe med noen av de mest spennende prosjektene i markedet, i et dynamisk miljø der du får rom til å vokse både faglig og personlig.Hvem er du?Du er en motivert og resultatorientert eiendomsmegler med en sterk vilje til å lykkes. Du har gode kommunikasjonsevner, evnen til å skape tillit og relasjoner med kunder, og trives i en hverdag der du får ta eierskap til egne prosjekter. Det viktigste for oss er at du er entusiastisk, fremover...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 09.10.2024

    Solås bo- og rehabiliteringssenter søker etter to trygge og engasjerte sykepleiere/vernepleiere i 100% fast stilling. Sykehjemmet jobber mot å oppnå høy kvalitet og trivsel for alle. Det er plass til 27 pasienter fordelt på to team, en korttids-/rehabilitering og en langtidsavdeling.Vi benytter halvårsturnus, hvor hver ansatt har mulighet å komme med innspill og ønsker til sin turnus. Vi har også en rettferdig helligdags fordeling. Arbeid hver 3. helg, hvor vi legger opp til langhelger på noen av frihelgene. Vi jobber med heltidskulturfor å sikre god kontinuitet, kompetanse, kapasitet og kvalitet på Solås bo og rehabiliteringssenter. Ansatte i avdelingen hevder å ha et positivt arbeidsmiljø med et høyt kompetansenivå.Vi har en høy andel fagutdannede og har fokus på fagutvikling. Solås bo- ...

    02.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Vi søker etter en dyktige kollegaer som har «det lille ekstra». Vigeland botjeneste gir tjenester til mennesker med ulike funksjonsnedsettelser og psykiatri. Brukerne våre har varierende grad av funksjonsnivå, og trenger alt fra veiledning til fullstendig hjelpebehov. Solkroken er en spennende arbeidsplass med mulighet for mye læring og en variert hverdag. Vi fokuserer på at det er beboernes hjem, og vi hjelper dem med det de ikke mestrer selv. Hovedfokuset vårt er livsglede og mestring. Stillingene gjelder lokasjon Solkroken. Turnus dag/kveld og langvakter 4.hver helg.ArbeidsoppgaverBidra til å sikre en effektiv og god organisering av arbeidet.Bidra til å sikre god kommunikasjon og informasjonsflyt til beste for ansatte, brukere og pårørende. Ha utfordrende og varierte arbeidsoppgaver med...

  • Company SIA "Rīgas veselības centrs" in Rīga
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024


  • Company AS "VIADA Baltija" in Rīga
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    AS VIADA  Baltija aicina pievienoties komandai profesionlu un atbildgu Pakalpojumu specilistu.Ja Tev ir tehnisks zinšanas un interese par automobiu piekabju remontu un apkopi, k ar vlme pilnveidoties profesionli, tad ms mekljam tieši Tevi!Galvenie pienkumi:·   Piekabju reistrcijas un tehnisks apskates veikšana CSDD;·   Piekabju tehnisk stvoka prraudzba un uzturšana, veicot tehnisks prbaudes un remontdarbus;·   Remonta izdevumu tmju, defektcijas aktu un rinu sagatavošana;·   Piekabju mazgšana un to saemšana/piegde klientiem;·   ...

  • Company Cabonline Customer Service Latvia SIA in Rīga
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Cabonline Customer Service Latvia aicina darb Zvanu plsmas koordintju!Darba pienkumi:- ienkošo zvanu plsmas uzraudzba un vadba;- ienkošo zvanu lniju prdale starp operatoriem, lai nodrošintu optimlu atbildto zvanu daudzumu uz vism lnijm un nepieautu rindu veidošanos;- zvanu statistikas datu apkopošana un analze.Prasbas kandidtiem:- vismaz 1 gada pieredze ldzg amat;- teicamas datorprasmes;- labas angu valodas zinšanas;- labas koncentršans spjas un uzmanbas noturba;- precizitte, spja tri reat un pieemt lmumus;- vlme strdt maiu darbu (vien ned no plkst. 7:00 ldz 15:30, otr ned no plkst.14:30 ldz 23:00).Ms piedvjam:- darbu Skandinvijas uzmum;- draudzgu un atbalstošu vidi;- stabilu atalgojumu 1...

