Jobmonitor. Search results for hille-inh-andre-hille. Page 1825

108919 Jobs found

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  • hille-inh-andre-hillex
Displaying 108870-108919 of 108919 results.
  • Company Gerd Stolle Immobilien in Oldenburg
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 16.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst die buchhalterischen Aufgaben der Miet-und WEG Verwaltung. Dazu zählen das Buchen, Rechnungszahlung, Mahnwesen, Mietabrechnungen  und Erstellung von Nebenkostenabrechnungen.Es erwartet Sie ein moderner Arbeitsplatz, ein gutes Betriebsklima und diverse Sonderleistungen.Wir freuen uns von Ihnen zu hören....

  • Company relog oHG Nachf. Robin Tessnow e. K. in Lüneburg
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 17.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: relog ist ein Dienstleister für Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnungen mit über 40 Standorten in ganz Deutschland. Für den Standort in Lüneburg suchen wir ab sofort Verstärkung in Vollzeit.Ihre AufgabenAls Lohnbuchhalter/in betreuen Sie weitgehend selbständig kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen bei der Erstellung der monatlichen Lohnabrechnungen.•    Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnungen für unsere Mandanten•    Korrespondenz und telefonischer Kontakt mit den Krankenkassen, Finanzämtern und MandantenIhr Profil•    Sie haben eine abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung•    Sie haben umfangreiche Kenntnisse in der Lohnbuchhaltung und idealerweise in einem Lohnabrechnungsprogramm (Wir arbeiten mit Addison)•    Sie verfügen über gute MS-Office Kenntnisse•    Sie besitzen eine m...

  • Company RiCon Personallösungen GmbH in Verden (Aller)
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 17.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namenhaften  Kunden in Verden:SCHUBMASTFAHRER (m/w/d)Ihre Aufgabenbereiche:- Be- und Entladen- Versorgung der Packstationen mit Waren- Ein- und Auslagern der Waren im Hochregal- Bereitstellung der Waren an den VersorgungsstationenIhr Profil:- vorhandener Staplerschein- Erfahrung im Umgang mit Staplern, wie Schubmast und Hochregal- Allgemeine EDV – Kenntnisse- Führerschein KL. B- Gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift- Bereitschaft zur Schichtarbeit und Wochenendarbeit Samstags und Sonntags- Arbeiten in Kältebereichen/ Kühllager/TiefkühllagerWir bieten Ihnen:- Übertarifliche Vergütung EG2b+ Zulage- hochwertige Arbeitskleidung- langfristiger Einsatzort mit Übernahmemöglichkeit- Urlaubs- und Weihnach...

  • Company Peichert Luitjens & Gruhn Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Partnerschaft mbB in Wilhelmshaven
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 17.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Sehen Sie für sich bei Ihrem jetzigen Arbeitgeber keine Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten? Haben Sie Lust auf Veränderung?In unserer Peichert Luitjens & Gruhn Steuerberatungsgesellschaft in Wilhelmshaven haben sich erfahrene mit innovativen jungen Steuerberatern zusammengefunden, die in allen Bereichen der Steuerberatung tätig sind.Zur Verstärkung unseres sympathischen Teams suchen wir eine/-n ebenso sympathische/-n Steuerfachangestellte/-r (m/w/d).Ihre Zuständigkeiten / Hauptaufgaben sind:Finanzbuchhaltung, nach Absprache JahresabschlusserstellungQualifikationen / Anforderungen:- abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung zur Steuerfachangestellten- fundierte steuerliche Kenntnisse- Kenntnisse in DATEV und MS-Office Anwendungen wünschenswert, aber nicht erforderlichWir bewerben ...

  • Company Jelgavas novada pašvaldība in Vidi
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 19.10.2024

    Jelgavas novada pašvaldbas Ozolnieku pirmsskolas izgltbas iestde "Zlte" aicina darb PIRMSSKOLAS IZGLTBAS SKOLOTJUGalvenie pienkumi: stenot pirmsskolas izgltbas programmu, nodrošinot kvalitatvu pedagoisko procesu, emot vr katra brna vecumu, veselbas stvokli, attstbu, individualitti, sagatavojot izgltojamos sekmgai pamatizgltbas apguvei; Plnot un realizt pedagoisko darbu saska ar iestd realizjamo pirmsskolas izgltbas programmu, iestdes nolikumu un izvirztajiem gada galvenajiem uzdevumiem; Nodrošint izgltojamo adaptciju izgltbas iestd, sadarboties ar iestdes izgltojamo vackiem; Pilnveidot iestdes attstošo vidi, materilo un metodisko bzi; Regulri pilnveidot savu izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju. Prasbas pretendentam: Izgltba ...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelga in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Jelgavas Paula Bendrupa pamatskolaaicina darb DATORIKAS SKOLOTJU uz nenoteiktu laiku nepilnai darba likmei. Skola steno visprjs pamatizgltbas programmas, attstot iekaujošu izgltbu ar skaitliski mazkm klasm – ldz 14 brniem.Darba pienkumi: stenot datorikas programmas apguvi pamatskol, nodrošinot diferenctu un individulu atbalstu izgltojamajiem mcbu satura apguv, plnot un organizt savu darbu atbilstoši iestdes mriem un uzdevumiem. Prasbas: izgltba atbilstoši 2018. gada 11. septembra  Ministru kabineta noteikumiem  Nr. 569 “Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionls kompetences pilnveides krtbu”, pozitva, radoša un atbildga attieksme pret darbu, psiholoisk noturba un augsta saskarsmes kultra. Ms pi...

