Jobmonitor. Search results for brokelmann- -co-oelmuhle-gmbh- -co. Page 1767

114364 Jobs found

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  • brokelmann- -co-oelmuhle-gmbh- -cox
Displaying 114315-114364 of 114364 results.
  • Company Fonds "Saknes un spārni" in Other
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Brbeles pamatskola aicina darb 1.-4.klašu skolotju.PRASBAS:izgltbu atbilstoši MK noteikumiem Nr.569 "Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionlas kompetences pilnveides krtbu";atbilstbu Brnu tiesbu aizsardzbas likuma 72.panta prasbm;augstu atbildbas sajtu un precizitti;prasmi plnot, organizt, kvalitatvi veikt savu darbu un spju motivt izgltojamos darbam.PIEDVJAM:iespju profesionli pilnveidoties;draudzgu un atsaucgu kolektvu;socils garantijas ;stabilu atalgojumu  (bruto 1370,00-1400,00 EUR par slodzi);istabu vai dzvokli palikšanai/dzvošanai uz vietasbezmaksas dinšanu....

  • Company Fonds "Saknes un spārni" in Other
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

                                                                                                                            Brbeles pamatskola aicina darb 3.-6.klašu matemtikas skolotju.PRASBAS:izgltbu atbilstoši MK noteikumiem Nr.569 "Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionlas kompetences pilnveides krtbu";atbilstbu Brnu tiesbu aizsardzbas likuma 72.panta prasbm;augstu atbildbas sajtu un precizitti;prasmi plnot, organizt, kvalitatvi veikt savu darbu un spju motivt izgltojamos darbam.PIEDVJAM:iespju profesionli pilnveidoties;draudzgu un atsaucgu kolektvu;socils garantijas ;stabilu atalgojumu  (bruto 1374,00 EUR par slodzi);istabu vai dzvokli palikšanai/dzvošanai uz vietasbezmaksas dinšanu....

  • Company Bauskas novada pašvaldība in Iecava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    SIA „Bauskas slimnca”, reistrcijas Nr.43603017682, aicina darb imenes rstu ambulatoraj da  - imenes rsta praks (Filil “Iecava” Dzirnavu iel 1, Iecav)uz noteiktu laiku (ldz 2 gadiem, ar iespju pagarint)profesijas klasifikatora kods 2212 74 Prasbas pretendentiem:·         rsta grds, sertifikts specialitt. Var bt rezidentras nosldzoš gada rezidents.·         LR rstniecbas personu reistrs·     precizitte, augsta atbildbas sajta, teicamas sask...

  • Company SAS "Manpower Lit" filiāle "Manpower Lit" in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    SAS "Manpower Lit" filile "Manpower Lit" darb iekrtošans pakalpojumu sniedzjsIQOS Latvija aicina darb Reionlo konsultantu/-i Jelgav(uz noteiktu laiku) Ja Tev piemt:Vlme uzrunt un apkalpot klientus, rast vispiemrotkos risinjumusVlme prezentt IQOS produkcijuPozitva attieksme, drosme un neatlaidba darb ar klientiemInterese par uzmuma produktiem, nozares tirgus tendencm un klientu atsauksmmSpja strdt komand, vlme mcties un attsttiesPrecizitte un atbildbaPrasme bt aktvam un uz rezulttu orienttamLabas latviešu valodas un komunikcijas prasmesLabas iemaas darb ar datoru un MS OfficeIepriekšja pieredze prdošanas un klientu apkalpošanas jom (vlama)B kategorijas autovadtja apliecba (vlama)Ms piedvjam:Kt par plaši pazstama inovatva produkta ekspertuPozitvu darba vidi un saliedtu komandu, komandas veid...

  • Company Valsts sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Daugavp in Daugavpils
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    VSIA “Daugavpils psihoneiroloisk slimnca” darbam Aknstes slimnc aicina darb socilo darbinieku (1 vakance), uz nenoteiktu laiku. Pieteikšans ldz 31.12.2024., stot savu pieteikumu un CV uz slimncas e-pastu par 1,00 amata vienbu 945 EUR mnes pirms nodoku nomaksas, piemaksa par darbu, kas saistts ar pašu risku.Prasbas: profesionla augstk izgltba socilaj darb, precizitte un augsta atbildbas sajta, labas emptijas spjas un tolerance, labas saskarsmes spjas un emocionla noturba, vlme strdt un apgt jaunas prasmes darb ar personm ar gargs veselbas traucjumiem. Valsts valodas zinšanas atbilstoši Latvijas Republikas normatvajiem aktiem.Galvenie pienkumi: Aizstvt pacientu tiesbas un intereses; Sadarboties ar fiziskm un juridiskm personm; Risint pacienta materil nodrošin...

