Jobmonitor. Search results for sapphire-systems-plc. Page 17

88129 Jobs found

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  • sapphire-systems-plcx
Displaying 1601-1650 of 88129 results.
  • Company CIMT Precision GmbH in Göttingen

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über unsWir bauen seit 2008 für unsere Kunden individuelle und maßgeschneiderte High- Speed Fräs- und Messmaschinen.Die Fusion mit der EMUGE FRANKEN GROUP ermöglicht uns in alle Richtungen zu expandieren, dazu gehört auch unser Personal.Unser wichtigstes Produkt ist die innovative Dental- Fräsmaschine Pi5, die wir in Rosdorf (Göttingen) herstellen.Um eine weltweite Vermarktung, eine permanente Weiterentwicklung und eine reibungslose Produktion dieser High- Speed Maschine zu gewährleisten, suchen wir dringend Mitarbeiter. Die Mitarbeiterzahl unseres Unternehmens beläuft sich auf 50, mit Platz nach oben. Unser Anspruch ist es, die Maschinen immer weiter zu entwickeln. Dabei profitieren wir vor Allem von dem sehr guten Verhältnis und der engen Zusammenarbeit zu un...

  • Company BKL Baukran Logistik GmbH in Forstinning

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Die BKL Baukran Logistik GmbH zählt seit über 50 Jahren europaweit zu den führenden Anbietern für Kranlösungen und verfügt über einen der größten und modernsten Kranparks Europas. Unseren Erfolg verdanken wir unseren rund 350 Mit­arbeitern an unseren 9 Standorten in Deutschland.Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir einenLAGERPLATZMITARBEITER (M/W/D)DAS SIND IHRE TÄTIGKEITEN* Bedienen von Hebezeugen, wie Stapler und Lagerplatzkran.* Be- und Entladen von LKWs.* Organisation und Koordination auf dem Lagerplatz.* Bestandspflege.* Materialkontrolle.* Sicheres Anschlagen von Lasten.DAS BRINGEN SIE MIT* Sicherer Umgang und Arbeiten auf Podesten/Leitern.* Qualifikation für Stapler und Kran.* Starke Kommunikationsfähigkeit.UNSERE LEISTUNGEN FÜR SIE* Unbefristete Voll...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Wiesbaden

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Telefonische Beratung der Kunden in deutscher sowie in englischer Sprache- Betreuung in Servicefragen und Auftragseröffnung- Anrufe der Kunden aus alle...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Karlsruhe

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Selbständige Gestaltung und Durchführung aller administrati­ver Aufgaben- Reiseplanung, Terminkoordination und Überwachung von Fristen- Organisation, V...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Mannheim

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Mieterbetreuung und Bewirtschaftung der Objekte- Erarbeitung von Ausstattungs- und Einrichtungsstandards- Koordination kleinerer Umbaumaßnahmen- Entwic...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Karlsruhe

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Besetzung der Telefonzentrale- Empfang von Kunden, Gästen und Dienstleistern- Bearbeitung des Postein- und -ausgangs- Bestellung und Verwaltung von Ver...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Braunschweig

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Durchführung von Kommissionierungs- und Packarbeiten- Wareneingang und -ausgang- Allgemeine Tätigkeiten im Lagerbereich- Prüfung der Waren auf Vollstän...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Karlsruhe

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Organisation und Administration des Empfangsbereiches- Empfang und Bewirtung der Gäste- Betreuung der Telefonzentrale und Weiterleitung der Anrufe- Pos...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Karlsruhe

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Bearbeitung von Kundenanfragen im Auftragsabwicklungssystem- Koordination von Lieferterminen- Bearbeitung von Kundenaufträgen- und Reklamationen- Korre...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Karlsruhe

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Kundenberatung per Telefon und Email- Angebotserstellung und Auftragsbearbeitung- Rechnungslegung- Pflege und Nacharbeitung von Kundenverträgen- Datene...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Braunschweig

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Beraten und unterstützen bei der Erarbeitung von strategischen Themen- Eigenverantwortliche Leitung von diversen Projekten- Unterstützen des Bereiches ...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Karlsruhe

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Organisation und Durchführung von Veranstaltungen- Projektsachbearbeitung- Erledigung der Korrespondenz- Durchführung von Internetrecherchen- Pflege de...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Aachen

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Auftragsabwicklung im Warenausgang und Verpackungsbereich- Erstellung von Zollformularen- Transportabwicklung LKW-Transporte- Planung von Servicefahrte...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Braunschweig

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Erstellen von Steuererklärungen sowie Monats-, Quartals und Jahresabschlüssen- Umsatzsteuervoranmeldungen- Laufende Lohn- und FinanzbuchhaltungIhr Prof...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Gelsenkirchen

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Allgemeine BürotätigkeitenIhr Profil:- Berufserfahrung mit kaufmännischen Hintergrund- Deutsch in Wort und Schrift- Gute MS-Office Kenntnisse...

  • Company DG timework GmbH in Braunschweig

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: VISIONEN - KARRIERE - ZUKUNFTSie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?Nicht nur einen neuen Job.........Dann sollten Sie DG timework unbedingt kennenlernen.Wir leben die Philosophie der modernen Zeitarbeit mit Leib und Seele. Die schnelle und unkomplizierte Vermittlung von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern in interessante und attraktive Beschäftigungsverhältnisse steht dabei an erster Stelle.Die kompetente und ehrliche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Mitarbeitern ist die Basis für einlangfristiges und partnerschaftliches Miteinander.Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung suchen wir für unseren namhaften Kunden:Ihre Aufgaben:- Bereitstellen von Besuchsunterlagen,- Vor- und Nachbereiten von Touren,- Bearbeiten von Prüflisten,- Drucken von Lieferscheinen, Ladelisten, Tourenlist...