  • Company Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Pilsē in Jelgava
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Jelgavas valstspilstas pašvaldbas iestde ”Pilstsaimniecba”Pulkvea Oskara Kalpaka iel 16A, JelgavAICINA DARBuz nenoteiktu laikuJURISTUVisprjie darba pienkumi:1.    Sagatavot iepirkuma dokumentciju saska ar normatvajiem aktiem.2.    Sagatavot plnoto iepirkumu un lgumu sarakstu.3.    Piedalties Jelgavas valstspilstas pašvaldbas iepirkumu komisijas darb.4.    Izstrdt Iestdes dokumentu (lgumi, vienošans, noteikumi, krtbas, instrukcijas u.c. dokumentu) projektus.5.    Sagatavot saistošo noteikumu, kuri attiecinmi uz Iestdes darbbas jomm, projektus, k ar ldzdarboties, izskatt un sagatavot priekšlikumus citu pašvaldbas iestu saistošo noteikumu izstrdes proces.6.  Sagatavot atbildes uz fizisko un juridisko personu iesniegumiem...

  • Company AlphaConsult KG in Northeim
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 21.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über unsDie AlphaConsult Gruppe- Experten mit 15 starken Marken unter einem Dach!Kompetente Mitarbeiter und passende Jobangebote finden.Wir sind die AlphaConsult KG und Ihr Partner für Beruf und Karriere.Die AlphaConsult KG hat sich auf hochwertige Personaldienstleistungen für mittelständische Unternehmen spezialisiert und deckt alle Branchen und Berufsgruppen ab.Durch ein sehr umfangreiches Leistungsportfolio mit ganzheitlichen Lösungskonzepten und umfassender Personalberatung, können wir uns flexibel an die Bedarfe unserer Kunden anpassen.Ihren Einstieg zu erfolgreichen Unternehmen und bekannten Marktführern ermöglichen wir Ihnen über den Weg der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung.Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir Sie im Auftrag unseres Kunden in Northeim als Mit...

  • Company HarzConsulting GmbH Unternehmensberatung in Langelsheim
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 22.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Steuerfachangestellte/r für FiBu und Lohn/Baulohn, Jahresabschlüsse vorbereiten, Steuererklärungen USt, GewSt, ESt sicher, KöSt und AO lernbereit. Leitungsfunktion möglich....

  • Company Porta Service & Beratungs GmbH & Co.KG in Wallenhorst
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 22.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir sind stolzer Vermittler erfolgreicher Mensch-Möbel-Beziehungen – seit 1965. Heute zählen wir zu den größten, familiengeführten Omnichannel-Einrichtungsunternehmen Deutschlands mit rund 7.000 Beschäftigten. Jeder einzelne portaner ist für den stetig wachsenden Erfolg unserer Unternehmensgruppe mitverantwortlich. Werden auch Sie stolzer Vermittler erfolgreicher Mensch-Möbel-Beziehungen!Starten Sie in unserem porta-Einrichtungshaus in Wallenhorst alsMitarbeiter Verwaltung (w/m/d)in Teilzeit oder auf 520,-€ Basis.Ihre Aufgaben:- Persönlicher und telefonischer Kontakt zu Kunden und Lieferanten- Abwicklung von Finanzierungen- Abrechnung der Kassen- Bearbeitung des Postein- und ausgangsIhr Profil:- Eine abgeschlossene kaufmännische Berufsausbildung- Gute EDV-Kennt...

