Jobmonitor. Search results for kreisverkehrsgesellschaft-offenbach-mbh. Page 2108

106144 Jobs found

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  • kreisverkehrsgesellschaft-offenbach-mbhx
Displaying 106095-106144 of 106144 results.
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Diakonen/diakonimedarbeideren jobber tett på mennesker i alle aldre og fra ulike miljø, og arbeidshverdagen kan være full av kontraster. Diakonen skal arbeide med diakonale tiltak i Flakstad og Moskenes, og inngår i et arbeidsfellesskap med de ansatte i hvert fellesråd, samt andre institusjoner og frivillige i kommunene. Du er en pådriver i dette arbeidet, evner å organisere arbeid, liker å jobbe i team, og har omtanke for mange. Du vil rapportere direkte til kirkevergen.++Arbeidsoppgaver++ :Lede menighetens diakonitjeneste i samsvar med gjeldende plan for diakoni i Den norske kirke som sier: Diakoni er kirkens omsorgstjenesteSøke samarbeid med pårørende og ansatte i kommunens helse og omsorgstjenesteUtvikle og gjennomføre diakonale aktiviteter for unge og gamleStyrke kirkens diakonale til...

    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Er du glad i mennesker og syns event & reiseliv er spennende? ‍Kanskje det er du som passer inn i teamet vårt på Boretunet som vår nye event sjef!Hva vi ser etterVi ser etter deg som: - Har lappen - Er service-innstilt - Fleksibel når det kommer til arbeidstid - Trives med å ta ansvar og selvstendig arbeid - Trives med hektiske dager (sesong) - Erfaring fra service (hotell/restaurant/event) er et plussArbeidsoppgaverBoretunet er en nyetablert aktivitet og opplevelses-aktør som holder til på Jæren nede på Borestranden. Vi er i vekst og på jakt etter en person som kan hjelpe oss med å holde styr på event, restaurant og bar. Arbeidstid vil variere mellom dag/mellom/kvelds vakt samt annenhver flytende helg etter behov.Vi tilbyr Vi kan tilby: - 100% fast stilling - Spennende miljø og gode kolle...

    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Nå har du en unik mulighet til å bli med på å utvikle Sandnes Turnforening. Vi er et idrettslag med 1100 medlemmer i vekst med konkrete planer om å bygge ny turnhall og øke aktiviteten vår de kommende årene. Vi har en fast ansatt daglig leder, en sportslig leder og flere trenere på breddepartier og konkurransepartier.Arbeidsoppgaver:Trener for utvalgte partier i troppsavdelingen.Planlegging og strukturering av egne partiers trening i samarbeid med øvrige trenere.Delta på konkurranser og samlinger.Bidra på klubbens arrangementer.Være med på å løfte klubben.Bidra til videreutvikling av plan/strategi for rekruttering i samarbeid med sportslig leder og andre trenere.Iverksette planer for å sikre god rekruttering til troppsavdelingen.Vi tilbyr:Mulighet for faglig og personlig utvikling.Spennend...

  • Company VIZIR AS in BERGEN
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    På vegne av attraktiv kunde har vi behov for dyktig regnskapsfører.Har du jobbet noen år med regnskapsføring eller hatt relevant deltidsjobb ved siden av studiet, er det en fordel. Vi er interessert i deg som er eller ønsker å blir autorisert regnskapsfører. Nyutdannede kan også være av interesse.Sentrale arbeidsoppgaver:Jevnlig oppfølging og kontakt med kunderRegnskap A-ÅRegnskaps- og økonomirapporteringBokføringAvstemmingsarbeidÅrsavslutninger og årsoppgjørControlling-/rådgivningsoppgaverØnsket bakgrunn:Økonomisk utdannelse med spesialisering innen regnskapErfaring fra tilsvarende stillingPersonlige egenskaper:Løsningsorientert og proaktivAnalytisk, effektiv og nøyaktigTeamorientert med gode samarbeids- og kommunikasjonsevnerVår kunde kan tilby et godt og fremtidsrettet arbeidsmiljø, sto...

  • Company Cantera by Wiegand in Wunstorf
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 18.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über unsDas cantera by Wiegand ist ein regional etabliertes Designhotel. Das Design vereint klassische, edle Stilelemente mit modernen, industriellen Akzenten und setzt ein Zeichen im Wunstorfer Industriegebiet, 300m vom Bahnhof entfernt. Im cantera by Wiegand trifft eleganter, natürlicher Charme auf modernes industrielles Design. Hohe Decken, eine große Glasfront, kühler Natursteinboden und warme Holztische sorgen mit einladenden Sitzmöbeln für das gewisse Etwas. Durch sein industrielles Design präsentiert sich das Designhotel im Einklang mit seiner Umgebung. Das elegante Erscheinungsbild und die hochwertige Verarbeitung der Natursteine, auch in den 22 Gästezimmern und auf dem Hotelgelände, laden zum Wohlfühlen und Entspannen ein. Besonders ist auch der Sauna ...