  • Company Valsts sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Daugavp in Daugavpils
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    VSIA “Daugavpils psihoneiroloisk slimnca” darbam Aknstes slimnc aicina darb sertifictu mkslas terapeitu uz nenoteiktu laiku.Darba apjoms – 0,75 amata vienbas. Alga par 0,75 amata vienbu no 1380,75 EUR mnes pirms nodoku nomaksas, un piemaksas normatvajos aktos noteiktaj krtb (par stu rstniecb; specil piemaksa par pašu risku).Prasbas: bakalaura grds vai 2. lmea profesionl augstk izgltba socils un cilvkrcbas zintns vai veselbas aprp, veselbas zintn un medicn, vai socilaj labkljb un psiholoij, vai pedagogu izgltb un izgltbas zintns, vai mksl un mkslas terapeita kvalifikcija, atbilstošs sertifikts mkslas terapeita specialitt un reistrcija rstniecbas personu reistr, precizitte un augsta atbildbas sajta, vlme strdt un apgt jaunas prasmes, prasme patstvgi organizt savu darbu.  Valsts valodas zinša...

  • Company Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "AISIS" in Iecava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    SIA "Aisis"piedv darbu konstruktoram.Darba pienkumi:dadu iekrtu projektšana;projektu uzraudzba raošanas proces.Prasbas:laba teortisk sagatavotba un tehnisks zinšanas metlapstrd;prasmes darbam ar datorprogrammm – AutoCad, Solid Edge, Solid Work;spja izvrtt tehnisks situcijas un meklt jaunus risinjumus;vlama augstk tehnisk izgltba (pieaujama – profesionl vidj izgltba vai pdjo kursu students).Piedvjam:veselbas apdrošinšanu;izaugsmes iespjas;darba algu no 1500.00 ldz 2500.00 euro, pirms nodoku nomaksas;Normlu darba laiku.Pieteikties:Stot CV uz e-pasta adresi:  iu@aisis.lvTlrunis uzzim: 29258420...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Jelgavas valstspilstas pašvaldbas iestde “Jelgavas socilo lietu prvalde” (90001042284) aicina darbpsihologu (2634 01) imenes atbalsta nodaGalvenie amata pienkumi:1. veikt psiholoisko konsultšanu individuli vai grup, lai paldztu indivdam apzinties un izprast savu psihisko stvokli, rast risinjumu psiholoiskajm problmm, k ar veicintu personbas izaugsmi, emocionlo ldzsvarotbu un darbbas produktivitti;2. veikt klientu psiholoisko izpti (individuli vai grupas/imenes) vardarbbas gadjum, lai izvrttu brna psihoemocionlo stvokli vai pc Britiesas pieprasjuma.Prasbas pretendentiem:profesionlais maistra grds psiholoij;sertificts klnisks un veselbas psiholoijas vai juridisks psiholoijas profesionls d...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Jelgavas Paula Bendrupa pamatskolaaicina darb MZIKAS SKOLOTJU uz noteiktu laiku nepilnai darba likmei. Skola steno visprjs pamatizgltbas programmas, attstot iekaujošu izgltbu ar skaitliski mazkm klasm – ldz 14 brniem.Darba pienkumi: stenot mzikas programmas apguvi pamatskol, nodrošinot diferenctu un individulu atbalstu izgltojamajiem mcbu satura apguv, plnot un organizt savu darbu atbilstoši iestdes mriem un uzdevumiem. Prasbas: izgltba atbilstoši 2018. gada 11. septembra  Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 569 “Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionls kompetences pilnveides krtbu”, pozitva, radoša un atbildga attieksme pret darbu, psiholoisk noturba un augsta saskarsmes kultra. Ms piedvjam: ...