Jobmonitor. Search results for pit-arndt-gmbh-beratung-beteiligung. Page 11

136760 Jobs found

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  • pit-arndt-gmbh-beratung-beteiligungx
Displaying 1001-1050 of 136760 results.
  • Company Gerüstbau Samiez GmbH in Ronnenberg

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Mit über 40 Jahren Erfahrung im Gerüstbau können wir mit unserem Fachwissen, Flexibilität und Schnelligkeit überzeugen. Durch die ständige Weiterentwicklung in allen Bereichen des Gerüstbaus und der Aus- und Weiterbildung unserer Mitarbeiter hat die Firma Gerüstbau Samiez GmbH einen großen und zufriedenen Kundenstamm sowohl im direkten Umfeld als auch im europäischen Ausland.Ihre Aufgaben:- Erstellung und Bearbeitung von Aufträgen- Nachhalten von Angeboten- Stammdatenpflege, Rechnungserstellung- Assistenz der Bauleitung und DispositionIhr Profil- abgeschl. kfm. Ausbildung und mindestens 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung (Baugewerbe wünschenswert aber keine Bedingung)- Sorgfalt und Flexibilität- Kommunikationsstärke- sie können strategisch Denken und haben ein gutes Verst...

  • Company ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Bockenem

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir bieten Ihnen im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung mit Option auf Übernahme einen neuen Job als Lagerfachkraft (m/w/d) im Bereich Logistik an.Ihr neuer Arbeitsplatz bei uns ist in Vollzeit in Bockenem.Unsere Benefits- Sehr gute Übernahmechancen- Sicherer Arbeitsplatz- Wir bieten Ihnen Abschlagszahlungen anIhre abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben- Zusammenstellung und Kommissionierung von Waren- Versandvorbereitung und Palettierung von KundenbestellungenIhre Vergütung:- 15,92 € pro StundeSie zeichnen sich aus durch- Versand- Versandpapiere erstellen- Kommissionieren- Logistik- Deutsch (C1-C2 / Verhandlungssicher)- Mit BerufserfahrungIhre persönlichen Stärken- Belastbarkeit- Organisationsfähigkeit- Sorgfalt/Genauigkeit- ZuverlässigkeitUnsere Niederlassung ist mit öf...

  • Company I. K. Hofmann GmbH in Aurich

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Sie sind ein Organisationstalent und suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Für ein renommiertes Unternehmen in Aurich suchen wir eine engagierte Assistenz der Personalleitung (m/w/d) in Vollzeit.Die Stelle kann sowohl über Arbeitnehmerüberlassung als auch in Direktvermittlung besetzt werden.Unterstützen Sie die Personalleitung mit Ihrem Know-how und Ihrer strukturierten Arbeitsweise und werden Sie Teil eines dynamischen Teams!Ihre Herausforderung:- Unterstützung der Personalleitung durch Übernahme sämtlicher administrativer Aufgaben, einschließlich Korrespondenz, Nachverfolgung von Listen und Pflege von Datenbanken- Planung und Organisation von Terminen für die Personalleitung sowie Vorbereitung der erforderlichen Dokumente- Protokollführung bei regelmäßigen interna...

  • Company I. K. Hofmann GmbH in Oldenburg

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Möchten Sie eine Position, die über traditionelle Büroarbeit hinausgeht und Menschen in wichtigen Lebenssituationen unterstützt? Als kaufmännische Sachbearbeiter sind Sie ein wichtiges Bindeglied zwischen Antragstellern und einem komplexen Asylprozess.Diese Stelle wird bei uns in Oldenburg für eine Bundesbehörde gesucht und bietet eine Vielzahl an Benefits!Neben einer fantastischen Einarbeitung haben Sie auch die Möglichkeit in Gleitzeit zu arbeiten!Der Stundenlohn liegt hier bei 17,85EUR - 17,94EUR!Vermerk: 17,94EUR bei abgeschlossener kaufmännischer AusbildungDas klingt spannend für Sie? Dann bewerben Sie sich noch heute!Diese Herausforderung wartet auf Sie:- Entgegennahme und Prüfung von Asylanträgen auf Vollständigkeit- Im Asylprozess - Selbstständige Akten...

  • Company EWE AG Abteilung Personalservice in Leer (Ostfriesland)

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Weil das intelligente Netz nicht länger warten kann: Bei EWE NETZ betreiben wir sichere und hochmoderne Infrastrukturen für Strom, Wärme, Gas, Telekommunikation sowie Trinkwasser und gewährleisten so die zuverlässige Versorgung unserer Regionen. Werde Teil unserer Mission und wachse mit uns.- befristet bis zum 31.12.2026 -- für diese Position suchen wir fünf Mitarbeitende -Das bringt Dein Job:Du trägst mit Deiner Arbeit dazu bei, dass Deine Region sicher und zuverlässig mit Energie versorgt wird. Das klingt spannend? Dann freuen wir uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen.- In Deiner neuen Funktion liegt der Schwerpunkt der Tätigkeiten in der Kontrolle und Pflege von Stammdaten in den verschiedenen Anwendungen für das gesamte Stromnetzgebiet der EWE NETZ*Dabei hast Du ...