  • Company Vesting & Partner in Hannover
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: „Bei Vesting & Partner arbeiten Menschen, die Freude an der Arbeit haben, sich einsetzen und weiterentwickeln wollen und durch ihre positive Ausstrahlung Mandanten und Kollegen begeistern.“Wir sind eine multidisziplinäre Beratungsgesellschaft mit über 80 Mitarbeitern, die Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen der Steuerberatung, Rechtsberatung und Unternehmensberatung für unsere Mandanten unterschiedlicher Rechtsform und Branchen anbietet. Schwerpunkt unserer Tätigkeit ist die Betreuung von Ärzten und Apotheken.Der Steuerberaterverband Niedersachsen Sachsen-Anhalt hat uns auch in 2024 wieder mit dem Qualitätssiegel „Exzellenter Arbeitgeber“ ausgezeichnet.- Erstellung von Finanzbuchhaltungen, betriebswirtschaftlicher Auswertungen, Kostenrechnungen- Erstellung von Ei...

  • Company pluss Personalmanagement GmbH Niederlassung Paderborn in Kassel
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Du bist ein Profi im Lager? Durch dein Organisationstalent kommt alles an seinen richtigen Platz? Kein Regal ist zu hoch für dich? Dann haben wir den richtigen Job für dich!pluss Personalmanagement ist dein Ansprechpartner für Jobs in der Industrie! Wir verfügen über ein überregionales Netzwerk an Betrieben, die wir anhand deiner Fähigkeiten und Vorstellungen auswählen.Als Fachkraft (m/w/d)Lagerlogistik hast du die Möglichkeit, dein Können unter Beweis zu stellen!#welcomeWarum zu pluss?- Bei uns startest du mit einem unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag (inkl. Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld)- Du kannst mit einem Stundenlohn ab 17,00€ rechnen, je nach Kundenbetrieb auch mit Branchenzuschlägen- Je nach Entfernung beteiligen wir uns mit einem Fahrkostenzuschuss- Selbstverstä...

  • Company STERNPARTNER SE & Co. KG in Gifhorn
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: IHRE MOTIVATION - UNSERE CHANCEZur Erweiterung unseres Serviceteams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Serviceberater PKW. Die ausgeschriebene Position ist unbefristet und in Vollzeit ausgeschrieben.IHRE QUALIFIKATIONEN- Abgeschlossene Ausbildung im Automobilbereich- zusätzliches Plus: Zertifizierung zum Serviceberater oder Kfz-Meister- erste Erfahrung in der serviceorientierten Kundenberatung- sehr gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und empathisches Auftreten- sympathischer Teamplayer mit Organisationstalent- Kundenorientierung und ServicebewusstseinIHR AUFGABENBEREICH- Betreuung von Kunden in unserem Servicebereich und Auftragsannahme- Beratung von Serviceleitungen, Reparaturen und Wartungsarbeiten- Terminierung und Koordination von Werkstattterminen-...

  • Company Rosenthal Ticket & More Zentrale GmbH in Einbeck
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Die Rosenthal-Gruppe betreibt seit 2002 deutschlandweit Reiseagenturen für den Fahrkartenverkauf im Eisenbahnverkehr. Wir bieten in unseren momentan 58 Reiseagenturen Bahnreisen im Fernverkehr und Bahnreisen im ÖPNV.Wir suchen für verschiedene Standorte per sofort engagierte/n Mitarbeiter/innen (m/w/d) in Teilzeit mit 80-110 Std./MonatIhre Aufgaben:- Fahrkartenverkauf und Kundenberatung- Tagesabschluss / AbrechnungWir erwarten:1. Freundlichkeit, selbstständiges Arbeiten, kaufmännisches Verständnis2. Teamfähigkeit und Flexibilität3. Kunden- und Serviceorientierung4. Zuverlässigkeit bei der Belegbearbeitung und im KassenwesenWir bieten:1. eine interessante Tätigkeit2. ein abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet3. regelmäßige Schulungen4. ein unbefristetes Arbeitsverhä...