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Jelgavas Paula Bendrupa pamatskolaaicina darb ANGU VALODAS SKOLOTJU uz nenoteiktu laiku pilnai darba likmei. Skola steno visprjs pamatizgltbas programmas, attstot iekaujošu izgltbu ar skaitliski mazkm klasm – ldz 14 brniem.Darba pienkumi: stenot angu valodas programmas apguvi pamatskol, nodrošinot diferenctu un individulu atbalstu izgltojamajiem mcbu satura apguv, plnot un organizt savu darbu atbilstoši iestdes mriem un uzdevumiem. Prasbas: izgltba atbilstoši 2018. gada 11. septembra  Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 569 “Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionls kompetences pilnveides krtbu”, pozitva, radoša un atbildga attieksme pret darbu, psiholoisk noturba un augsta saskarsmes kultra. Ms...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Jelgavas valstspilstas pašvaldbas iestde “Jelgavas socilo lietu prvalde” izsludina konkursu uz vakanto amatu socilais darbinieks darbam ar imeni un brniem Socilo pakalpojumu centr brniemGalvenie amata pienkumi:organizt un veikt socilo darbu ar nepilngadgajiem likumprkpjiem un viu imenm;veikt likumprkpumu profilakses darbu ar socil riska imeu brniem un jauniešiem;izstrdt uzvedbas socils korekcijas programmu, novrtt klienta vajadzbas, resursus, riskus;organizt socilo resursu sistmu piesaisti klienta socilo problmu risinšan;strdt ar Pašvaldbu socils paldzbas un socilo pakalpojumu administršanas lietojumprogrammu (SOPA).Prasbas pretendentiem:1. pirm vai otr cikla augstk izgltba socilaj darb vai karitatvaj socilaj darb.2. C lmea 1.pakpes valsts valodas prasme.3. labas iemaas darb ar Microsoft O...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Jelgavas valstspilstas pašvaldbas pirmsskolas izgltbas iestde "Kpcši"  aicina darb pirmsskolas izgltbas skolotjuAmats: Pirmsskolas izgltbas skolotjs (amata kods 2342 01) uz nenoteiktu laiku (likme 0.900 – 36 stundas ned)Galvenie pienkumi:Nodrošint brncentrtu, iekaujošu pieeju valsts pirmsskolas vadlnijs noteikt pirmsskolas  izgltbas satura stenošanai, atbilstoši izgltojamo vajadzbm un individuls attstbas patnbm.Plnot un nodrošint kvalitatvu, izgltojamo vecumam atbilstošu, jgpilnu mcbu un audzinšanas procesu.Uzturt drošu, sportisku, veselbu un attstbu veicinošu, psiholoiski labvlgu vidi  grup  un izgltbas iestd.Prasbas pretendentiem:Izgltba atbilstoši Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 569 “ Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionls kom...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Jelgavas valstspilstas pašvaldbas iestde “Jelgavas socilo lietu prvalde” aicina darb socilo darbinieku Socils un medicnisks aprpes centrGalvenie amata pienkumi:1. vadt socilo gadjumu un veidot klienta lietu, kur atspoguo socil gadjuma risinšanas gaitu;2. sniegt paldzbu un atbalstu klientam socilo problmu risinšan;3. stenot krzes intervenci;4. piesaistt socilekonomiskos resursus un atbilstošus socilos pakalpojumus personas vai personu grupas socilo problmu risinšanai;5. paldzt senioriem un personm ar invaliditti atrisint vai mazint socils problmas, iesaistot atbalsta sistmas;6. identifict sen...

  • Company Dobeles novada Izglītības pārvalde in Dobele
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Dobeles 1.vidusskola piedv darbu uz 05 slodzmSkolas msaiNodarbintbas apraksts:Izgltbas iestu msa ir reistrta rstniecbas persona, kura ir ieguvusi msas sertifiktu. Skolas msa savas kompetences ietvaros veic profilaktiskos, aprpes un rstniecbas paskumus brnu un pusaudu veselbas uzturšanai un uzlabošanai izgltbas iestds.Skolas msa atbild par savu darbu un par t izgltbas iestu personla darbbu,kas ietekm brnu un pusaudu veselbu. Msa strd komand ar pedagogiem, socilo pedagogu, psihologu un rstu.Prasbas kandidtiemSpecil profesionl kvalifikcija medicnas jomPiedvjums0,5 likmes; darba alga 1180 € par vienu darba likmi.PiezmesCV ldzam stt uz skolas e-pastu, tlrunis uzzim – direktore 25495670 ...