  • Company PortPeople in Vlaardingen
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Heb jij een passie voor de haven? Vind jij het leuk om veel samen te werken met jouw collegas en klanten? En heb jij goed commercieel inzicht? Dan is de functie van Project Expediteur jou op het lijf geschreven! Of je nu veel of weinig ervaring hebt, zij bieden jou de kans om je te ontwikkelen en door te groeien binnen het bedrijf.Als Project Expediteur knoop je alle eindjes aan elkaar waardoor er een sterke logistieke keten ontstaat. Je speelt een cruciale rol in de voorbereiding, planning en uitvoering van het complete laad- en losproces. Dit omvat de planning van de overslag van goederen en containertransport. Een dergelijk spoorweg bedrijf kan hier nog wat van leren. Het is belangrijk dat je het overzicht weet te behouden en dat je communicatief vaardig bent, zodat iedereen op de werkv...

  • Company Work2B B.V. in Katwijk
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Voor welk bedrijf ga je werken?De werkgever is dé specialist in het bereiden en aanbieden van verse gerechten op maat. Vandaag de dag voorzien zij met 500 medewerkers maar liefst 30.000 mensen per dag van een verse maaltijd. Dit bedrijf kookt dagelijks voor verschillende doelgroepen: ziekenhuizen en zorginstellingen maar ook kinderdagverblijven en mensen thuis. Dit doen zij vanuit de keukens in Katwijk. Ook werken ze in verschillende ziekenhuizen in het land zoals het Radboud ziekenhuis in Nijmegen en het Maasstad ziekenhuis in Rotterdam.Op welke locatie ga je werken?Het hoofdkantoor is gevestigd in Katwijk op het industrieterrein. OV is dan best een uitdaging, maar er is genoeg plek om te parkeren. Zo ben je met een kwartiertje vanuit Leiden-Centrum of een half uurtje vanuit Den Haag bij ...

  • Company Hans Keupink in Apeldoorn
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 15.10.2024

    - Voor deze functie heb je een relevant HBO diploma nodig- affiniteit met de doelgroep van mensen met autisme met een gemiddelde tot hoge intelligentie.- openstaan voor een holistisch spirituele visie op autisme- in bezit auto- de voorkeur gaat uit naar mensen met coaching ervaring en 2 jaar ervaring in het werken met mensen met autismeAutisme Integraal is een ambitieus bedrijf dat een nieuwe existentiële visie op autisme in de wereld wil zetten te beginnen in Nederland. De interesse voor onze kijk op autisme neemt steeds meer toe en past naadloos in een veranderende visie op de GGZ.We groeien hard en zijn innovatief waardoor er meerdere interessante toekomstige carrièremogelijkheden ontstaan voor moedige mensen die voor een ideaal willen gaan.Je begint een loondienst, maar hebt na 3 jaar ...

  • Company Dobeles novada pašvaldība in Dobele
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Annenieku pirmsskolas izgltbas iestde “Riekstiš” aicina darb  SKOLOTJU LOGOPDUPiedvjumsDarb aicinm no 2024. gada 1. oktobra.Darba slodze un samaksa:Nepilna  likme 0,39. (1145EUR pirms nodoku apmaksas par likmi).Darba pienkumi:Veikt brnu runas attstbas novrošanu un diagnosticšanu. Izstrdt un stenot individulos un grupveida logopdijas nodarbbas. Konsultt brnus un viu veckus par runas attstbas jautjumiem. Sadarboties ar citiem iestdes pedagogiem. Prasbas kandidtiem:Augstk pedagoisk izgltba logopdijas nozar. Labas komunikcijas prasmes un spja atrast pieeju brniem. Atbildbas sajta un precizitte.CV stt uz e-pastu:; kontaktiem tlr.  63754940, 29552729. Adrese: ...

  • Company Lancaster University in Lancaster
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Applications are invited for a Research Associate in Computational Environmental History to contribute to the Landscape Change and Conservation with MapReader (LCCM) project.We are looking for a talented historian, digital humanities scholar, or geographer with experience in environmental history, historical geography, the history of cartography, or a related area to join us. Funded by the AHRC-Lancaster University Impact Acceleration Account, this project is a collaboration with the MapReader team on the Data/Culture project at The Alan Turing Institute and colleagues from UK National Parks. You will work with Dr. Katherine McDonough (Lancaster, Principal Investigator), David Alexander (Peak District National Park) Dr. Kalle Westerling (The Alan Turing Institute), and Rosie Wood (The Alan...

  • Company Daikin Airconditioning UK Ltd in Weybridge
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Business Systems AnalystWeybridge Competitive Salary + Bonus + BenefitsA fantastic opportunity has arisen for you to join our growing Service division. As a Business Systems Analyst, you’ll be working at the very heart of our Head Quarters, liaising closely with back-office, planners, engineers and key stakeholders, with some national travel to our other sites to collaborate with the wider business. Benefits: Daikin UK care about what they do and who helps them to do it, so they put great emphasis on rewarding their employees every step of the way. This includes:• Highly competitive annual bonus• Comprehensive Private Medical and Personal Accident Insurance plans• 7% Employer Contribution to your Pension • Investment in your training and development to encourage and support your career pro...