  • Company Erdal Karakaya in Delmenhorst
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir, das Team von suchen zum nächstmöglichen Termin Unterstützung:Bürokauffrau / Bürokraft m/w/d bevorzugt mit einer abgeschlossenen Ausbildung im Kaufmännischen Bereich.Erfahrungen aus der Automobilbranche von Vorteil. Gerne können Sie sich auch mit weniger Berufserfahrung oderQualifikationen auf die ausgeschriebene Stelle bewerben.Ihr Profil:- Abgeschlossene Kaufmännische Ausbildung- Sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office- Gute PC-Kenntnisse- Gute Kenntnisse in den Sozialen Medien- Grundkenntnisse Englisch in Wort und Schrift- Selbständige Arbeitsweise- Freundliches Auftreten- Führerschein Klasse BIhre Aufgaben:- Social Media Betreuung (Recherche, Postings)- Telefon, E-Mail, Ablage, allgemeiner Schriftverkehr- Bearbeitung der Ein- und Ausgang...

  • Company persona service AG & Co. KG Hannover in Hannover
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 21.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Du glaubst, dass es den perfekten Job für Dich nicht gibt? Nun, wir machen da ganz andere Erfahrungen. Mit uns findest Du im kaufmännischen Bereich genau den Job, der sich Deiner Lebensplanung anpasst und in dem persönliche Betreuung und gegenseitige Wertschätzung selbstverständlich sind.Callcenteragent (m/w/d) in Hannover 14,00 - 16,00€  je StundeAufgaben:- Du berätst unsere Kunden im allgemeinen und technischen Anliegen.- Du erstellst und versendest Angebote und Informationsunterlagen.- Die Pflege der Kundendatenbank und Dokumentation aller Kundenanfragen ist ebenfalls eine Deiner Aufgaben.- Außerdem beantwortest Du die Emails der Kunden.Sonstiges:- 100% Homeoffice- Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld- Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten- Stetig steigender UrlaubsanspruchPro...

  • Company I.K. Hofmann GmbH in Hannover
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Für unseren Kunden, eine führende Agentur, suchen wir ab sofort und für weitere Starttermine in 2023, telefonische Kundenbetreuer (m/w/d) in Voll- oder Teilzeit und der Option zum Home-Office!Ihre Aufgaben:- Telefonische Unterstützung der Kunden rund um das Thema Bankwesen & Zahlungsverkehr (reine Inbound-Telefonie)- Beratung im Bereich Online-Banking sowie zum Online-Portal und der Kunden-App- Bearbeitung von allgemeinen Kunden- und Interessentenanfragen- Erfassen und Pflegen der Kundendaten- Gemeinsame Lösungsfindung anhand der WissensdatenbankDas bringen Sie mit:- Erfahrung in der Kundenbetreuung wünschenswert, jedoch sind auch kommunikative Quereinsteiger (m/w/d) willkommen- Sichere Deutschkenntnisse, sehr gutes Ausdrucksvermögen sowie Kommunikationsstärke-...

  • Company SIA "RIMI LATVIA" in Saulkrasti
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Rimi veikals Saulkrastos, Ainau iel 30 (Rimi Super Saulkrastos), aicina darb Preu izvietotju:Ja Tev ir svargi:Algas pieaugums pc prbaudes laika - 3 mnešiemApmaksta pirmreizj obligt veselbas prbaudeVeselbas apdrošinšana pc 1 gadaApmaksti nodoki, atvainjums, slimbas lapasElastgs darba grafiks un bezmaksas pusdienasKopgi darba paskumi, pabalsti, dvanasIevadapmcba darb un karjeras izaugsmes iespjasApmaksts transports, braucot strdt uz RguDraudzgi, atsaucgi koli un pozitva darba videJa Tev ir:Vlme strdt un iegt jaunas prasmes un zinšanasSpja strdt preczi un augsta atbildbas sajtaPozitva attieksme un spja strdt komandIepriekšja pieredze mazumtirdzniecb vai klientu apkalpošan tiks uzskatta par priekšrocbuMs Tev uzticsim:Nodrošint preu pieemšanu un vizuli labu preu izkrtojumu tirdzniecbas zlPrbaud...

  • Company Valsts sociālās aprūpes centrs "Rīga" in Rīga
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 08.10.2024


  • Company Forus Grupa SIA in Rīga
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 10.10.2024


  • Company SIA "DEPO DIY" in Rīga
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 21.10.2024


  • Company Secure Workforce Ltd in Cambridge
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Full job descriptionimmediate startPlease check the criteria below and apply by sending your CV to Workforce has a fantastic opportunity for the right candidate. We are looking for a Security Relief Officer. Working on different sites, covering gatehouse, office reception, concierge duties(you may be working on 1 regular site). Must be able to work DAYS AND NIGHTS INCLUDING MOST WEEKENDS.Responsibilities;Gatehouse duties.Following assignment instructionsAct as a visual deterrentPatrolling of the siteRespond to any incursions or/and incidents.Locking of gates and buildings.Monitoring CCTV.Essential;SIA Licence (SG or DS)Excellent grasp of the English LanguageA warm and welcoming demeanorRight to work in the UKExcellent written and verbal communication...