  • Company JobImpulse Nord GmbH Hannover in Hannover

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Fachkraft - Lagerlogistik (m/w/d)Herzlich willkommen bei JobImpulse!Wir sind ein erfahrener internationaler Personaldienstleister, der seit Gründung 2006 eine außergewöhnliche Erfolgsgeschichte vorweisen kann. Heute unterhalten wir über 53 Büros in 13 Ländern und beschäftigen weltweit mehr als 9.300 Mitarbeiter.Wir suchen eine/n Fachkraft - Lagerlogistik (m/w/d) für unseren Kunden in Hannover.Wir für Dich:- Eine faire Vergütung mit Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld- Zusätzlich erhältst Du übertarifliche Zulagen und Prämien- Ein großes Portfolio an Kundenbetrieben mit dem perfekten Match für Dich- Gute Übernahmemöglichkeiten bei unseren Kundenunternehmen- Deine kostenfreie Arbeitskleidung und unser Willkommenspaket für einen guten Start- Ein unkomplizierter Bewerbungs...

  • Company JobImpulse Nord GmbH Hildesheim in Hildesheim

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Bürokraft/Kaufmännische Fachkraft (m/w/d)Herzlich willkommen bei JobImpulse!Wir sind ein erfahrener internationaler Personaldienstleister, der seit Gründung 2006 eine außergewöhnliche Erfolgsgeschichte vorweisen kann. Heute unterhalten wir über 53 Büros in 13 Ländern und beschäftigen weltweit mehr als 9.300 Mitarbeiter.Wir suchen eine Bürokraft/Kaufmännische Fachkraft (m/w/d) für unseren Kunden in Hildesheim.Werden Sie Teil des JobImpulse-Teams und profitieren Sie von vielen Vorteilen.Wir für Sie:- Eine faire Vergütung mit Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld- Zusätzlich erhalten Sie übertarifliche Zulagen und Prämien- 300 € Willkommens-Prämie nach dreimonatiger Betriebszugehörigkeit- Ein großes Portfolio an Kundenbetrieben mit dem perfekten Match für Sie- Gute Übernahm...

  • Company JobImpulse Nord GmbH Hildesheim in Sehnde

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Fachlagerist (m/w/d)Herzlich willkommen bei JobImpulse!Wir sind ein erfahrener internationaler Personaldienstleister, der seit Gründung 2006 eine außergewöhnliche Erfolgsgeschichte vorweisen kann. Heute unterhalten wir über 53 Büros in 13 Ländern und beschäftigen weltweit mehr als 9.300 Mitarbeiter.Wir suchen einen Fachlagerist (m/w/d)für unseren Kunden in Sehnde.Wir für Sie:- Eine faire Vergütung mit Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld- Zusätzlich erhalten Sie übertarifliche Zulagen und Prämien- 300 € Willkommens-Prämie nach dreimonatiger Betriebszugehörigkeit- Ein großes Portfolio an Kundenbetrieben mit dem perfekten Match für Sie- Gute Übernahmemöglichkeiten bei unserem Kunden- Ihre kostenfreie Arbeitskleidung und unser Willkommens-Paket für einen guten Start- Ein u...

  • Company JobImpulse Nord GmbH Hildesheim in Hildesheim

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Empfangskraft (m/w/d)Herzlich willkommen bei JobImpulse!Wir sind ein erfahrener internationaler Personaldienstleister, der seit Gründung 2006 eine außergewöhnliche Erfolgsgeschichte vorweisen kann. Heute unterhalten wir über 53 Büros in 13 Ländern und beschäftigen weltweit mehr als 9.300 Mitarbeiter.Wir suchen eine Empfangskraft (m/w/d)für unseren Kunden in Hildesheim.Wir für Sie:- Eine faire Vergütung mit Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld- Zusätzlich erhalten Sie übertarifliche Zulagen und Prämien- 300 € Willkommens-Prämie nach dreimonatiger Betriebszugehörigkeit- Ein großes Portfolio an Kundenbetrieben mit dem perfekten Match für Sie- Gute Übernahmemöglichkeiten bei unserem Kunden- Ihre kostenfreie Arbeitskleidung und unser Willkommens-Paket für einen guten Start- ...

  • Company JobImpulse Nord GmbH Hannover in Hannover

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Lagerist (m/w/d)Herzlich willkommen bei JobImpulse!Wir sind ein erfahrener internationaler Personaldienstleister, der seit Gründung 2006 eine außergewöhnliche Erfolgsgeschichte vorweisen kann. Heute unterhalten wir über 53 Büros in 13 Ländern und beschäftigen weltweit mehr als 9.300 Mitarbeiter.Wir suchen eine/n Lagerist (m/w/d) für unseren Kunden in Hannover.Wir für Dich:- Eine faire Vergütung mit Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld- Zusätzlich erhältst Du übertarifliche Zulagen und Prämien- Ein großes Portfolio an Kundenbetrieben mit dem perfekten Match für Dich- Gute Übernahmemöglichkeiten bei unseren Kundenunternehmen- Deine kostenfreie Arbeitskleidung und unser Willkommenspaket für einen guten Start- Ein unkomplizierter Bewerbungsprozess: Wir benötigen kein Anschr...