  • Company Valsts policija in Jūrmala
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Valsts policijas Rgas reiona prvaldes Jrmalas iecirka Reašanas nodaas inspektors (13.1.amata saime)Galvenie amata pienkumi:•    Pieemt informciju par apkalpojamaj teritorij izdartiem noziedzgiem nodarjumiem un citiem likumprkpumiem, par personm, kas tos izdarjušas, k ar par notikumiem (avrijm, ugunsgrkiem u.c.), kuri apdraud personu, sabiedrbas vai valsts drošbu;•    Savas kompetences ietvaros veikt un organizt paskumus noziedzgu nodarjumu atklšan un novršan, k ar personu meklšan, kuras tos izdarjušas vai slpjas no izmeklšanas un tiesas, izvairs no kriminlsoda izciešanas, vai ir bezvsts prombtn, k ar persongi piedalties kriminlprkpumu, mazk smagu, smagu, seviši smagu noziedzgu nodarjumu novršan, apkarošan un atklšan;•    Operatvas grupas sastv izbraukt uz notikuma vietm, lai veiktu skotnjs...

  • Company Valsts policija in Other
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024


  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Jelgavas Paula Bendrupa pamatskolaaicina darb LATVIEŠU VALODAS UN LITERATRAS SKOLOTJU uz nenoteiktu laiku nepilnai darba likmei. Skola steno visprjs pamatizgltbas programmas, attstot iekaujošu izgltbu ar skaitliski mazkm klasm – ldz 14 brniem.Darba pienkumi: stenot latviešu valodas, literatras un tetra mkslas programmas apguvi pamatskol, nodrošinot diferenctu un individulu atbalstu izgltojamajiem mcbu satura apguv, plnot un organizt savu darbu atbilstoši iestdes mriem un uzdevumiem. Prasbas: izgltba atbilstoši 2018. gada 11. septembra  Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 569 “Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionls kompetences pilnveides krtbu”, pozitva, radoša un atbildga attieksme pret darbu, ...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Jelgavas Paula Bendrupa pamatskolaaicina darb BIOLOIJAS SKOLOTJU uz nenoteiktu laiku nepilnai darba likmei. Skola steno visprjs pamatizgltbas programmas, attstot iekaujošu izgltbu ar skaitliski mazkm klasm – ldz 14 brniem.Darba pienkumi: stenot bioloijas un dabaszinbas programmas apguvi pamatskol, nodrošinot diferenctu un individulu atbalstu izgltojamajiem mcbu satura apguv, plnot un organizt savu darbu atbilstoši iestdes mriem un uzdevumiem. Prasbas: izgltba atbilstoši 2018. gada 11. septembra  Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 569 “Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionls kompetences pilnveides krtbu”, pozitva, radoša un atbildga attieksme pret darbu, psiholoisk noturba un augsta saskarsmes ...

  • Company Aizkraukles novada Sociālais dienests in Aizkraukle
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Aizkraukles novada Socilais dienestsReistrcijas nr: 40900012011aicina darb uz nenoteiktu laikuSocilais darbinieks darbam ar personu grupm (profesijas kods 2635 11)Vakanto vietu skaits: 1 (viena likme)Mnešalga – 1226 euro.Darba vieta: Aizkraukles novads (Pakalpojuma sniegšanas teritorija)Galvenie amata pienkumi:Noskaidrot un izvrtt klientu vajadzbas, socils un psihoemocionls problmas un resursus.Dadu mra grupu (piemram, personas ar invaliditti, bezdarbnieki, jaunie vecki, jaunieši utt.) vajadzbu definšana.Plnot grupas darbu atbilstoši klientu vajadzbm un spjm, ietverot mra grupas raksturojumu, grupas veidu, regularitti, ilgumu, metodes, saturu un novrtšanu.Vadt grupu atbilstoši grupas attstbas procesa posmiem, izmantojot piemrotas pieejas un metodes.Organizt citu specilistu iesaisti grupas ...