  • Company Plymouth Marjon University in london
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Partner Link Tutor - Business0.4 FTE / 14 Hours per week; Grade 7, £14,839.60 - £16,692.00 (Pro-rata of £37,099.00 - £41,732.00)This role is office-based with our partner provider at their London campus. Who we’re looking for:Plymouth Marjon University is currently seeking a Partner Link Tutor to work with one of our academic partners, delivering a range of Business programmes. The ideal candidate for the role should possess a strong background in academia with a clear understanding of implementing university regulations, policies, and procedures. They should demonstrate excellent communication and interpersonal skills, along with the ability to provide guidance and support to collaborative partners. A strong grasp of curriculum development, assessment methodologies, and learning enhanceme...

  • Company NHS Shetland Board in Shetland
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Senior Biomedical Scientist Clinical Biochemistry (Ref: 197898)Maternity Cover until 30/09/2025 37 hours per week plus on-callBand 7 - Salary Range £48,788 - £56,747 per annum plusDistant Islands Allowance of £2,380 per annumRelocation Assistance of up to £4000 available (Secondment Opportunities Welcome)NHS Shetland has an exciting opportunity for a Biomedical Scientist to lead the Biochemistry service to cover Maternity Leave. You would be joining a friendly and dynamic Laboratory team in its purpose built facility in the Gilbert Bain Hospital, Lerwick. Serving a population of circa 24k and processing circa 200k samples per annum in total, the laboratory has a close working partnership with NHS Grampian.Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team offering a service to our small, remote ...

  • Company University of South Wales in Pontypridd
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    We are looking for an experienced Organisational Development Practitioner to support to our internal and external customers, including those in PSS Ltd, the University of South Wales, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and The College Merthyr Tydfil.The University of South Wales (USW) People Strategy is an important enabler to supporting the talent that lies within USW, effectively bringing together the diversity of thought, skills, and attributes we have, to help us collectively transform the way in which we work and to deliver our shared vision of changing lives and our world for the better. As an Organisational Development Practitioner your role will be to support the delivery of these key themes:A focus on leadership and developmentAttracting, recruiting, developing, and retaining...

  • Company Cancer Research UK in Kinross
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Job DescriptionMillions of bargain-hunters. Endless pre-loved items. One meaningful purpose. Retail store assistant (with keyholder responsibility) £11.44 per hour plus benefits Reports to: Shop manager Department: Trading Contract: Permanent Hours: 6 – Sundays only Location: Perth, Scott StreetClosing date: Open until filled. We will be shortlisting on a rolling basis and will close the vacancy once we have received sufficient applicationsPlease note: You must be eligible to work in the UK to apply for this vacancy. Cancer Research UK is not able to offer visa sponsorship. At Cancer Research UK, we exist to beat cancer. We are professionals with purpose, beating cancer every day. But we need to go much further and much faster. That’s why we’re looking for someone talented, someone who wan...

  • Company Edinburgh Napier University in Edinburgh
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    An opportunity has arisen for a Maintenance Technician (Electrician core trade) to join our Property & Facilities Department at Edinburgh Napier University on a permanent basis.The Property & Facilities Department delivers an excellent customer experience to over 1,500 staff and nearly 19,000 students. The Department’s focus is on managing the University's key facilities, including Estates and Buildings, Energy and Sustainability, Security, Cleaning, Logistics, Print and Document Services, Sports Centre, Catering, Conference and Events and Student Accommodation.Our Excellent BenefitsWe offer a great working environment where we support ambition, recognise achievement, and offer an attractive benefits package. This includes:• Minimum of 41 days annual leave (including 10 fixed holidays at E...

  • Company Education Training Collective in Stockton-on-Tees
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Job Title Lecturer in BricklayingJob Ref REQ0001225Salary Range E18-E25 £31,057,20 – £38,212.15Hours 37 hours a week, full timeLocation Stockton Riverside College Who we are?Stockton Riverside College is a vibrant, forward-facing college which offers high-quality standards of education, providing a full range of academic, vocational and higher education courses for young people, adult learners and apprenticeships. We are proud to serve our local community by helping people gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to reach their full potential.We are part Education Training Collective (Etc.), which is of a group of colleges in the Tees Valley; Stockton Riverside College, Redcar and Cleveland College, Bede Sixth Form College, NETA Training and The Skills Academy. Our staff are skilled, high...