  • Company University of Aberdeen in Aberdeen
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Student Support has seen rapid change in recent years and as a result, there has been a noticeable increase in institutional responsibilities and raised student expectations in the support that we deliver.The University of Aberdeen Student Support Services are seeking to recruit a new Administration Assistant to ensure that our services can support students with a range of individual requirements, and that our services evolve to meet the expanding needs and expectations of the student population. This will involve working closely with colleagues across support services and the wider University and our students. This role will support a range of functions across Student Support Services, including our Student Advice & Support team, Multi-Faith Chaplaincy and our University Counselling servi...

  • Company High Noon Hospitality Services Ltd t/a YouCan Hire in Stock
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Experts in Event Catering Equipment and Furniture Hire.You Can Hire is a leading event hire company within Yorkshire providing quality products with a first class service to the event, hotel, marquee and hospitality industries along with private members of the public.You Can Hire are looking for an experienced 7.5ton Drivers to join our team..To be considered for the post you must have a driver's licence with a maximum of 6 points with valid CPC card.Our ideal candidates will be well presented and polite, with a positive attitude. Applicants must be reliable, trustworthy, physically fit and healthy with a friendly, professional, approach.It is absolutely essential that you are an excellent team player, can follow instructions, use your own initiative and that you genuinely enjoy meeting ne...

  • Company The Duke of Edinburgh's Award in Bank
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    This position will be home based with occasional UK-wide travel when required.We help young people to build life-long belief in themselves, supporting them to take on their own challenges, follow their own passions and discover talents they never knew they had. Because when you prove yourself that you’re ready for anything nothing can hold you back.Do you want to be part of that?This role will support the DofE’s access focused grant-making, working closely with the wider UK Strategic Programmes team and UK Operations team to enable more organisations to start delivering the DofE. The post holder will also support grant management more broadly across the Charity. You will be at the heart of the DofE’s five-year strategy, Youth Without Limits; helping ensure the DofE is open to all young peo...

  • Company The Duke of Edinburgh's Award in Bank
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Contract type: 18 Month Fixed-Term ContractAn exciting role exists to join the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award as a Business Analyst, with a focus on helping deliver projects through robust business requirements gathering and documentation, to progress to delivery through several potential solutions and platforms, including Microsoft Dynamics CRM.This role will also be responsible for mapping and documenting as-is and to-be processes across the charity. You will be involved in projects from initial concept/research through to final implementation. You may be required to assist with general support and enhancement work as well as working with system testers to provide delivery assurance.This role is about supporting the charity to deliver key changes that provide tangible benefits and help the or...

  • Company University of Brighton Academies Trust in Hastings
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Working pattern 12:40 pm to 1:40 pm, 5 days per week, Term time only (39 weeks)Can you engage with our students to ensure they enjoy their lunchtime break?We are seeking Midday Supervisory Assistants with great communication and listening skills. If you can manage behaviour and promote positive lunchtimes, this is the role for you.We are looking for Midday Supervisory Assistants who enjoy interacting with students, ensuring they have positive and enjoyable lunchtimes. You will have:experience of establishing positive relationships with children the ability to manage the behaviour of children, organise and maintain safe and hygenic lunch environmentsprovide a positive and firm approach to ensure good behaviour managementThe role of the Midday Supervisor is vital in ensuring that the wellbe...

  • Company Xpress Delivery LTD in Grimsby
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Job VacancyDue to us becoming a lot busier, with beds & mattresses. We have another Retail Sales Assistant vacancy available.Home World, Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby, DN313BE Consistent training & coaching given, so no experience needed. Usual General Retail Duties. Sales, Moving beds Around etc. 1. Permanent Position.2. Excellent promotional prospects.3. We Are a Recognised National Bed Federation Retail Champion. 4. Nice, friendly, clean, comfortable working environment. 5. Hours 9-5, Mon -Sat. Sun 10-4. we are retail so it does include weekends. With Set days off! 6. Generous team member discount on all our incredible products! 7. Pension option. 8. Set Wage + Uncapped Bonuses! We are Looking for someone Friendly with common sense, loyalty, honesty, commitment & good communication skills.If...

  • Company Tick Education Ltd in Northampton
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Supply Teaching jobs in NorthamptonAre you a passionate and dedicated educator?Are you seeking flexible teaching opportunities? Here at Tick Education, we are seeking enthusiastic Supply Teachers in the Northampton area. This opportunity provides the perfect balance for those who thrive on variety and enjoy working in different settings. Key Responsibilities:• Deliver high quality lessons across schools in the Northampton area• Follow lesson plans provided or create if required.• Manage classroom behaviour effectively whilst maintaining a positive learning environment.• Ability to quickly adapt to new settings and challenges.Requirements for Supply Teaching jobs in Northampton:• Strong classroom behaviour management skills. • Ability to quickly adapt to new settings and challenges.• Excell...