  • Company Valsts sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Paula S in Rīga
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Valsts sabiedrba ar ierobeotu atbildbu "Paula Stradia klnisk universittes slimnca"aicina darb RSTA PALGU Neatliekams medicnas centr.Galvenie amata pienkumi:veikt pacientu veselbas stvoka novrtšanu;plnot un sniegt aprpi Neatliekams medicnas centra pacientiem;veikt aprpes darbbas, kas nodrošina pacienta vajadzbas;nodrošint pacientiem rsta nozmto medikamentu saemšanu;veikt pacienta sagatavošanu diagnostiskajm un rstnieciskajm procedrm, izmeklšanm;veikt pacientu aprpes procesa un rezulttu novrtšanu;nepieciešambas gadjum maint aprpes plnu;nepieciešambas gadjum sniegt pirmo neatliekamo medicnisko paldzbu.Prasbas pretendentiem:iegta izgltba rsta palga jom;iegts rsta palga sertifikts (Ambulator dienesta vai Neatliekams medicnas specialitt);reistrcija rstniecbas personu reistr;darba pieredze rsta p...

  • Company SIA "MILUR" in Auce
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Amata mris:Nodrošint socils aprpes pakalpojumu sniegšanu Centra klientiem, kuri vecuma vai funkcionlo traucjumu d to nevar nodrošint paši saviem spkiem.Prasbas:pirm lmea profesionl augstk izgltba socils aprpes jom;valsts valodas przinšana atbilstoši normatvajos aktos noteiktajm prasbm;labas iemaas darb ar datoru (Datorprogrammu lietošana:  MS Office, ELISS) un biroja tehniku,patstvba uzdevumu izpild un prasme organizt savu darbu un vadt citu darbu,labas komunikcijas prasmes.Galvenie amata pienkumi:vadt, organizt un kontrolt socilo aprpi Centra klientiem, t.i. klientu individulo socils aprpes plnu izstrde un kontrole,kontrolt klientu dinšanas procesa norisi;vadt, organizt un kontrolt aprptju darbu, t.i. aprptju darba organizšana, atbilstoši grafikam, aprptju darba grafik nepieciešamo izmaiu...

  • Company SIA "Aerones Engineering" in Rīga
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

                                                           SIA "Aerones Engineering"mekl darb Raošanas tehnii/-eMs Tev uzticsim:-Veikt robotisko iekrtu mehnisks un elektronisks daas montas darbus, atbilstoši raošanas uzdevumiem;-Dalba jaunizstrdtu robotisko iekrtu mont;-Veikt tehniskus darbus, kas saistti ar robotisko iekrtu testšanu;-Uzturt aktulu tehnisko dokumentciju, sadarbb ar inenieriem;-Veikt robotisko iekrtu konfiguršanu un sagatavošanu darbam;-Komandjumu laik objektos rast tehniskos risinjumus robotisko iekrtu veiksmgas darbbas nodrošinšanai;-Nepieciešambas gadjum, veikt dadus metlapstrdes darbus;-Neparedztu tehnisku problmu risinšana sadarbb ar inenieriem;-Uzturt tru un krtgu darba vietu, tai skait instrumentu skapjus, atvilktnes un plauktus sav darba zon;-Elektroniski veikt darba la...

  • Company Ķekavas novada pašvaldība in Baloži
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 15.10.2024

     ekavas novada pašvaldba (re. Nr. 90000048491)izsludina atkltu konkursu uz Dzimtsarakstu nodaas vadtja vietnieka/-ces amatuPrasbas pretendentiemLatvijas Republikas pilsonba;vecums - vismaz 25 gadi;vismaz pirm lmea izgltba tiesbu zintns;ne mazk k divu gadu darba pieredze darb ar juridiskiem dokumentiem, par priekšrocbu tiks uzskatta darba pieredze dzimtsarakstu darb, vai darbs valsts vai pašvaldbas struktrvienbs;amata kompetencei atbilstošo normatvo aktu przinšana;svingu paskumu organizšana, publisks uzstšans pieredze;valsts valodas zinšanas augstkaj lmen;svešvalodu (angu vai vcu valodas) zinšanas sarunvalodas lmen;prasme pastvgi sagatavot dokumentus atbilstoši normatvajiem aktiem;prasme strdt ar biroja tehniku, datoru (MS Office programmas, Interneta prlkprogrammas. Par priekšroku tiks uz...