  • Company Stoke on Trent City Council in Send
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    The position is a permanent role 37 hours to start as soon as possible, term time only.The Willows Primary School is looking to appoint a highly organised and efficient Finance Support Officer to work alongside the School Business Manager. This is a varied role with responsibility for operating a range of financial processes; the successful applicant will possess excellent administrative and ICT skills. The post requires applicants to have achieved GCSE English and Maths qualifications at grade 5 or ‘O’ Level grade C as a minimum.Previous experience of working within a finance office in a school setting would be desirable but not essential. An ability to multi-task in a busy environment along with a professional and enthusiastic attitude to the role is very important.This post is exempt un...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Clyne
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI’m an elderly lady living in the Clyne area of Neath. I have an interest in Politics and History, and enjoy watching game shows on TV. I enjoy spending time within the community and shopping. I have limited mobility, therefore I would need to be pushed in my wheelchair. I’m looking for a PA to help me get out and about, keep me company and help me to do the things I like to do, also helping me to attend appointments at times. I may request you to advocate during these appointments. I will require a PA who can drive and will be able to pick me up from my home address and transport me to desired destination.PurposeHelping me get out and aboutSupporting me when we’re out and aboutSpending time keeping me companySome support with appointments on occasionPerson TypeA person who:Is f...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Margam
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    I am an 11 year old boy living in the Coed Hirwaun area of Port Talbot. I am a very affectionate little boy, with a very happy, cheeky and mischievous personality. I am curious and very aware of what goes on around me. I am very sociable and love being around others. I am non-verbal, but I can let you know what I want. I have Autism and learning difficulties. I wear pull-up nappies. I have no safety awareness and I can run off – I need someone to keep eyes on me at all times.I enjoy my food. I like watching YouTube videos on my iPad, playing outdoors and in the park, going to soft play, playing in water and going swimming. I enjoy sensory play, cartoons, music and dancing.PurposeKeeping me safe when we are out.Take me to places I enjoy, such as the park and soft play.Carry out nappy change...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Skewen
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am very lively, bubbly, fun and energetic 6 year old boy living in Skewen. I have Autism and Epilepsy. I can experience Challenging Behaviour which includes running off, as I have no sense of danger. The PA will need to undergo Physical Restraint training, which will be provided.I am a very loving and affectionate little boy and I love to hold hands. I have very little speech, but I am able to tell you what I want by pointing and leading you.I enjoy watching cartoons, going trampolining and I love going in the car wash. I am looking for a PA to support me in going out to places I enjoy, such as a locked park, Indoor play areas, going for walks, and to the Splash Park down Aberavon beach front when the weather is nice.The PA will need to support me with toileting and continence...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Pontardawe
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am a 71 year old gentleman living in the Pontardawe area. I suffered a brain injury which has resulted in me being diagnosed with Dementia. I have difficulties with my hearing, speech and mobility. I enjoy reading, doing puzzles and getting out and about. I am looking for a Personal Assistant to support me with activities that I enjoy out in the community and in my home.PurposeSupporting / encouraging me to go for a walk and to use communal areas in the building.Supporting / encouragement to do puzzles and jigsaws.Prompt and supervise with soft diet to avoid choking (To follow SALT guidance) – there is a possibility that this may or may not be needed.Any other reasonable tasks.Person TypeA person who:Is reliableIs trustworthyHas a good personality and enjoys a chatIs confident...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Gwaun Cae Gurwen
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am a happy-go-lucky and bubbly lady in my early 40’s. I have a good sense of humour and enjoy a laugh. I live with my partner and children in the Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen area of Ammanford. I enjoy reading and find this relaxing. I suffer with chronic pain in my back. I am looking for a PA to support me with light domestic duties, shopping and meal preparation, and attending medical appointments.PurposeSupport me with light cleaningSupport with laundrySupport with shopping and meal preparationAttending medical appointmentsPerson TypeA person who:Has a good sense of humourWill take the time to get to know meCan provide gentle encouragement and work with meCar driver essentialIs reliable and honestHoursCAR DRIVER ESSENTIALhours per week to be used as 2 hours on Monday AM and 2 hours on ...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Seven Sisters
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am an 8 year old girl with a friendly nature, I live within the upper valley area of seven sisters. I have autism and I am unable to communicate verbally, I use descriptive communication, and I can become louder when exited. I can at times hit out when I become frustrated. I love swimming and going to wiggleys farm and attending the trampoline park and soft play. Car driver is essential.PurposeAssisting with toiletingAspects of personal careSupporting with road safetySupporting me to stay safe as I can pick up small objects.Person TypeA person who:Has some knowledge of supporting a child with autism (Desirable)Friendly Nature.Trustworthy.Reliable.Being around children.Patient and energetic as I can run around at times.Hours4 hours per week school term/ 8 hours per week in holi...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Glyncorrwg
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am a 37 year old man living in Glyncorrwg. I have challenging behaviour, and I can wander off so the PA will need to keep eyes on me. I have epilepsy. I have limited speech but I can understand what you say to me. I know a small amount of sign language. I have been described as being comical and funny. I enjoy going to the Driving Range, going Ten Pin Bowling, and going to cafes and pubs for meals.PurposeGoing Ten pin bowling in Swansea during the week after 3pm.Going to the Lakeside Driving Range in Port Talbot on a weekend.Going to cafes and pubs for meals.Support me with cleansing myself after using the toilet on occasion.Support me with my Epilepsy medication if required.Person TypeA person who:Experience of working with individuals with challenging behaviour would be adva...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Seven Sisters
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am a man in my mid 20’s living in the Seven Sisters area. I have Autism and learning difficulties. I enjoy swimming, bike ability, walking, bowling, trampolining and being active. I enjoy going out in my local community on the bus. I need 1:1 support at all times. I have limited communication and can get anxious in new social situations. I also need some support in the house with Daily Living Tasks.PurposeSupport will include planning and taking me out into the community for activities that I enjoy. Working with me to be more independent and to develop skills. Assisting me with all aspects of personal care at home and while out, light domestic chores, supporting with meals and any other reasonable duties.Person TypePrevious experience of caring for young people on the autistic...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Port Talbot
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am a 33 year old lady living in central Port Talbot. I have hearing loss, but I can hear OK when I’m wearing my hearing aids. I am also partially sighted, as I have no peripheral vision, suffer with blind spots and my eyes take a long time to adjust in going between light and dark environments. This can cause me to become anxious in new places. I use a white cane when I’m out, but I can manage in a familiar environment.I am shy at first but will become chattier when you get to know me.I am looking for a PA to support me to go shopping, go for a walk and access socialising groups during the week. On the weekend, the PA will support me in taking my young son out to activities and places that he will enjoy.PurposeSupport me to go shopping, go for a walk and access socialising gro...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Cimla
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionA lady in her 30’s requires a PA to help enable her to access the local community. The lady also requires support at home with toileting, washing and dressing. She has a rare condition which means she is incredibly fragile and requires a PA to be very gentle with her. She loves watching films both at home and at the cinema, listening to music, chatting and socialising. She also really enjoys a game of bingo at coffee morning!PurposeTrip to the cinema.Taking the lady out for coffee.A spin in the car.If she is having a tired day, just sitting with her at home, chatting and generally keeping her company.Prompting and supporting her to eat and you may occasionally need to feed her if she is having a bad day.Support with toileting, washing and dressing.Supporting to stand and transfe...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Cymmer
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am a man in my mid 20’s living in the Cymmer area of Port Talbot with my family. I enjoy boxing with my special needs group. I also enjoy indoor bowls, music, dancing and eating out for meals. I love watching international rugby matches as well as the Ospreys. I enjoy listening to Christian music. I like swimming after church on Sundays.PurposeSupervising whilst eating due to choking hazard.Supervise when going to the toilet (i.e, tell him not to lock the toilet door.) There is no personal care required.Supervise when out and about in the community due to no danger awareness.To take and support him in the community and doing activities that he enjoys (such as special needs boxing, special needs disco’s, bowls and meals out etc.)Person TypeMust be a car driver with own vehicle....