  • Company Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas birojs in Rīga

    Korupcijas novršanas un apkarošanas birojs (Re. nr. 90001427791) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto amata vietu uz nenoteiktu laikuGalvenais inspektors (drošbas ADMINISTRATORS)Prasbas pretendentiem/-m:•    augstk izgltba (vismaz akadmiskais vai profesionlais bakalaura grds) informcijas tehnoloiju jom;•    atbilstba Korupcijas novršanas un apkarošanas biroja likuma 5.panta piekts daas prasbm un likum “Par valsts noslpumu” noteiktajiem kritrijiem specils ataujas pieejai valsts noslpumam saemšanai (9.panta otr daa);•    spja pieemt lmumus amata kompetences ietvaros un uzemties atbildbu par tiem;•    iepriekšja pieredze informcijas tehnoloiju drošbas jom, k ar CISA, CISM, CISSP, CEH sertifikcijas esba tiks uzskatta par priekšrocbu;•    oti labas latviešu valodas un angu valodas zinšanas;•    labas ...

  • Company SIA SP Labāka Rītdiena in Valka

    SIA SP Labka Rtdiena (re. nr. 44103111851) SAC "ZIEMEBLZMA" VALKSOCILO APRPTJUPrasbas:- augstk izgltba socilaj darb vai pirm lmea augstk izgltba ar kvalifikciju socilais aprptjs;- przint socil darba, socils aprpes un socils rehabilitcijas procesu norisi;- orientties socilaj likumdošan;- labas komunikcijas prasmes un augsta saskarsmes kultra;- labas saskarsmes spjas ar gados veciem cilvkiem un klientiem ar vecuma demenci;- labas datorprasmes.Galvenie amata pienkumi:- veikt klienta funkcionlo spju izvrtjumu;- novrtt klienta pašaprpes spjas;...

  • Company Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "MERKURITA LV" in Cēsis

    MERKURITA LV iela 22, Rga, LV-1026Uzmums un preu zme MERKURITA tika izveidota 2003. gad. Jau vairk k 15 gadus MERKURITA veiksmgi darbojas Baltijas valsts.Ms, MERKURITA LV komandu, apvieno vlme ar savu ikdienas darbbu Latvijas iedzvotjiem piedvt un atklt to, ka patiesb IR LIETAS, kas rpjs par mums ik dienu un, kas paši svargi, ik nakti – produkcija, kas labvlgi ietekm veselbu un dzves kvalitti: augstvrtgi vilnas izstrdjumi un magntisk lauka terapijas produkti. Sakar ar uzmuma paplašinšanos "MERKURITA LV" aicina darbTIRDZNIECBAS KONSULTANTUS/-ES  VIDZEM – CSS, VALMIER Darba pienkumi:Izstrdjumu prezentšana un komunikcija ar uzmuma klientiem;Lgumu sastdšana un preces piegde.Prasbas kandidtiem: Labas komunikci...

  • Company Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Līgatnes komun in Other

    SIA “Lgatnes komunlserviss”  Re. Nr. LV54103099071aicina darbGRMATVEDIGalvenie darba pienkumi:Veikt darba samaksas aprinus. Veikt grmatvedbas dokumentcijas apstrdi, uzskaiti un kontroli. Sagatavot ikmneša, ceturkša, statistikas un citas atskaites vadbai un valsts institcijm, sagatavot gada prskatus. Veikt bilances, peas un zaudjumu prskatu aprinus. Debitoru un kreditoru kontrole, pardnieku apzinšana. Sniegt atbalstu un konsultt uzmuma darbiniekus grmatvedbas jautjumos. Sniegt atbildes un paskaidrojumus klientiem  par uzmuma izraksttajiem pakalpojumu riniem. Darba pienkumu veikšanas vieta “Cepurlejas”, Skaupes, Lgatnes pagast, Csu novad. Prasbas kandidtam:augstk izgltba grmatvedb, ekonomik vai finanšu vadb;pieredze un zinšanas grmatvea amat, vlams valsts budeta vai pašvaldbas iestd;darba pi...

  • Company Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde in Rīga

    Latvijas Republikas Iekšlietu ministrijas Pilsonbas un migrcijas lietu prvalde, reistrcijas Nr.90000054163, izsludina konkursu uz Rgas 1. nodaas REFERENTA amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku).Prasbas pretendentiem:augstk izgltba;izpratne par Pilsonbas un migrcijas lietu prvaldes sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem un e-pakalpojumiem;valsts valodas zinšanas augstkaj lmen;vismaz vienas svešvalodas  (angu vai krievu) zinšanas atbilstoši vidjam (B1) valodas prasmes lmenim;labas prasmes darb ar datoru un biroja tehniku; vlama iepriekšja pieredze darb valsts prvald vai darb ar tiesbu aktiem, vai  pieredze klientu apkalpošanas jom; vlamas pamatzinšanas valsts prvaldes jautjumos un tiesbu zintns;nepieciešamas labas saskarsmes un komunikcijas spjas....