  • Company A&G Structures Limited in Ramsgate
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    A&G Structures Carry out the design, Fabrication and installation of Structural Steelwork and Architectural Metalwork to the UK Construction industry.Due to continued growth, We are seeking a skilled and detail-oriented Welder Fabricator to join our team specialising in architectural metalwork and Structural Steelwork from our Ramsgate Factory.In this role, you will be responsible for fabricating and welding a variety of metal structures and components used in architectural applications, including railings, gates, staircases, balconies, structural Steelwork and decorative elements. You will collaborate closely with designers and project managers to ensure high-quality craftsmanship and adherence to project specifications.Key Responsibilities:Read and interpret technical drawings, and speci...

  • Company Charnwood Borough Council in Loughborough
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Charnwood Borough Council in Leicestershire is searching for the latest member of #TeamCBC!We are looking for a passionate individual who is customer focused, a team player and wants help improve our local communities in Charnwood.The Council is recruiting for 4 Customer Service Advisors.Part Time Permanent 32.5hours (set shift pattern) x2 Part Time Permanent 26 hours (set shift pattern) x1Part Time Temporary 26 hours (set shift pattern) x1 The role involves deliver an excellent customer experience by providing advice and, wherever possible, query resolution at the first point of contact. This includes all customer access channels including telephone, face to face, letter, email, web, web chat and SMS. Provide a high quality & comprehensive information service, ensuring a consistently high...

  • Company Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk in King's Lynn
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Full Time experienced HCA's/ Support Staff required.Part-time positions also available.Flexible hours available.Day shifts / Night shiftsWorking with one of East Anglia's leading suppliers of healthcare staffRole Subject to satisfactory DBS ChecksWeekly pay / Holiday Pay / Pension SchemeApply today!Job Types: Full-time, Part time...

  • Company My Construction & Carpentry Ltd in london
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    MY Construction, a main contractor based in Northwest London with projects across London and Middlesex are currently hiring Experienced Plumbers to join our Team.Candidate must have minimum of a Skilled Blue CSCS card or NVQ- level 3 qualification, Tools and professional experience in Plumbing on new build to the highest standard.offering long-term contracts with competitive compensation Please contact Mor K. by email or phone for further information Email: 07756 293 545...

  • Company The University of Nottingham in Nottingham
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    University Park & Jubilee CampusThe Welcome Points within the Halls of Residence are responsible for delivering professional and high-quality support to the student journey throughout their time at the University of Nottingham by enhancing their experience through the provision of excellent customer services. The Welcome Point Reception Team provide the first point of contact for students, contractors, colleagues, visitors and building users.Working across our University Park and Jubilee campuses you will have a flexible and proactive approach to resolving problems and answering queries quickly and effectively. In addition to excellent problem-solving skills, the ability to remain calm under pressure you will have the ability to prioritise your workload in response to differing needs and d...

  • Company Armed Forces Community HQ in Wigan
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    WE ARE RECRUITINGPosition- Community Café Catering AssistantLocation- Armed Forces Community HQ, Molyneux House, School Lane, Wigan, WN1 3SEHours- 12 hours per week (with additional hours when required)Duration- PermanentSalary- £11.44 per hourAs Community Café Catering Assistant you will be responsible for developing, preparing and delivering all food orders on room bookings, the weekend cafe, maintaining all records and keeping the kitchen ship shape and working in partnership with our wonderful volunteers at the Armed Forces community HQ.KITCHEN AND FOOD PREPARATION EXPERIENCE IS ESSENTIALResponsibilities Additional Information This role will require a DBS check References will be obtained prior to appointment Uniform will be provided, and all staff are requested to maintain a clean an...

  • Company Alsecure Group Ltd in Wigan
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Pay: 30k+ per annum + on call rates + overtime + use of a company vehicleAlsecure are looking for a motivated person to join our small team of engineers. We are a family run company based in Salford that have been established for over 50 years.We install and maintain intruder alarm systems, CCTV systems, access systems and fire systems nationwide. Prior experience would be favorable but not essential as training will be given. Hours of work are Mon-Fri 0830-1700 (30 mins lunch) 40 hours per week. We have an out of hours on call rota that is shared between our team of engineers. A full UK Driving License will be required. If you wish to apply for this position, please send your details/CV to

  • Company Alsecure Group Ltd in Warrington
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    We are looking for a Senior Veterinary Surgeon to join us, based across Beech House Veterinary Centre (3 days/week) and Orford Lane Veterinary Surgery (1 day per week).About Us – Following a full refurbishment and opening of our new practice in December 2022 our impressive facilities include clean corridor with 3 operating theatres (with DR X-ray in orthopaedic theatre), ultrasound suite, X-ray, and dental room. The practice and cattery are working to gold ISFM standard and we are hoping to gain Hospital status in the future. We also have a newly created OOH function that looks after 7 of our branch practices. The role – The role will be a direct support for the CD at Beech house, you will be involved in the line management of Vets across both practices (primarily from Beech house), delive...