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Glyncorrwg
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am a 6 year old boy living in Glyncorrwg. I enjoy being on my tablet, going for walks and going to indoor play areas. I am very interested in Dinosaurs and like Disney’s Cars. I love playing in water.I am Autistic. I have Global Development Delay and I have very little speech, but I am able to tell you what I want by pointing and leading you. I have a fun and cheeky personality but I can get frustrated easily. I experience challenging behaviour. I am very sensory and I like hugs.I am looking for a PA to support me in going out to places I enjoy, such as Indoor play areas, Wiggleys Farm, going for walks up The Gnoll and Margam Park, and to the Splash Park down Aberavon beach front when the weather is nice. I also like going for a drive in the car.The PA will need to support me ...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Margam
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am a young man in my 20s living in the Margam area with my dad. I am a very active young man and like to keep busy. I love meeting people and am very sociable, even though I’m non-verbal I can still communicate what I want to you. I enjoy going to a day service and enjoy going on public transport, especially for a ride around on the bus. When I’m at home I enjoy playing games on my computer and iPad. I have a 3-wheeled bike that I like to ride regularly. I enjoy going to parks and visiting The Gnoll and Margam Park. I have an interest in buses and like to visit the Bus Museum and Swansea Bus Station. I do not like loud noises i.e., hand dryers, vacuuming, mowing, power tools and motorbikes. I’m looking for a PA to join my team and pick up the evening shifts so my dad can get o...