  • Company Valsts aizsardzības militāro objektu un iepirkumu in Rīga


  • Company SIA "Nexus services" in Rīga

    Uzmuma struktrvienba - kafejnca "Cozy Corner" aicina pievienoties savai komandai "Šefpavru" re.Nr. 40203564072Prasbas kandidtiem:* Vismaz 3 gadu pieredze Indijas dienu pagatavošan;* Pozitva un atbildga attieksme pret veicamo darbu.Galvenie pienkumi:* dienu pagatavošana, saska ar klientu pastjumu;* Higinas un sanitro normu ievrošana.Piedvjam: * Interesantu darbu;* Darba vietu Brvbas iel 117, Rga. Darba alga (bruto): EUR 993.00Kontaktinformcija: 20466688,

  • Company "Air Baltic Corporation" AS in Other

    Pievienojies airBaltic k Datu apstrdes specilistsAtalgojums: 2000-2200 EUR pirms nodoku nomaksasDarba modelis: KltieneDarba laiks: Pilna slodzeDarba vieta: airBaltic Tehniskais departamentsAtvrts pozcijas: 1Ja Tev patk darbs ar datiem un mekl iespju izmantot savas prasmes dinamisk un tehnoloiski attstt vid, š ir lieliska iespja. Nc zem msu sprna un veido savu karjeru avicijas nozar kop ar mums – sti savu pieteikumu jau šodien!Ms Tev uzticsimIzmantot dadus datu analzes rkus, lai interprettu un ziotu par datiemIzstrdt un uzturt paneus un ziojumus, lai uzraudztu darba slodzes rdtjusIdentifict modeus, tendences un uzlabojumu iespjasSniegt uz datiem balsttus ieteikumus produktivittes un efektivittes uzlabošanaiAtbalstt raošanas procesu un procedru uzlabošanSniegt atbalstu ikdienas uzdevumos, ka...

  • Company Valsts sociālās apdrošināšanas aģentūra in Jēkabpils

    VALSTS SOCILS APDROŠINŠANAS AENTRA( 90001669496; socils apdrošinšanas aentra (VSAA) ir labkljbas ministra prraudzb esoša valsts tiešs prvaldes iestde. VSAA darbbas mris ir stenot valsts politiku socils apdrošinšanas un valsts socilo pabalstu jom, k ar administrt valsts izdienas pensijas un valsts fondto pensiju shmu.Msu vrtbas: ATBILDBA – SADARBBA – ATTSTBAVSAA izsludina konkursu uz Rzeknes reionls nodaas Pabalstu daas pabalstu inspektora – valsts civildienesta ierda amatu ar dienesta vietu Jkabpil, Rgas iel 152._______________________________________________________________Ja Tev:•    patk darbs ar cilvkiem,•    ir vlme apgt zinšanas par valsts socils apdrošinšanas pakalpojumiem,•    ir prasme vrtt informciju, analizt datus un piedvt risinjumus,gaidm Tavu pie...

  • Company Timber Wolf Group SIA in Rīga

    Timber Wolf Group SIA acina darb grmatvedbas palgu.Darba vieta: Rga, Ganbu dambis 24D Pienkumi:Pienkumi: Grmatvedbas pirmdokumentu apstrde atbilstoši LR grmatvedbas un nodoku prasbm;Avansu norini , norini ar debitoriem un kreditoriem, rinu izrakstšana un citu uzdevumu izpilde pc galvens grmatvedes pieprasjumiem.Zalktis programmas  zinšana, analtiska domšana un precizitte. Spja tri apgt jaunu informciju.Prasbas:Bakalaura izgltba;B kategorijas apliecba;Vismaz A lmenis latviešu valod.Piedvjam:Draudzgu un atsaucgu kolektvu, profesionls izaugsmes iespjas; bruto atalgojumu 1400 -1600 EUR.Sazinties:

  • Company SIA "Rīgas 1. slimnīca" in Rīga


  • Company SIA "Rīgas 1. slimnīca" in Rīga


  • Company Tech Mahindra Sweden AB in Rīga

    Who are we?Tech Mahindra is part of the Mahindra Group and was founded in India in 1945. Since then, the company has expanded and is now a multinational company with 260,000 employees in over 100 countries. The vision of Tech Mahindra to make other organizations better and more cost-effective through the use of modern digital solutions.We look forward to welcoming new colleagues to be part of our growth and help shape the company's development. Why work at Tech Mahindra?    You will be part of a multicultural environment, where you will have colleagues and friends from all over the world. Thrive in a dynamic and enjoyable workplace enriched with regular celebrations, wellness activities, and great team spirit.    Development Opportunities: Advance your skills with DEXT, our educational pla...

  • Company Dobeles novada pašvaldība in Dobele

    Dobeles Amatniecbas un visprizgltojoš vidusskola aicina darb ’’Svešvalodas I (B2)’’ skolotju (0,3 slodze).Prasbas pretendentiem:Izgltba atbilstoši 2018. gada 11. septembra Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 569 "Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionls kompetences pilnveides krtbu";psiholoisk noturba un augsta saskarsmes kultra;mcbu priekšmeta metodikas przinšana;prasme plnot un organizt savu un izgltojamo darbu atbilstoši izgltbas iestdes mrim un uzdevumiem. Skola piedv:Atsaucgu un draudzgu kolektvu;socils garantijas;stabilu atalgojumu atbilstoši tarifikcijai;bruto atalgojumu 1145 EUR par slodzi (30 stundas ned).Aicinm pieteikties ldz 2024. gada 31. oktobrim, stot savu CV uz Dobeles Amatniecbas un visprizgltojošs vidusskolas e-pastu:...