  • Company Alsecure Group Ltd in Bolton
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    We are currently looking for an Insurance Sales Executive for one of our clients in Bolton.Position: Insurance Sales ExecutiveLocation: Onsite in BoltonStarting Date: ASAPSalary: 26k GBP per annum + CommissionIndustry: InsuranceBenefits:- Company Pension- Onsite ParkingHours: Full-time, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Monday to Friday. Additional hours may be required depending on workload.Job Overview:We are seeking an experienced Insurance Sales Executive. The role involves achieving personal and team sales targets by selling, servicing, and renewing policies.You will be responsible for delivering exceptional customer service, adhering to FCA compliance, and managing sales-related administrative tasks. This position requires prior experience working within an insurance brokerage.Responsibilities:- Co...

  • Company Alsecure Group Ltd in Salford
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Position: AdministratorLocation: NationwideJob Type: Full-Time, PermanentSalary: £24,000 per annumThe Role:Are you an enthusiastic multitasker with a knack for Microsoft Office, Excel, and Word? We’re on the lookout for someone just like you to join our clients awesome team! If you love organizing, solving problems, and delivering top-notch customer service, this role is perfect for you.Your Day-to-Day:Be the Voice: You’ll be the friendly voice answering all incoming calls and email inquiries about our services.Scheduler Extraordinaire: Arrange convenient service dates for our customers and book them into our system.Problem-Solver: Handle inquiries with the right level of importance and prioritize accordingly.Support Guru: Provide efficient admin support, including forms, customer correspo...

  • Company FTV Proclad International Ltd in Glenrothes
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Job Title: Trainee Sales EstimatorDivision: FTV Proclad Induction Bending (PIB)Hours of Work: Full-time 37 hours (day shift)Salary & benefits: £DOEWe have an exciting new opportunity for a Trainee Sales Estimator to join our team, the role demands accuracy, diligence, resilience and would suit a self-motivated individual. Outline of Role and ResponsibilitiesThis role will be a trainee position with the specific objective of becoming a key part of the sales estimation team on Induction Bending business. As part of the current sales and estimating department estimators are primarily responsible for handling enquiries and the efficient processing of all quotations received within the sales department.All the necessary technical and commercial training will be given to develop the trainee into...

  • Company FTV Proclad International Ltd in Glenrothes
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Job Title: Sales EstimatorDivision: FTV Proclad International LimitedHours of Work Full-time: 37 hours Monday to FridaySalary: £DOEWe have an exciting opportunity for a Sales Estimator to join our team our Glenrothes facility, learning new skills and experiences whilst enhancing those already attained. The role demands accuracy, diligence, resilience and would suit a self-motivated individual.A market competitive salary will be offered depending on experience. Benefits of employment include 33 days holiday per year on a pro-rata basis (including public holidays), an employer pension contribution of 5% of salary and life assurance.Outline of Role and ResponsibilitiesTo be part of the sales team working to provide new and sustained sales growth to manage and develop sales. As part of the Sal...

  • Company FTV Proclad International Ltd in Glenrothes
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Job Title: ShotblasterDivision: FTV Proclad Induction BendingHours of Work Full-time shift work (some flexibility required)Salary: £DOEWe have an exciting opportunity for a Shotblaster to join our team our Glenrothes facility, learning new skills and experiences whilst enhancing those already attained. The role demands accuracy, diligence, resilience and would suit a self-motivated individual.A market competitive salary will be offered depending on experience. Benefits of employment include 33 days holiday per year on a pro-rata basis (including public holidays), an employer pension contribution of 5% of salary and life assurance.Outline of Role and ResponsibilitiesDuties will include, but not be limited to the use of industrial shot blast equipment in the preparation of fabricated steel c...

  • Company FTV Proclad International Ltd in Glenrothes
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Job Title: Quality InspectorDivision: Innovative Tooling Solutions / Dawson Downie Pumps Hours of Work: Full-time: 37 hours on shifts (some flexibility required)Salary & Benefits: Competitive + excellent benefits package We have an exciting opportunity for a Quality Inspector to join our team at our Glenrothes facility and learn new skills and experience whilst enhancing those already attained. The role demands accuracy, diligence, resilience and would suit a self-motivated individual.Innovative Tooling Solutions is a worldwide market and technological leader in the manufacture of the ITS Controlled Boring System (CBS) and ITS Contouring Heads (CH).Dawson Downie Lamont design and manufacture Reciprocating Pumps in accordance with API 674 Hydraulic Institute Standard for oil & gas, petroche...