  • Company Tiesu administrācija in Liepāja
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 19.10.2024


  • Company SIA "Aerones Engineering" in Rīga
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    SIA "Aerones Engineering"mekl darb Vadtja asistents/-eDarba pienkumi:Plnot un prvaldt vadtja darba dienas grafiku, organizt sapulces, tikšans un komandjumus.Sagatavot dokumentus, prezentcijas un prskatus pc vadtja nordjumiem.Nodrošint efektvu komunikciju starp vadtju un uzmuma darbiniekiem, klientiem un sadarbbas partneriem.Koordint ienkošs un izejošs sarakstes (e-pasti, zvani) un nodrošint preczu informcijas nodošanu.Asistt vadtju ikdienas uzdevumu veikšan, k ar piedalties dados projektos un to vadb.Sekot ldzi izdevumu atskaitm un citu finanšu dokumentu sagatavošanai.Prasbas kandidtiem:Augstk izgltba vadbas, administrcijas vai ldzg jom (var bt pdjo kursu students/-e).Vlama  pieredze vadtja asistenta vai ldzg amat.Lieliskas komunikcijas un organizatorisks prasmes.Izcilas iemaas darb ar dat...

  • Company SIA "Aerones Engineering" in Rīga
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    SIA "Aerones Engineering"mekl darb R&D Testa zonas tehniis/-eMs Tev uzticsim:- Veikt robotisko iekrtu mehnisks un elektronisks daas montas, remontu un atjauninjumu darbus, atbilstoši raošanas uzdevumiem;- Veikt tehniskus darbus, kas saistti ar robotisko iekrtu testšanu un kvalittes prbaudi;- Veikt robotisko iekrtu konfiguršanu un sagatavošanu darbam;- Uzturt aktulu tehnisko dokumentciju.Novrtsim, ja Tev bs:- Pieredze atsldznieka, mehnia vai elektronikas tehnia amat;- Specil un/ vai augstk izgltba inenierzintu vai tehniskaj jom (var bt pdjo kursu students);- Spja last un izprast rasjumus, elektrisks principils shmas un materilu specifikcijas;- Zinšanas par elektronikas komponentm;- Spja tri reat, prasme iedziinties un patstvgi veikt savu darbu noteiktajos termios;- Labas komunikcijas un sad...

  • Company JA SESI TAD PLAUSI, NOD in Jūrmala
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    1.Profesija –  Dator-tehniis (profesija kods 3512 01)2.Darbbas joma    Informcijas tehnoloiju lietotju atbalsta specilisti PROFESIJU ATSEVIŠ GRUPA "3512 Informcijas tehnoloiju lietotju atbalsta specilisti"Atsevišs grupas "3512 Informcijas tehnoloiju lietotju atbalsta specilisti" profesijs nodarbintie paldz standarta programmu sistmu pakešu lietotjiem, ievadot programmas un risinot problmas to darb, ievieš jaunas programmas, izdara nelielas izmaias, vecko specilistu vadb izmantojot un pilnveidojot esošs programmas, reistr un sankcion informatvo sistmu lietotjus, uztur no jauna izstrdts un jau esošs informcijas sistmas, kontrol un nodrošina to kvalitti un drošbu, veido interneta lapas.3.Darba pienkumi Atsevišs grupas "3512 Informcijas tehnoloiju lietotju atbalsta specilisti" profesijas un at...