  • Company NPTCBC Direct Payments Support Service in Pontardawe
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    DescriptionI am an amazing 9-year-old boy who has Cerebral palsy and other complex health needs, including physical, cognitive and communication. I need lots of support with personal care, but I don’t let this hold me back or define who I am. I attend a local school and after school I need additional support to help me to enjoy social and leisure activities and to help with my therapy programmes.I am described by the people who know me best as ‘infectious, bubbly and cheeky.’ I am sociable and have a great sense of humour. I love playing with my cars and trains and am looking forward to going to activities such as skiing.I am looking for an enthusiastic, fun, patient, and reliable personal assistant to help me engage in activities and to provide some respite for my mum, who is my main supp...

  • Company Climate17 Ltd in Birmingham
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Senior Land Referencer Birmingham, Hybrid Salary – £27 - 40,000 DOE Our client has grown to be one of the largest and most respected property consultancies and surveying advisory firms in the UK with a network of offices across England and Wales, employing more than 900 partners and employees. As a major property practice, they have a market-leading land team comprising of surveyors, valuers, environmental specialists, project managers, and town planners. Providing sound independent advice on all aspects of a land project, they enable their clients to take full advantage of the opportunities that the land and infrastructure market presents. Key Responsibilities include: - Geo-referencing and digitising features from CAD and paper plans into ArcGIS. - Desktop and contact referencing of affe...

  • Company Kingsley Consulting Ltd in Kingsley
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Quantity SurveyorJob Description: The Quantity Surveyor (Facades) will manage all commercial activities from tender through to completion of façade schemes. The role involves working closely with Project Managers to deliver schemes and report to the Commercial Manager on job statuses.As a Quantity Surveyor (Facades), the successful candidate will take full commercial control of live schemes, ensuring compliance with contractual obligations, tender proposals, and employer requirements. This role requires strong time management, risk management, and the ability to work closely with various teams and stakeholders. Take ownership of tenders from receipt to submission and securing the project.Review enquiry documents to understand risks and opportunities.Take full commercial control of live sch...

  • Company South Holland District Council in Spalding
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Fundraising at this time of the year is actually great fun and hugely beneficial to the charities and fundraisers involved, It is a great time to raise funds and have fun doing so.Because of this we are looking to take on some Christmas temps with immediate starts available for full or part time.This can be from 1-2 days a week up to a full-time role.This is a great way for you to raise a lot of extra funds in time for Christmas.Full paid training is providedYou would be responsible for setting up small display based equipment and engaging with the public in a very easy friendly manner to raise funds for the charity in the form of cash or contactless donations.Experience is not essential as we offer a fully paid industry leading training package We are looking for people who are:Approachab...

  • Company WB Joinery Ltd in Edinburgh
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Ganger / labourers needed for new long term project in Edinburgh.Current CSCS card and experience working on commercial construction sites.CIS (Construction Industry Scheme) self employed long term work & option to move to other as we finish this one.Wages are hourly paid direct into your bank each week. Rates are based upon your experience and are negotiable.Please email to: and include a phone number, your location and a date you can start work.Thank you!...

  • Company Shelter Cymru in Wales
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Shelter Cymru believes that people with lived experience of homelessness or housing problems should be a fundamental part of our research and influencing work. In this role you will coordinate the work of our Peer Research team to lead on research into housing and homelessness for Shelter Cymru and our partners. You will offer training, support and mentoring for Peer Researchers to build their skills and confidence. You will also work with the Peer Researchers and colleagues in the Policy and Research team to market Shelter Cymru’s offer externally and look for opportunities to expand the project.We welcome applications from people with their own lived experience of housing insecurity. Experience of research and training are desirable but not essential for this role as training and support...