  • Company Dobeles novada pašvaldība in Dobele

    Dobeles Amatniecbas un visprizgltojoš vidusskola aicina visprjs vidjs izgltbas ’’Fizikas I un Dabaszinbas’’ skolotju (0,6 slodze).Prasbas pretendentiem:Izgltba atbilstoši 2018. gada 11. septembra Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 569 "Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izgltbu un profesionlo kvalifikciju un pedagogu profesionls kompetences pilnveides krtbu";psiholoisk noturba un augsta saskarsmes kultra;mcbu priekšmeta metodikas przinšana;prasme plnot un organizt savu un izgltojamo darbu atbilstoši izgltbas iestdes mrim un uzdevumiem. Skola piedv:Atsaucgu un draudzgu kolektvu;socils garantijas;stabilu atalgojumu atbilstoši tarifikcijai;bruto atalgojumu 1145 EUR par slodzi (30 stundas ned).Aicinm pieteikties ldz 2024. gada 31. oktobrim, stot savu CV uz Dobeles Amatniecbas un visprizgltoj...

  • Company Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Jēkabpils reģi in Jēkabpils

    SIA “Jkabpils reionl slimnca”Izsludina pieteikšanos uzJURISTA /JURISTA IEPIRKUMU SPECILISTA ar 1 (vienu) pilnu slodzi(kas sadals 0,3 slodzes-jurists; 0,7 slodzes- jurists iepirkumu specilists) uz nenoteiktu laiku vakanciMnešalga: EUR 1500 (viens tkstotis pieci simti eiro).Atrašans vieta: Stadiona iela 1, Jkabpils, Jkabpils novads, LV-5201Prasbas pretendentam:1.    Otr lmea augstk izgltba tiesbu zintns;2.    Jomu reglamentjošu normatvo aktu przinšana; 3.    EIS (Elektronisko iepirkumu sistmas) przinšana, tiks uzskatta par priekšrocbu;4.    Valsts valodas zinšanas augstkaj lmen;5.    Labas saskarsmes spjas, precizitte un augsta atbildbas sajta;6.    Prasme juridiski analizt, argumentt, interprett tiesbu normas;7.    Prasme dokumentu un normatvo aktu sagatavošan.Galvenie amata pienkumi:1.    ...

  • Company SIA "FULL EP" in Amata

    Pienkumi- veikt projektšanas darbus un dokumentcijas izstrdi piln apjom:• ldz 1kV kabeu lnijas, raošanas un publisko ku elektroietaises;• 1-20kV kabeu un gaisvadu lnijas, apakšstacijas un sadales punkti;• Prsprieguma, zibensaizsardzbas un zemjuma kontra sistmas;• Automtisks ugunsdzsbas signalizcijas sistma;• Projekta elektrisko aprinu veikšana, dokumentcijas izlaide un noformšana;Amata prasbas:• strdt ar AutoCad, MS Office programmm;• vidjs pakpes profesionl izgltba, augstk vai nepabeigta augstk izgltba;• orientties bvniecbas normatvajos aktos un atbilstošajos standartos;• last un przint tehnisko dokumentciju (rasjumus, materilu specifikcijas);• zint valsts valodu, vlamas svešvalodu zinšanas.Piedvjam:• stabilu atalgojumu (bruto 1800-2400€), atbilstoši kvalifikcijai un ieguldjumam;• jaunus ...

  • Company Bauskas novada pašvaldība in Bauska

    Prasbas pretendentam/m:Otr lmea profesionl augstk vai akadmisk izgltba socilaj darb vai karitatvaj socilaj darb (Socilo pakalpojumu un socils paldzbas likuma 41.pants);ar darbu saistto Latvijas Republikas un Eiropas Savienbas tiesbu aktu przinšana, prasme darb izmantot iekšjos normatvos aktus; izpratne par socilo pakalpojumu un socils paldzbas sniegšanas pamatprincipiem Latvij;iemaas darb ar MS Office programmm, internetu un e-pastu. Pieredze darb ar programmu SOPA tiks uzskatta par priekšrocbu;spja strdt patstvgi un komand;labas komunikcijas prasmes, emptija;augsta atbildbas sajta, saskarsmes kultra un precizitte;o   izpratne par imeu, personu, dadu socilo grupu socilajm vajadzbm;o   izpratne par resursu veidošanu un piesaisti socilo problmu risinšanai;prasme identifict un analizt klientu...