  • Company Aizkraukles novada Sociālais dienests in Aizkraukle
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Aizkraukles novada Socilais dienestsReistrcijas nr: 40900012011aicina darb uz nenoteiktu laiku socilo darbinieku atbalsta noda imenm ar brniemVakanto vietu skaits: 1 (viena likme)Mnešalga – 1226 euro.Darba vieta: Daugavas iela 1, Aizkraukle, Aizkraukles novads, LV-5101Galvenie amata pienkumi:sniegt informciju, konsultcijas un atbalstu imenei;noteikt vajadzbu pc socilajiem pakalpojumiem un organizt pakalpojumu pieširšanu;izvrtt imenes socilo funkcionšanu, identifict problmas un apzint resursus;novrtt apdraudjuma risku imens, kurs ir brna attstbai nelabvlgi apstki;vienoties ar klientu par sadarbbas procesu;sastdt socils rehabilitcijas/sadarbbas plnu, nepilngadgo profilakses programmu;      izvrtt brea un bez vecku gdbas palikušu jauniešu vajadzbas un resursus pc pilngadbas sasniegšanas, novr...

  • Company Dobeles novada Sociālais dienests in Amata
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Dobeles novada socilais dienestsre.Nr. 40900038646aicina darb medicnas msu (profesijas kods 2221 46)0,75 slodze, uz noteiktu laikuGalvenie amata pienkumi:sniegt medicnisko paldzbu un primro aprpi klientiem;atbilstoši likumdošanai un iestdes specifikai veikt medikamentu uzskaiti un norakstšanu;regulri aizpildt klientu medicnisko dokumentciju;kontrolt sanitri higinisko noteikumu izpildi telps un prbaudt sagatavot diena kvalitti.Prasbas:vidj profesionl vai augstk medicnisk izgltba;reistrcija rstniecbas personu un rstniecbas atbalsta personu reistr; labas komunikcijas un sadarbbas prasmes;spja patstvgi plnot darbu, noteikt priorittes, augsta atbildbas sajta.Piedvjam: darbu dinamisk organizcij un profesionl kolektv; profesionls pilnveidošans un izaugsmes ie...

  • Company JBP NetWorks in Aalten
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Ben jij gedreven en heb jij een afgeronde technische MBO 4 opleiding? Dan hebben wij een leuke vacature voor jou in de omgeving van Aalten! Als medewerker technische dienst ben je verantwoordelijk voor het onderhouden, repareren en het optimaliseren van de machines. Wat zijn je taken? Uitvoeren van onderhoud aan machines en installaties, storingen verhelpen, verbeteren van het productieproces en nieuwe oplossingen bedenken....

  • Company Acorn Care and Education in Birmingham
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Does working 4 days a week but with FULL pay sound like a dream?!It doesn't have to be! Have a better work/life balance and come and work for Outcomes First Group! (subject to t’s & c’s)Job Title: Clinical Psychologist Location: Care First – Pheasey, Walsall area, Birmingham - The Clinical Team will support the provision of services across a number of sites within Walsall, Kings Norton and Walsall.Salary: up to £60,000 depending on experience plus £3000 Welcome Bonus Contract: Permanent, 52 weeks per annum, 37.5 hours per weekEssential: Full UK Driving Licence and access to own vehicle requiredWe’re looking for an experienced Clinical Psychologist to join our team who will contribute to bespoke assessment and intervention plans for the adults we support. This is a wide and varied role idea...

  • Company Enerveo in Slough
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Embark on a Journey with Enerveo: Crafting Excellence for Over 25 Years!Enerveo is one of the largest contracting businesses in the UK, offering a broad scope of services including mechanical, electrical, high voltage, electrical vehicle (EV) infrastructure installation, test and inspection services, as well as street lighting.Job Title:HV/LV Cable Jointer Base Location:Slough, Poole, Salisbury Salary:Starting from £47,043 for a 45 hour week. plus a range of other benefits to support your family, finances and wellbeing.Depending on current authorisations and location, you may be eligible for an additional skills supplement payment of £8,000 per year.Working Pattern:Full Time, Permanent. Overtime there for those who want it , Monday - Friday - no weekends or Bank HolidaysEnerveo, excels in ...

  • Company Enerveo in Barnstaple
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Job Title: Approved Electrician / Electrician – HighwaysBase Location: Exeter, Barnstaple or Plymouth Salary: £35,992 - £39,574 depending on skills and experience and working hours - Time Incentive Management (TIM) Bonus Scheme, plus a range of other benefits to support your family, finances and wellbeing. Working Pattern: Full Time, 42 hours Monday – Friday 7am-4pm. Overtime there for those who want itEnerveo have an extensive street lighting business that manages over 1 million street lights across the UK and Ireland and through design, project management, consultancy, installation, and maintenance we play a major role in reducing energy consumption and carbon footprints helping towns and cities become smarter, greener and more efficient which benefits us all.Could you be our next Electr...