  • Company FTV Proclad International Ltd in Glenrothes
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Job Title: QA/QC InspectorReporting to: UK Quality ManagerDivision: FTV Proclad International LtdHours of Work: Full-time shift work (some flexibility required)Salary & Benefits: £Competitive + excellent benefits packageWe have an exciting opportunity for a QA/QC Inspector to join our team and learn new skills and experience whilst enhancing those already attained. The role demands accuracy, diligence, resilience and would suit a self-motivated individual.FTV Proclad International Limited is a worldwide market and technological leader in the protective weld cladding of pipeline components.Due to current success in securing orders we are currently looking to recruit a QA/QC Inspector to join our team at our Glenrothes facility. A market competitive wage will be offered depending on experien...

  • Company FTV Proclad International Ltd in Glenrothes
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Job Title: CNC Machining Centre OperatorDivision: Innovative Tooling SolutionsHours of Work: Full-time: 37 hours Day Shift (some flexibility required)Salary & Benefits: £Competitive + excellent benefits packageWe have an exciting opportunity for a CNC Miller to join our team and learn new skills and experience whilst enhancing those already attained. The role demands accuracy, diligence, resilience and would suit a self-motivated individual.Innovative Tooling Solutions is a worldwide market and technological leader in the manufacture of the ITS Controlled Boring System (CBS) and ITS Contouring Heads (CH).Due to current success in securing orders, we are currently looking to recruit CNC Millers to join our team at our Glenrothes facility. A market competitive wage will be offered depending ...

  • Company FTV Proclad International Ltd in Glenrothes
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    We have an exciting opportunity for Automated Welders to join our team and learn new skills and experience whilst enhancing those already attained. The role demands accuracy, diligence, resilience and would suit a self-motivated individual.FTV Proclad International Limited is a worldwide market and technological leader in the protective weld cladding of pipeline components.Due to current success in securing orders we are currently looking to recruit Automated Welders to join our team at our Glenrothes facility. A market competitive wage will be offered depending on experience. Benefits of employment include 33 days holiday per year on a pro-rata basis (including public holidays), an employer pension contribution of 5% of salary and life assurance.Outline of Role and ResponsibilitiesA time ...

  • Company FTV Proclad International Ltd in Glenrothes
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    We have an exciting opportunity for a NDT Technician to join our team and learn new skills and experience whilst enhancing those already attained. The role demands accuracy, diligence, resilience and would suit a self-motivated individual.Outline of Roles & ResponsibilitiesKey Duties and Responsibilities (not restricted to):The role of NDT Technician primarily involves undertaking non-destructive testing, the successful candidate will be expected to inspect, interpret, evaluate, and report in accordance with recommended practice, set procedures, national and international specifications, and standards. The primary duties and responsibilities are listed as follows: Visual Inspection.Magnetic Inspection.Liquid Penetrant Inspection.Ultrasonic Inspection.Hardness Testing.Thickness Measurements...

  • Company FTV Proclad International Ltd in Glenrothes
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    We have an exciting opportunity for CNC Machine Operators (Horizontal Borer) to join our team and learn new skills and experience whilst enhancing those already attained. The role demands accuracy, diligence, resilience and would suit a self-motivated individual.FTV Proclad International Limited is a worldwide market and technological leader in the protective weld cladding of pipeline components.Due to current success in securing orders we are currently looking to recruit CNC Machine Operators (Horizontal Borer) to join our team at our Glenrothes facility. A market competitive hourly rate will be offered depending on experience. benefits of employment also include 27 days holiday per year on a pro-rata basis (including public holidays), an employer pension contribution of 5% of salary and ...

  • Company Royal Holloway University of London in Egham
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Part-Time (21 hours per week), Fixed Term until 28 February 2026Applications are invited for the post of Teaching-Focussed Lecturer in Life Sciences on the Integrated Foundation Year (IFY) Programme at Royal Holloway, University of London. This is a 0.6 FTE position.The well-established and successful IFY programme at Royal Holloway teaches and supports over 400 students per year across a broad range of disciplines. We are currently expanding the staffing of our STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) strand to enhance the foundation year experience for our students through more discipline-focused courses. The successful applicant will be an experienced and talented teacher at Level 3, with a strong background in Biological Sciences, and a particular interest in human biology...