  • Company Haugaard Baltic SIA in Other

    Haugaard Baltic ir viens no vadošajiem metlapstrdes uzmumiem Latvij, kas specializjies metla cauruu un stieu apstrdes jom; sadarbojas ar dadiem klientiem un nozarm vis pasaul, galvenokrt mbeu un dizaina nozar. Ms augam un attstmies, td aicinm darbKVALITTES SPECILISTU/-IDarba pienkumi:- uzmuma kvalittes vadbas sistmas uzturšana un attstšana;- atbilstbas nodrošinšana kvalittes standartiem (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, FSC u. c. );- raošanas procesu un produktu kvalittes prbaude un uzraudzba;- kvalittes novrtšana, problmu identificšana un ieteikumu sniegšana uzlabojumiem;- sadarbba ar dadm uzmuma struktrvienbm, lai nodrošintu kvalittes prasbu izpildi;- sdzbu izskatšana un kvalittes problmu risinšana.Prasbas kandidtiem:- augstk izgltba kvalittes vadb, inenierzintn vai ldzg jom;- vismaz 2 gadu pieredze...

  • Company Bauskas novada pašvaldība in Bauska

    Bauskas novada pašvaldbas iestde “Bauskas novada Socilais dienests” reistrcijas Nr. 90009403791, izsludina konkursu uz SOCIL PEDAGOGA amata vakanciPrasbas amata pretendentiem/-m: 2. lmea augstk profesionl izgltba socil pedagoga darb vai socilaj darb; vismaz divu gadu pieredze darb ar brniem; ar darbu saistto Latvijas Republikas un Eiropas Savienbas tiesbu aktu przinšana, prasme darb izmantot iekšjos normatvos aktus; izpratne par socilo pakalpojumu un socils paldzbas sniegšanas pamatprincipiem Latvij; iemaas darb ar MS Office programmm, internetu un e-pastu. Pieredze darb ar programmu SOPA tiks uzskatta par priekšrocbu; spja strdt patstvgi un komand; labas komunikcijas prasmes, emptija;...

  • Company Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust in Boscombe

    Are you looking for an exciting new opportunity? Do you want to be part of the Mental Health Rehabilitation Services in Dorset?We currently looking for an administration assistance to provide support to our community rehab service across Dorset, based predominately in Boscombe. Nationally it has been recognised that rehabilitation is an area that has often been overlooked for investment and modernisation. We are proud to say the Trust in conjunction with our local Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group have recently completed a review of our Rehabilitation Services in Dorset and secured significant additional funding to redevelop and expand the services that we provide. This includes a dedicated pan Dorset Community based Rehabilitation Team.The rehab team supports people who have chronic and...

  • Company Phoenix Medical Supplies in Wakefield

    Are you an experienced Warehouse Operative who is looking for a new career? Do you like working as part of a team to ensure accurate and precise work?Do you pride yourself on being reliable in your work and do you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment?Have you an interest in helping your community with its health?If you answered yes to the above questions and have a can-do attitude, please read on and apply as we are interested in speaking with you! About Us:PHOENIX Healthcare Distribution is a national full-line pharmaceutical wholesaler with a network of distribution centres nationwide. We pride ourselves on delivering a high-quality supply chain service to our customers, who include pharmacies, GPs, and hospitals. All of our depots are licensed by the MHRA and comply with BSI ISO Qu...

  • Company Hunter Selection Limited in Newport

    Electronic EngineerGwent23917/510£45,000 - £55,000 & comprehensive benefits packageBenefits Package:o £45,000 - £55,000o Bonus Schemeo Group pensiono Life AssuranceThis thriving South Wales component manufacturer is looking to further strengthen their existing design function, following the acquisition of a number of lucrative new contracts. The company has an enviable reputation for design excellence and is the supplier of choice for many of the worlds leading equipment manufacturers.Role & Responsibilities:o Reporting into the Engineering Manager, you will work as an integral part of a multi-disciplined team of Electronic, Software, Mechanical and Test engineerso You will be responsible for all aspects of new product introduction, taking products from initial concept to full production r...

  • Company Escape Recruitment Services in Glenrothes

    Escape Recruitment are working with their Manufacturing client based in Fife to recruit An Orbital Welder on a permanent basis.Successful candidates will have strong experience in welding and specifically orbital welding. An be qualified to SVQ in welding and fabrication, or equivalent.Starting in October, this will be off site work with Accommodation & Expenses paid for by the company along with a daily site rate uplift..!!We are looking to hire for Workshop based roles.You must be able to produce trade papers on application JOB PURPOSE Performing precision welding on components. The role involves using specialised orbital welding equipment to achieve welds in a controlled and automated manner, ensuring accuracy, repeatability, and adherence to strict industry standards. KEY RESPONSIBILIT...

  • Company The Best Connection Group Limited in Liverpool

    The Best Connection are recruiting a Logistics Coordinator on behalf of an established client in the Speke area.Key Responsibilities: Working with Customers & Hauliers Cultivate strong relationships with transport providers and key stakeholders, driving operational excellence. Communicate and execute customer plans that position the company as a preferred supply chain partner across all functions. Arrange delivery & collection times with customers, in line with the planned route and customer opening hours/restrictions. Provide real-time updates to customers, showcasing exceptional customer service. Highlight areas for improvement through effective, timely communication. Responsibilities within the Logistics Team: Collaborate closely with the Regional Logistics Manager and other Logistics C...