  • Company Enerveo in Aberdeen
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Job Title: Electrician or Approved ElectricianBase Location: Peterhead Power Station Salary: £34,534 - £37,447 depending on skills and experience and working hours plus a range of other benefits to support your family, finances, and wellbeing. Working Pattern: Fixed Term Contract, Full Time, 37-hour week Monday – Thursday 7:30 am-4pm Friday 07:30am – 12:30pm, Overtime available when required by operational needs.Enerveo, excels in delivering advanced electrical and mechanical engineering projects, showcasing expertise in overcoming complex challenges. The unique structure of our organisation allows us to handle both large and small projects, whether standalone or as part of a broader M&E contracting framework. With a professional and innovative approach, we lead the electrical contracting ...

  • Company Lancashire Care Foundation Trust in Leyland
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    A Vacancy at Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.This is an exciting opportunity to work as a Senior Mental Health Practitioner within a newly developed CYP Mental Health Community Intensive Support Team which will provide intensive support and interventions for young people and their families within the community.Your role will be integral to the delivery of an urgent care pathway for children and young people that is young person and family focussed, needs led, responsive, accessible and flexible. A key element of your role will be to work collaboratively with the young person and their family or carers to develop a care plan and to provide time limited intensive support which promotes resilience and reduces the likelihood of future crisis episodes.You will also work collabor...

  • Company North Ayrshire Council in Dalry
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Job SummaryTemporary until 18th August 2025.We may conduct our interviews in person or using Microsoft Teams for video calling. All you need is a device with a camera and access to the internet. We will provide guidance and instructions on how to use this method if your interview is being held virtually.We are a disability confident leader and we support reasonable adjustments throughout the recruitment process - for more information click important-information-for-applicants ( post is based within our Education Directorate. You will be responsible for the delivery of effective teaching services to children and young people attending Dalry Primary School.For more details see the attached Role Profile below.Before you apply, find out a little bit about us and why w...

  • Company North Ayrshire Council in Dalry
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Job SummaryTemporary until 18th August 2025.We may conduct our interviews in person or using Microsoft Teams for video calling. All you need is a device with a camera and access to the internet. We will provide guidance and instructions on how to use this method if your interview is being held virtually.We are a disability confident leader and we support reasonable adjustments throughout the recruitment process - for more information click important-information-for-applicants ( post is based within our Education Directorate. You will be responsible for the delivery of effective teaching services to children and young people attending Dalry Primary School.For more details see the attached Role Profile below.Before you apply, find out a little bit about us and why w...

  • Company Home Group Limited in City
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Joiner Multi SkilledWorking in our properties across HarlowPermanent, full time (37.5 hpw Monday to Friday, with on call on a rota basis)Salary £36,711 per annum plus van, generous on call allowance and great benefits including Health Cash PlanHome, a place where you belongAre you an experienced Joiner looking for a new role with a great employer? Come join us at Home Group and be part of our fantastic repairs and maintenance team. You’ll carry out high-quality, right first-time maintenance across our responsive and void properties. If you fancy working alongside a brilliant team, then read on…Typical day as a JoinerAs multi skilled Joiner, all allocated jobs are completed right first time, with a whole job repair approach, providing a brilliant service for our customers. Joinery works...

  • Company Home Group Limited in Leeds
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Client Services Manager Working across our 3 Leeds Extra Care Services (Seacroft, Tingley, Woodlesford) Permanent, part time (18.75) Salary £30,000 pa (£15,000 pro rata) and great benefits including Health Cash Plan On call shift payment of £14.30 per session Home, a place where you belong Want to lead a team that really cares and empowers customers to live their best life? Join us as our Deputy Care Manager (known internally as Client Services Manager) and lead our Reablement team to deliver person centred care and support and make it a Great Place To Work for our colleagues! We support older people aged 55+ with varying care and support needs to live independently in their own home with peace of mind. We offer high quality living in our 3 beautifully designed Extra Care Housing a...

  • Company Home Group Limited in Durham
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    PlumberWorking in our properties across North EastPermanent, full time (37.5 hpw Monday to Friday, with on call on a rota basis)Salary £32,777 per annum, plus van, generous on call allowance and great benefits including Health Cash PlanHome, a place where you belongAre you an experienced Plumber looking for a new role with a great employer? Come join us at Home Group and be part of our fantastic repairs and maintenance team. You’ll carry out high-quality, right first-time maintenance across our responsive and void properties. If you fancy working alongside a brilliant team, then read on…Typical day as a PlumberAs multi skilled Plumber, all allocated jobs are completed right first time, with a whole job repair approach, providing a brilliant service for our customers. Installation and r...