  • Company York St John University in York
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Full-Time / PermanentLocation: YorkSalary: 26,038 to 28,879 per annumIntroduction to YSJ university Situated in the heart of the historic city of York, and with the addition of our London Campus, York St John University has a long and proud tradition as a distinguished higher education provider.Our success is founded on the quality of academic teaching and research, our thriving campus environments, our professional and pastoral support, and our values of an inclusive, innovative and ambitious community with a strong sense of belonging.The TeamThe Finance team support all departments throughout the University on a range of processes. We pride ourselves on providing a quality service to both our staff and the students attending YSJ.The Exchequer Services Team covers all tasks related to pro...

  • Company ESSENTIAL EMPLOYMENT LTD in Guildford
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Environmental Protection Compliance Officer in GuildfordThe rate is £45.00ph PAYEThis is a temporary roleThe reference number is: 5255750The successful candidate will respond to complex planning and licensing consultations; they will investigate allegations of Statutory Nuisance and will respond to public health issues, such as: filthy and verminous premises and public health burials.They will contribute to the delivery of Local Air Quality Management and Contaminated Land strategy.Due to high volumes of CVs received, we are not able to respond to all unsuccessful applications. You will always however hear from us by phone if we are able to take your CV forward to the next stage.If you are interested in the role please apply on our website with your CV, alternatively you ...

  • Company Thera East Midlands in Aston-on-Trent
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Job Title: Support WorkerLocation: Aston on Trent – DE72Contract: PermanentHours: Full TimeSalary: £12.58 per hourReference: 069491Additional Information: • Full UK driving license is preferred but not essential.Are you seeking a new career in Social Care, with a regular monthly salary and job security?Maybe you have worked in Social Care before and are looking for a new challenge or perhaps you have always wanted to make a positive difference in people lives? We are extremely proud of the work we do, the people that work with us and the training we offer.As a valued Support Worker with Thera East Midlands, you will be part of an inclusive team supporting adults with a learning disability. You will help create innovative ways to support individuals achieve their own personal goals, aims an...

  • Company Scope in Bank
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Make a real difference to the lives of disabled people “I am extremely proud to be working for Scope, this has to be the best role in my working adult journey, I love my job and I love working with my team” - Newbury Shop Manager“I’m a new manager and it is amazing to hear how many amazing people there are in our Scope retail team, it makes me feel so proud to work for such a brilliant company” – Wellingborough Shop Manager“What a fantastic company to work for, Scope keep us connected” – Leek Shop Manager Would you like to work at the heart of your local community? Are you able to inspire a team of brilliant volunteers? Do you have retail experience and are looking for the next step in your career?If you answered yes to these then we have the perfect opportunity for you.The roleFull job de...

  • Company Tamworth Borough Council in Tamworth
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    We are an independent family run nursery requiring Full time and Part time NVQ2/3 qualified staff.We are less than I mile from Tamworth town centre.You will be responsible to the manager for the following.To provide a high standard of childcare and education for the children within the nursery.To give support to other staff within the team.To implement the daily routine in your specific room / nursery.To work together as a team supporting each other for the benefit of the children.Liaise with parents and carers sharing information about their child's development and behaviour....

  • Company Glasgow Clyde College in Glasgow
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    PermanentFull Time: 35 hours per week, Monday to FridayGlasgow Clyde College has a fantastic opportunity for a Maintenance Electrician to join the Estates team.Responsibilities:The post holder will provide an efficient and effective service in installing, maintaining and testing the college’s electrical services. You will provide proactive advice and technical support on maintenance regimes for these services and undertake some project work.Requirements:The successful candidate will be a qualitied electrician with industry experience. You will have a good knowledge of health and safety practices as well as knowledge and professional skills associated with latest edition of IEE Wiring Regulations and strong communication skills.Why Join Us?Competitive salary and benefits, including a genero...

  • Company Hallmark Care Homes in Leigh-on-Sea
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Admiral Court Care Home is an award winning, values led care provider in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex and we are looking for like minded talent to join our dedicated and well respected care team.Do you think you have what it takes to deliver exceptional care to residents in our homes?The Care Assistant role pays attention to each specific and individual need of every resident. No experience required as our fantastic induction and training programme will fully equip you to fulfil this rewarding role and develop a career pathway within our growing organisation.Our Benefits:In return we can offer you not only a rewarding career, but a number of enviable benefits, from life assurance and pension to discounted high street and online stores, discounted hotels and travel, health scheme cash back and so mu...