  • Company Escape Recruitment Services in Glenrothes

    Escape Recruitment are working with their Manufacturing client based in Fife to recruit Time served Pipe Fitters on a permanent basis.Successful candidates will have instrumentation and small bore pipe experience.We are looking to hire Time served Pipefitters for both Offshore and Workshop based roles.To be eligible for the offshore positions your certs must be valid, We will consider candidate who's certs have lapsed within the last 12 months.You must be able to present the correct certs & any additional paperwork. JOB PURPOSE To construct and install small bore tubing installations and systems. KEY RESPONSIBILITIESInterpret engineering drawings both hydraulic and pneumatic to a very high standard.Good knowledge of hydraulic instrument fittings/threads.Experienced in selection and erectio...

  • Company The Best Connection Group Limited in Preston

    Title: HGV Driver / LGV Cat C+E (Class 1) Driver Are you a newly qualified Class 1 driver looking to kick start your career? We have an exciting opportunity based in Clithroe!Details of the Role: Pay Rate: £15.12ph (Flat Rate)Working Hours: Monday to Friday, day time shifts with start times varying between 0400-0600Duties: Delivering palletised loads of cement with a maximum of 3 drops per shift. Experience with curtain siders is preferred but not essential. You will required to load the vehicle at the end of your shift. You will be delivering palletised loads of cementRequirements: Newly qualified Class 1 licence holders welcome Successful completion of an assessment and tachograph test is mandatory. Ability to handle early start time and work independently C+E licence, digital Tacho and ...

  • Company Hunter Selection Limited in Bedford
    27.09.2024 Updated on: 27.09.2024

    Site Services Shift Engineers Northamptonshire (NN15)Commutable from Northampton, Kettering, Huntingdon, Corby, Bedford, Rushden£52,000 + Overtime Shifts:- 12hr 2 Days / 2 Nights / 4 Off Benefits:- Private Pension Scheme - 6% Employer / 3% Employee + Life Assurance X3Private Medical Cover, Income Protection Cover, EAP, 20 Shifts Holiday Our client is a leading FMCG manufacturing business, part of a global business that is vastly expanding its products base. They are looking for a number of experienced site services & utilities engineers to join their shift site services team. Role & Responsibilities: Working as part of a team of site services engineers, responsible for managing and controlling all the utilities associated with keeping a production facility running efficientlyProactively w...

  • Company University of Dundee in Dundee
    27.09.2024 Updated on: 27.09.2024

    The Centre for Forensic Medicine and Dentistry, University of Dundee are recruiting for an Anatomical Pathology Technician (APT) Trainee.About the departmentThe successful candidate will work for the department of the Centre for Forensic Medicine and Dentistry, within a Police Mortuary in Dundee alongside two experienced APT staff, a team of two Forensic Pathologist Consultants, administrative and laboratory staff and ad hoc attendance of medical students and Forensic Pathology trainees. Staff are employed by the University of Dundee and as such, involvement with training and teaching of students will be expected as we integrate with other disciplines to include forensic odontology, anthropology and medicine. This mortuary covers the Tayside region undertaking on average 550-600 cases per ...

  • Company Travail Employment Group in Bristol
    27.09.2024 Updated on: 27.09.2024

    Service Engineer£OTE 35 - 45K, BS30, Bonus 40 hour standard week but likely to be around 50 hours most weeks with paid overtime, Monday to Friday working, 28 days holiday, Pension, Permanent opportunity.The duties of the service engineer or mechanical service engineer or field service fitter, will be servicing, repairing, delivering and installation of mechanical equipment at various locations.The service engineer role will involveMechanical repair, servicing, fitting and installation dutiesThis is normally to customer sites but can also be in the workshopChanging bearings, rollers, motors at site locations and facilitiesThe ability to read basic engineering drawings is preferredknowledge of conveyors or similar types of production machinery or mechanical material handling equipment would ...

  • Company Escape Recruitment Services in Broxburn
    27.09.2024 Updated on: 27.09.2024

    We are delighted to be working on behalf of a world leading manufacturer to recruit a Production Operative to join their team in Broxburn on temporary to permanent basis. This is a great opportunity for the right people to be part of an exciting journey with the growing Company. To be successful in this role, you will be a hands-on, practical team player with an eye for detail and good quality standards.Hours of Work: Candidate will work Monday till Friday from 7am to 4pmPay rate: £11.50 per hour Immediate start!Full time position for the right candidates after 13 weeks.Full training will be provided. Main Duties Include: Cable preparation and assembly Functional testing Boxing & PackingThe ideal candidate has:Some experience in a manufacturingStrong practical skills and good dexterityStro...

  • Company HR GO Recruitment in City
    27.09.2024 Updated on: 27.09.2024

    Enhanced DBS School Cleaners !Paying from: £12.02 - £15.18Location: East London / London HRGO Recruitment are recruiting for experienced Enhanced DBS School Cleaners to work within the East London / London area.You must be able to work Monday to Friday.Early Mornings and evenings shifts - (must be able to work both shifts if needed)From 2 - 4 hours per day.Various shifts/times:- Morning from 6am - 8.30am- Evening from 3pm - 5.30pm ***You MUST hold an valid Enhanced DBS to be put forward for this role*** If this is an interest to you and you have a valid Enhanced DBS please contact Sarah Browning at HRGO East London on 01708 220023 | Please register at before contacting. ...