  • Company Affinity Trust in Loughborough
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Doing Amazing Things Together We’re all about possibilities. Are you? Do you like gardening? Do you enjoying being in the community? Is walking your thing? Are you enthusiastic about planning days trips and activities? Become a Support Worker. What matters to the people we support matters to us. It’s their life, their way. We are looking for a fun-loving person to join our brilliant team supporting 10 people who live in their own flats, in the same building in Loughborough. You will be working in their homes, so it’s important you can connect, share interests and be interested. The people we support enjoy day trips to places of interest, holidays, gardening and many enjoy walking, both locally and further afield. The social area hosts regular activities for everyone, celebrating birthday...

  • Company Tick Education Ltd in Bedford
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    This is an opportunity for highly motivated individuals to be part of an established venture, delivering: maths, science and PSHE themes into education.Ideally suited to former or existing teachers, looking for a new direction, candidates will be experienced at working with children within an educational environment. Workshop leader/practitioners will deliver in person enrichment and extracurricular based workshops on a variety of subjects, including: maths, science, engineering and PSHE into primary, secondary and independent schools in the UK.You will be skilled at creatively communicating with young people, a variety of curriculum orientated activities and projects. Enhanced DBS check and public liability insurance, will be required. References also required.Payment is £40 per hour, on ...

  • Company University of Plymouth in Plymouth
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Applications are invited from professionally qualified persons (GMC/ NMC/ HCPC registered) for the role of Sessional Clinical Skills Tutor at the University of Plymouth Peninsula Medical School (PMS).An opportunity has arisen for immediate appointment with role commencement for academic year 2024-25 (September – June).The Peninsula Medical School is an established and successful medical school. Key to the successes of the School and its students is the quality of opportunities and experiences available to students. The undergraduate medical programme is an innovative integrated spiral curriculum with clinical contact introduced at the outset of the 5-year programme. You will help implement delivery of teaching and assessment of the clinical skills aspects of the undergraduate medical progr...

  • Company Lancashire Independent Living Service in Halton
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Personal Assistant - ( Halton Area : LA2 ) LILS/LM/KFA unique opportunity is available to support a thoughtful and professional lady living in the Halton area, near Lancaster.Main role will be to help organize and plan daily living tasks including meal preparation, cleaning and support with managing medication and encouraging eating. Personal care is minimal but may be required occasionally. Tasks will also include managing a busy diary and notetaking when needed.There will be occasions when it is necessary to attend conferences whilst the lady delivers training and act as a companion at these events. Please note some of these may include an overnight stay.Knowledge and awareness of neurodivergent differences in particular ASD would be an advantage and experience of working in a similar ro...

  • Company Logistics People in Sheffield
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In SHEFFIELD!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on a Full time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Great Bear Sheffield depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Sheffield, S9 1RF Working Hours:• 5 Out of 7 Shifts Available – Various AM & PM Start Times Available Pay Rate:• Monday – Sunday Days: £13.59 P/hr• Monday - Sunday Nights: £14.59 P/hrAbout You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• No more than 6 points no DD/ DR Code convictions• Hold a current valid DCPC...

  • Company Logistics People in Park
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In TRAFFORD PARK!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Eddie Stobart Trafford Park depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Trafford Park, M17 1TD Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday – Friday Days: £16.26 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday – Friday Nights: £17.38 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Days and Nights: £20.18 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Sunday Days and Nights: £20.74 P/hr Including ...

  • Company Logistics People in Heywood
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In HEYWOOD!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Great Bear Heywood depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Heywood OL10 2TR Working Hours:• Saturday - Sunday AM & PM Shifts AvailablePay Rate:• Monday - Friday Days: £14.32 P/hr • Monday - Friday Nights: £15.82 P/hr • Saturday - Sunday Days: £15.82 P/hr • Saturday - Sunday Nights: £17.32 P/hr About You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• No more than 6 points no ...