  • Company Edge Hill University in Ormskirk
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    About the RoleThis is an exciting opportunity for a Research Fellow to join the Computer Science department. As a Research Fellow, you will contribute to the development and implementation of cutting-edge research and innovation addressing the great challenges of how computer vision and AI technologies support and expedite crucial aspects of criminal justice processes. This position can be a valuable experience for learning more about academia, gaining advanced skills (e.g., computer vision, AI, deep learning, team working, etc.) and can be a valuable way to expand one’s research experience to become more competitive on the academic and industrial research job market.The Computer Science department is a thriving, international community of students and staff with exceptional facilities to ...

  • Company Edge Hill University in Ormskirk
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    We’re here to create and harness knowledge, to deliver opportunity for everyone.About the RoleThis is an exciting opportunity for an Academic Quality Officer to join a friendly, supportive and hardworking Quality Assurance team here at Edge Hill University.You will provide professional administrative support to a team of Academic Quality and Standards Managers (AQSMs), providing support for the maintenance of high quality data and information held in the University’s curriculum management system. Overseeing the aspects of academic programme management, data collection analysis and the effective monitoring and review of programmes.Please note, the current working pattern is 29 Hours Per week from Monday – Thursday, however the working pattern is open to negotiation and will be discussed fur...

  • Company NHS Education for Scotland in Deans
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Flexible Location: Based throughout Scotland, NES is a remote friendly employer supporting office and hybrid working. We’re happy to talk about how you want to work. Salary: Band 4 £29,116 - £31,670Work Pattern: Full Time, 37 hours per week. You must have eligibility and entitlement to work in the UK which is required to be maintained throughout your period of employment. Who We Are NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is the national health board with statutory responsibilities to effect sustainable change through workforce development, education and training across the health and social care system in Scotland, while working at UK level with partner organisations. The Medical Directorate is responsible to the NES Board and through the Board to Scottish Government for the commissioning and d...

  • Company Wellspring Academy Trust in Hill
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    ABOUT THE VACANCY:We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and proactive Catering Assistant to support the Catering Lead to provide high quality, cost effective meals to learners, staff and visitors at Greenacre School.LocationThe role will be based at Greenacre School, Barnsley, S70 6RG.Working pattern15 hours per weekMonday to Friday11am until 2.00pmThis role is term time. There will be additional days to work for staff training - these can be annualised or worked in school holidays.Please note that we offer day time working (no weekends or evenings) and can offer flexibility with working hours to work around any existing commitments i.e. child collection times.We can also offer work to fit around any school holidays for childcare (summer, half terms, Easter and Christmas).GET IN TOUCH ...

  • Company Dover District Council in Dover
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Dover District Council has an exciting agenda to deliver first class public services, putting our residents at the heart of everything we do. From building new, affordable homes to exciting regeneration schemes, a career with Dover District Council offers you the opportunity to excel.As an employer, Dover District Council is proud to provide a supportive, friendly, diverse and flexible working environment in which our employees can thrive. We have a team of enthusiastic employees, delivering services they are passionate about. The Role & Responsibilities:We are looking for an experienced Project Manager, to support the development and delivery of affordable housing for the Council, and to be responsible for the progression and monitoring of the overall development programme. This role woul...

  • Company Solo Service Group in Donnington
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Solo Service Group are recruiting a Cleaning Supervisor to join our team on a permanent basis at Castle Donnington College, Mount Pleasant, Derby, DE74 2LNWe are looking for reliable and diligent individual to join our team, we will provide all the necessary training, therefore we need you to bring the drive and commitment to support the collective success of the team.17.5 Hours a weekMonday - Friday3.5 Hours per day 15:15 - 18:45£13.50 per hourEnhanced DBS check will need to be undertaken.You will also:• Ensure that all areas are cleaned to the highest standards at all times• Maintain Health and Safety standards at all times.• Ensure equipment is cleaned, maintained and stored correctly• Deal with any customer requests promptly and courteouslyTo succeed in this role you will need:• Good a...

  • Company Solo Service Group in Deal
    30.09.2024 Updated on: 30.09.2024

    Solo Service Group are recruiting a Mobile Cleaner to join our team on a full time, permanent basis across Lincolnshire and it's neighbouring counties.We are looking for reliable and diligent individuals to join our team, we will provide all the necessary training, therefore we need you to bring the drive and commitment to support the collective success of the team.40 Hours a week8 Hours per day Monday - FridayHours and times of shifts will vary throughout the work week and are dependent on the needs of the company, hence you will need to be flexibleMust have a UK issued driving licence and be able to operate buffing machines etc.DBS and Police vetting required.£11.44 per Hour Your main duties will be cleaning carpets, scrubbing floors, spot cleans, kitchen cleans etc. This person may poss...

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