  • Company Teaching Vacancies in Sheffield

    What skills and experience we're looking forRowan School is a special school for primary aged children who have complex speech, language and communication difficulties. All our children have an autistic spectrum profile and some present challenging behaviours.The school is looking to appoint a temporary teaching assistant Level 1 as soon as possible who enjoys working with children and working in a team alongside classroom staff. The post involves lunchtime supervision and support in the classroom. Applications are welcome from part time staff.This post requires taking an interest in each child, encouraging their development and ensuring their safety. Candidates need to have calm, friendly and positive approaches.Previous experience is not essential but candidates should be able to demonst...

  • Company Teaching Vacancies in Rotherham

    What skills and experience we're looking forWe are seeking a dynamic, hardworking and dedicated Assistant Headteacher to support the Headteacher in leading Behaviour and Attitudes at Wingfield Academy. Candidates will be passionate and committed to improving the opportunities, educational outcomes and life chances for all pupils. They will work closely with the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher (Q of E) to develop a high-quality education and pastoral provision for all pupils.This post would be ideal for a current middle leader with experience of leading a team and who is ready for the next step towards senior leadership. We are ambitious for Wingfield Academy pupils and seek exceptional candidates who can help to further shape and implement our vision as we move towards Outstanding.The s...

  • Company Teaching Vacancies in Saltash

    What skills and experience we're looking forWe are seeking to appoint an experienced Behaviour Manager to oversee our provision for students requiring additional support. We are committed to developing a positive school environment, where students can regulate their emotions and are taught how to contribute positively to our inclusive, respectful and ambitious school culture. We are looking for a colleague who has an enthusiasm for pastoral support, the skills to guide and develop students who have additional needs, and who has a vision for promoting Saltash school's high expectations for respectful behaviour. The role includes oversight of the school’s ‘Reset’ removal room and support for colleagues on duty there, working with students, pastoral staff and the wider inclusion team to inter...

  • Company Teaching Vacancies in Manchester

    What skills and experience we're looking forApplications will only be considered through the TES website - currently have an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic Curriculum Leader for Maths to join our fantastic team at CHS South.This is a full-time, permanent role starting in January 2025 providing all the pre-employment checks are completed by this time. However, we are open to discuss the start date if needed.This role attracts a TLR1.3 with a value of £13,546.Main purpose of the job:This is a middle management post. In addition to those professional responsibilities which are common to all classroom teachers in the school, the post holder’s key responsibilities will be to provide professional leadership and management and develop excellence ...

  • Company Teaching Vacancies in Manchester

    What skills and experience we're looking forApplications will only be considered through the TES website - We are currently looking for a Cook Supervisor to join our fantastic team at Chorlton High School. This is an exciting opportunity in leading our experienced and dynamic catering team.Main purpose of the job:To be responsible for the safe, effective, and efficient operation of all aspects of the catering service including supervision of the team, cash reconciliation and the completion of all financial returns.Key relationships:The post holder will report to the School Catering Manager, the Head of Catering and Senior Leaders in School, and will work closely with catering team members.The closing date for this application is 9 October 2024 with in...

  • Company Teaching Vacancies in Stafford

    What skills and experience we're looking forWe are seeking to appoint a dynamic teacher of Food Technology to join our very successful school. Working in the Design Technology Faculty, the successful candidate will have a firm commitment to raising whole-school achievement; have a professional approach to staff development; high expectations; and a determination to succeed.The school is at an exciting point in its development and enjoying considerable success in public exams at all levels. We want to appoint the right person for the job, someone who is, or has the potential to become, an outstanding teacher of Food Technology. We very much look forward to hearing from you. This post would suit any well-qualified and ambitious teacher of Food Technology, including Early Career Teachers.What...

  • Company Teaching Vacancies in Poynton

    What skills and experience we're looking forEssential• Experience of working with SEN children with challenging behaviours• Experience of working in a primary school• Experience of working in an EYFS setting • A high standard of basic education in English and Maths• A GCSE in English and Maths• Additional SEN, teaching or teaching assistant qualifications• Completed positive handling training• Paediatric first aid • Ability to build strong relationships with children and motivate them to learn• Ability to communicate effectively – both verbally and in writing• Ability to respond calmly and constructively when dealing with students with SEN• Experience of working in a SEN setting• Ability to manage time effectively• Ability to seek advice and assistance to meet a pupil’s needs• A willingnes...

  • Company Teaching Vacancies in Manchester

    What skills and experience we're looking forKingsway Community Trust wishes to appoint a highly motivated, dynamic and talented teaching assistant to work in Reception on a one to one basis, in and out of class to support a child with social emotional and development needs. The role will be based at Ladybarn Primary, with the contract in place whilst the named pupils remain in the school or in the event that their EHCP funding changes whichever comes first.The successful candidate will have experience of working in a school setting with pupils with Special Educational Needs. They will be a strong communicator who is a nurturing, patient and positive individual. They will be strong at building relationships with pupils, staff and parents.Strong literacy skills are essential and successful c...

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