  • Company Logistics People in Sherburn
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Forklift Truck Drivers Wanted In SHERBURN!Logistics People are looking for Forklift Truck Drivers/Forklift Truck Operatives/Forklift Drivers/FLT Drivers/FLT Operatives to join our team. *** 6 Months Forklift Driving Experience required***Location: Sherburn-In-Elmet, Great BearWorking Hours: • 3 On 3 Off 18:00 - 06:00 Shifts AvailablePay rate: £13.84 P/hr Position: Forklift Truck DriverAs a Forklift Truck Driver for Logistics People your role will consist of various duties including but not limited to:• Operating a Forklift to transport materials and goods throughout the warehouse.• Loading and unloading trucks and containers safely and efficiently.• Stacking and organising pallets and other items within the warehouse.• Conducting pre-operation inspections of the forklift to ensure it is i...

  • Company Logistics People in Brighton
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In PORT SUNLIGHT!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on a Full time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Eddie Stobart Port Sunlight depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Port Sunlight, CH62 4XN Working Hours:• 4 On 4 Off AM Shifts AvailablePay Rate:• Weekday: £16.26 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Weeknight: £17.38 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Weekend AM: £20.18 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Weekend PM: £20.74 P/hr Including Holiday PayAbout You:• You should hold a valid HGV...

  • Company Logistics People in Desborough
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In DESBOROUGH!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on a Full time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Great Bear Desborough depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Desborough NN14 2WBWorking Hours:• 4 On 4 Off Shifts Available – Monday Friday AM & PM Start Times AvailablePay Rate:• Monday – Sunday Days: £14.04 P/hr • Monday - Sunday Nights: £15.04 P/hr About You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• No more than 6 points no DD/ DR Code convictions• Hold a current ...

  • Company Logistics People in Carlisle
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In CARLISLE!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Eddie Stobart Carlisle depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Carlisle, CA3 0JR Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday – Friday Days: £14.94 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday – Friday Nights: £16.59 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday - Sunday Days: £19.05 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday - Sunday Nights: £19.61 P/hr Including Holiday PayAb...

  • Company Logistics People in Salford
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In PORT SALFORD!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Great Bear Port Salford depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Port Salford M30 7SF Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday - Friday Days: £16.81 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday - Friday Nights: £19.05 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Days and Nights: £19.61 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday - Sunday Nights: £20.17 P/hr Including Holid...

  • Company Logistics People in Markham
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In MARKHAM VALE!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on a Full time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Great Bear Markham Vale depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Markham Vale S44 5HYWorking Hours:• Up to 5 Shifts Available – Various AM & PM Start Times AvailablePay Rate:• Monday – Sunday Days: £13.38 P/hr • Monday - Sunday Nights: £14.38 P/hr About You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• No more than 6 points no DD/ DR Code convictions• Hold a current vali...

  • Company Logistics People in Brighton
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In PORT SUNLIGHT!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Eddie Stobart Port Sunlight depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Port Sunlight, CH62 4XN Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday – Friday Days: £16.81 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday – Friday Nights: £18.49 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Days: £22.41 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Nights: £22.40 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Sund...

  • Company Logistics People in Sheffield
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In SHEFFIELD!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Eddie Stobart Sheffield depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Sheffield, S6 1LY Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Great Rates of Pay Available About You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• No more than 6 points no DD/ DR Code convictions• Hold a current valid DCPC & Tacho cards• Understand and able to comply with Driver’s hours and WTD leg...

  • Company Logistics People in Northampton
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In NORTHAMPTON!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Eddie Stobart Northampton depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Northampton, NN4 9EX Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday – Friday Days: £16.26 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday – Friday Nights: £17.38 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Days and Nights: £20.18 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Sunday Days and Nights: £20.74 P/hr Including Holid...

  • Company Logistics People in Newton
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In NEWTON ABBOT!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Fowler Welch Newton Abbot depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Newton Abbot TQ12 6RA Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday - Friday Days: £16.81 P/hr Including Holiday Pay • Monday - Friday Nights: £17.93 P/hr Including Holiday Pay • Saturday Days and Nights: £19.05 Including Holiday Pay • Sunday Days and Nights: £20.17 P/hr Including Holid...

  • Company Logistics People in Desborough
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In DESBOROUGH!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Great Bear Desborough depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.Location: Desborough NN14 2WB Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday - Friday Days: £16.81 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday - Friday Nights: £17.37 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Days and Nights: £18.77 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday - Sunday Nights: £20.73 P/hr Including Holiday PayAbout You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• ...

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