  • Company Barts Health NHS Trust in london
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Whipps cross neonatal unit is a small and busy local neonatal unit (level 2). We have 18 cots and serve a maternity unit delivering 5,000 babies yearly.We focus on family and ensuring that babies leave here with parents who are emotionally and physically ready. We are highly motivated, and this translates into high breast-feeding rates among discharged babies, and excellent service user satisfaction.Our nursing team is a blend of experienced band 7s, 6s and nursery nurses, as well as less experienced band 5 and nursey nurses. We actively encourage professional development and our practice development nurse co-ordinates educational opportunities for all staff, according to their needs and special interests.We maintain good relations within our own team, and with all other disciplines. These...

  • Company Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council in Brighton
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    We are looking to employ a suitable person as soon as possible to assist in our busy Breakfast Club every Monday to Friday during school term time.5 hours per week between 8am-9am.The ability to communicate in Welsh and English is essential for this post.For further information please contact the Headteacher, Miss Catryn Lawrence prif@penllwyn.ceredigion.sch.ukNote: We reserve the right to extend the application closing date.We are committed to safeguarding and protecting children and adults at risk. As part of this commitment, certain roles within our organisation require a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to assess the suitability of candidates. This role will require an Enhanced DBS check. Please note that the presence of previous convictions will not necessarily disqualify a ...

  • Company Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council in Brighton
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    The following is an advert for a position where the ability to converse through the medium of English and Welsh is essential.Mae Llywodraethwyr Ysgol Bro Teifi yn awyddus i benodi Technegydd i Gyfadran Dylunio a Thechnoleg yr ysgol. Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn cynorthwyo athrawon dylunio a thechnoleg yn y meysydd canlynol:- tecstilau- bwyd a Maeth- arlwyo a LletygarwchDalier sylw – Cynigir hyfforddiant i’r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus mewn un neu fwy o’r meysydd uchod os bydd angen. Hefyd gellir ystyried rhannu’r swyddi yn ôl arbenigedd, profiad a chefndir gydag unigolyn arall, er enghraifft dau berson yn rhannu cyfrifoldebau yn eu hanner.Gwybodaeth am Ysgol Bro TeifiAgorwyd Ysgol Bro Teifi ym Medi 2016, yn dilyn buddsoddiad o £30m gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion a Llywodraeth Cymru. Bro Teifi y...

  • Company NHS Jobs in Northallerton
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Please see the attached Job Description and Person Specification. If you have any questions, please contact Dan Walker at GP OOH locations Northallerton, Catterick, Harrogate and Ripon. This role is primarily in Northallerton and Catterick and the requirement is primarily on overnights but other shifts will also be available....

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Jelgavas Paula Bendrupa pamatskolaaicina darb LATVIEŠU VALODAS UN LITERATRAS SKOLOTJU uz nenoteiktu laiku pilnai darba likmei. Skola steno visprjs pamatizgltbas programmas, attstot iekaujošu izgltbu ar skaitliski mazkm klasm – ldz 14 brniem.Darba pienkumi: stenot latviešu valodas, literatras un tetra mkslas programmas apguvi pamatskol, nodrošinot diferenctu un individulu atbalstu izgltojamajiem mcbu satura apguv, plnot un organizt savu darbu atbilstoši iestdes mriem un uzdevumiem. Prasbas: izgltba atbilstoši 2018. gada 11. septembra  Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 569 “Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un edagogu profesionls kompetences pilnveides krtbu”, pozitva, radoša un atbildga attieksme pret darbu, ps...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Jelgavas Paula Bendrupa pamatskolaaicina darb ANGU VALODAS SKOLOTJU uz nenoteiktu laiku pilnai darba likmei. Skola steno visprjs pamatizgltbas programmas, attstot iekaujošu izgltbu ar skaitliski mazkm klasm – ldz 14 brniem.Darba pienkumi: stenot angu valodas programmas apguvi pamatskol, nodrošinot diferenctu un individulu atbalstu izgltojamajiem mcbu satura apguv, plnot un organizt savu darbu atbilstoši iestdes mriem un uzdevumiem. Prasbas: izgltba atbilstoši 2018. gada 11. septembra  Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 569 “Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un edagogu profesionls kompetences pilnveides krtbu”, pozitva, radoša un atbildga attieksme pret darbu, psiholoisk noturba un augsta saskarsmes kultra. Ms ...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Jelgavas valstspilstas pašvaldbas izgltbas iestde "Jelgavas pamatskola "Valdeka"- attstbas centrs" aicina sav komand motivtu, radošu un mrtiecgu koli darb ar brniem ar specilm vajadzbm uz 0,5 slodzi.Nepieciešam izgltba atbilstoša MK noteikumiem Nr.569 (11.09.2018.) “Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionls kompetences pilnveides krtbu”.Skka informcija un pieteikšans stot motivcijas vstuli un CV uz e-pastu:

  • Company A1 Investigations Bureau Ltd in Crewe
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Private Investigators offer many services for a variety of clients such as Solicitors, Local Authorities, Businesses and Private Individuals.Your duties will include carrying out private and commercial surveillance and serving legal documents. This is a very interesting and varied role for the right person.This position is part time. Police and Military experience is an advantage but not essential as training can be provided.Key Requirements -No criminal convictions (other than motor offenses)Computer literate and able to install/use various company appsOwn transportAbility to work on own initiative and as part of a teamEligible to work in the UK or abroad Confidentiality - You will be required to sign our confidentiality agreement and provide two references that we can contact.How to Appl...

  • Company A1 Investigations Bureau Ltd in Telford
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Private Investigators offer many services for a variety of clients such as Solicitors, Local Authorities, Businesses and Private Individuals.Your duties will include carrying out private and commercial surveillance and serving legal documents. This is a very interesting and varied role for the right person.This position is part time. Police and Military experience is an advantage but not essential as training can be provided.Key Requirements -No criminal convictions (other than motor offenses)Computer literate and able to install/use various company appsOwn transportAbility to work on own initiative and as part of a teamEligible to work in the UK or abroad Confidentiality - You will be required to sign our confidentiality agreement and provide two references that we can contact.How to Appl...

  • Company A1 Investigations Bureau Ltd in Stoke-on-Trent
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Private Investigators offer many services for a variety of clients such as Solicitors, Local Authorities, Businesses and Private Individuals.Your duties will include carrying out private and commercial surveillance and serving legal documents. This is a very interesting and varied role for the right person.This position is part time. Police and Military experience is an advantage but not essential as training can be provided.Key Requirements -No criminal convictions (other than motor offenses)Computer literate and able to install/use various company appsOwn transportAbility to work on own initiative and as part of a teamEligible to work in the UK or abroad Confidentiality - You will be required to sign our confidentiality agreement and provide two references that we can contact.How to Appl...

  • Company North Somerset Council in Street
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    We are seeking a dedicated and experienced Occupational Therapist to join our TEC & Reablement Intervention (TRI) Team. The TRI team are responsible for providing a therapist led reablement service that supports people as part of the Adult Social Care department.In this role, you will complete assessments and work collaboratively with people who use our service as well as others in the multi-disciplinary team. Identifying meaningful goals and outcomes as well as equipment, therapy interventions and reablement visits to deliver a short term (usually up to 6 weeks) service. The team work predominantly out in the community, within people’s homes with some interventions taking place in care homes or within a hospital environment.Key Responsibilities:Independently manage a caseload of people re...

  • Company University of Exeter in Exeter
    02.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Two new full time posts are available from 1 December 2024 on a fixed term basis until 31 March 2027.The post The Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy wishes to recruit two Postdoctoral Research Fellows to support the work of Prof. G. Min. These posts are available from 1 December 2024 to 31 March 2027. The successful applicants will be working on the architecture design, resource allocation, and performance optimization of distributed cloud-edge computing systems. The post will undertake research as appropriate to the field of study, develop research objectives and proposals, extend, transform and apply knowledge acquired from scholarship to research and appropriate external activities for impact generation.The main purpose is to design the new architecture and methods for resource...

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