  • Company Hallmark Care Homes in Heights
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Join Our Extraordinary Team as a Housekeeper!Position: Housekeeper Location: Anya Court Care Home Type: 30 Hours a week Salary: £12.00 PH At Hallmark Luxury Care Homes, we're dedicated to cherishing every moment and providing exceptional care that supports residents to live each day to the full. We believe in celebrating the privilege of aging and embracing it with open arms. Since our inception in 1997, we've been committed to delivering outstanding care across all our homes in England and Wales.As a family-run provider, we understand the importance of nurturing relationships, and that's why our care revolves around family values. Each of our homes is equipped with innovative facilities and supported by a dedicated care team, ensuring a comfortable stay alongside the highest quality care ...

  • Company Hallmark Care Homes in Bank
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Join Our Extraordinary Team as a Housekeeper!Position: Housekeeper - Bank Location: Anya Court Care Home Type: Bank Salary: £12.00At Hallmark Luxury Care Homes, we're dedicated to cherishing every moment and providing exceptional care that supports residents to live each day to the full. We believe in celebrating the privilege of aging and embracing it with open arms. Since our inception in 1997, we've been committed to delivering outstanding care across all our homes in England and Wales.As a family-run provider, we understand the importance of nurturing relationships, and that's why our care revolves around family values. Each of our homes is equipped with innovative facilities and supported by a dedicated care team, ensuring a comfortable stay alongside the highest quality care availabl...

  • Company Vector Recruitment Solutions in Worth
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Job Title: Spray Booth Installation Engineer Location: Crawley, West Sussex Duration: 3 Weeks (with potential for future projects) Hours: 50 hours per week Rate: £25 per hour (negotiable) for Fitter, £15 per hour for Trades Mate About the Role: We are seeking skilled and experienced Spray Booth Installation Engineers for a short-term contract, with immediate availability. The successful candidates will work on the installation of industrial spray booths in Crawley. This project is estimated to last three to four weeks, with 50 hours of work per week. The primary responsibility will be to ensure the successful installation and setup of industrial spray booths to the required specifications and safety standards. You will be working as part of a small team, alongside trades mates, who will su...

  • Company Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust in Parkstone
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    There is an exciting opportunity for a Cleaner to support our services at Alderney Hospital.This post is 30.00 hours per week, Floater position, will be covering different areas in different shifts, that can vary between 8am to 8pm.The successful candidate(s) will be responsible for achieving a high standard of cleanliness in a clinical ward based environment and also non-clinical areas throughout the main hospital, ensuring that a clean, safe and comfortable environment is maintained. Full on-site training is provided and PPE provision is also included.Employment in this post requires a Standard Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checkwhich the Trust will cover the cost of. Applicants who subscribe to the DBS update service are able to present a valid DBS certificate instead of requiri...

  • Company Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust in Poole
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    A Vacancy at Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust.There is an opportunity for an experienced Occupational Therapist to join the therapies team for the acute wards at St. Ann's hospital delivering an OT service to the two Psychiatric Intensive Care Units. We would welcome applications from Band 5 OT who are interested in developing to a Band 6 Senior OT.Haven Male PICU is a 7 bedded male PICU and Haven Female PICU is a 5 bedded female PICU. Both provide a high level of effective and compassionate care to men and women who are experiencing the most acute phase of a serious mental disorder and behavioural disturbance. People may present with significant risk of harm to themselves and others, as well as vulnerability from others.As the dedicated OT you will investigate and respond...

  • Company Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust in Bournemouth
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    A Vacancy at Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust.Are you looking for a new challenge and would like a bit of variety in your caseload? The BCP Adult Learning Disability Service are looking for an experienced Occupational Therapist to join us. As an integrated health and social care team, this is an exciting opportunity to work within a multidisciplinary and multi-agency team.You will be based in our Bournemouth office, near Ensbury Park, although the majority of the workload will be in community settings across Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole (BCP). The clients on your caseload will all have a Learning Disability (LD) and may include those with multiple disabilities, complex communication difficulties, sensory needs, and behaviours that challenge. A broad range of clinic...

  • Company Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust in Bridport
    03.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    We are looking for an experienced, enthusiastic person to join us in the role of Receptionist at Bridport Hospital.This is a part-time post of 15 hours per week. The post holder will be required to work flexibly to meet the needs of the serviceHours are:• Thursday 8.45 a.m. – 4.45 p.m.• Friday 8.45 a.m. – 4.45 p.m.To act as a first point of contact on the telephone or face to face, for patients, carers, visitors and other healthcare and service professionals, providing a positive and responsive point of contact on behalf of the Trust.To operate the telephone system and direct calls to relevant staff members, also deal with enquiries efficiently, taking accurate messages and disseminating them to the relevant person.The post will require the utilisation of good clerical, organisational, com...

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