  • Company Stanzwerk Oberscheden GmbH in Scheden
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: - Auftragsbearbeitung- Arbeitsvorbereitung- Termin- und Versandplanung- Versandpapiere erstellen- RechnungsausstellungErgänzende Informationen:Anforderungen an den Bewerber: Grundkenntnisse: Tabellenkalkulation Excel (MS Office), Büromaterialverwaltung, Büroorganisation, Büromanagement, Ablage, RegistraturErweiterte Kenntnisse: E-Mail-Programm Outlook (MS Office), Textverarbeitung, Büro- und Verwaltungsarbeiten, Korrespondenz...

  • Company ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Hameln
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir bieten Ihnen im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung mit Option auf Übernahme einen neuen Job als Disponent Fahrdienst (m/w/d) im Bereich Logistik an.Ihr neuer Arbeitsplatz bei uns ist in Vollzeit, Teilzeit - Vormittag, Teilzeit - Nachmittag, Teilzeit - Abend in Hameln.Unsere Benefits- Sehr gute Übernahmechancen- Sicherer Arbeitsplatz- Wir bieten Ihnen Abschlagszahlungen anIhre abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben- Erstellung der Tages- und Monatsdienstpläne des Fahrdienstes- Urlaubs- und Freiplanung des Fahrdienstes- Sicherstellung der Fortbildungen insbesondere Schulungen nach BKFQG- Kontrolle der Führerscheine und der Fahrgeldabrechnungen- Einarbeitung von neuen Fahrpersonalen- Ansprechpartner für die Leitstelle des AuftraggebersIhre Vergütung:- 15,92 € pro Stunde...

  • Company Efectis in Bleiswijk

    ALS PROJECTLEIDER HEB JEEen technische opleiding op hbo- of wo niveau afgerondEen passie voor techniek maar projecten leiden vind je misschien nog wel mooier Ruimtelijk inzicht en ervaring met het lezen van technische tekeningen Goede communicatieve vaardighedenJe houdt overzicht en schakelt makkelijk met verschillende partijen Interesse in brandveiligheid Je spreekt en schrijft goed Nederlands en EngelsWAT JE ALS PROJECTLEIDER DOETVan begin tot het eind verantwoordelijk voor projecten met betrekking tot brandwerendheid Het aanspreekpunt zijn voor klanten. Je geeft advies, beantwoord vragen en maakt een testvoorstel inclusief begrotingZorgen voor een goede werkvoorbereiding, planning en je zorgt dat de collega's in de hal hun werk veilig kunnen doen Begeleiden van de opbouw van proefstukke...

  • Company North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust in Peterborough

    Are you a confident and skilled Clinical Pharmacist aiming to pursue your career in an unfamiliar and challenging setting with excellent work-life balance?Join the team at North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust to deliver key pharmacy services to the Surgery Division across Peterborough City Hospital and Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Huntingdon. You will be required to work cross-site dividing your time between each hospital within the Trust footprint. Both hospitals are served by good transport links across the region and beyond.The new redevelopment project at Hinchingbrooke Hospital will see a state-of-the-art elective surgery hub where we are planning to introduce several pioneering new techniques and pathways, which will give you the opportunity to assist in implementing and enhancing.We...

  • Company North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust in Huntingdon

    Insight Executive Group is proud to partner with North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust to source candidates for key appointments for the Hinchingbrooke Hospital Redevelopment Programme. This is a unique and exciting opportunity to be at the forefront of a transformative healthcare initiative. We are seeking experienced and visionary professionals to join our team and contribute to the creation of a state-of-the-art healthcare facility that will set new standards in patient care and sustainability.As the Target Operating Model (T.O.M) Director, you will lead the development of the Target Operating Model for the new Hinchingbrooke Hospital site. This role involves working closely with clinical and corporate teams to shape the future of healthcare delivery, ensuring that the new hospital is ...

  • Company Evolution Money Ltd in Manchester

    Job AdvertJob Title: Digital Product OwnerLocation: Manchester City CentreJob Type: Full-time (Hybrid working)Basic Salary: up to 70K paAbout Us:Evolution Money is a Certified B Corp with a social purpose. At Evolution Money, our mission is to redefine financial inclusion byproviding bespoke lending solutions to UK homeowners. We are committed to empowering individuals and fostering long-term financialwell-being. Through innovative and purpose-driven approaches, we aim to challenge traditional norms and create a pathway for thosewho might be overlooked by conventional financial institutions.The Role:We’re seeking an experienced Product Owner to join our Projects Team. You’ll be responsible for some of the key businessproducts. You’ll oversee the development of your products from start to ...

  • Company Derwentside College in Consett

    Why Derwentside College?Derwentside College is one of the top performing colleges in the Country for its learner and employer satisfaction. We are an ambitious organisation and as a large provider of apprenticeships we are leading the way in delivering a range of outstanding services to learners and employers. We are currently seeking to appoint an individual who will play a key role in the College’s Construction Department by assisting in the training of our Construction learners.What you will do?The person appointed will support the Construction team in the delivery of high-quality education to our Construction learners. You will be responsible for setting up for practical lessons and providing support to both the lecturers and learners in the safe use of equipment during lessons. You wi...

  • Company Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in Reading

    An excellent opportunity has arisen for an enthusiasticMental Health Practitionerto join the Berkshire CAMHS Anxiety Disorders Treatment Team (ADTT). BHFT CAMHS ADTT membersare passionate about using individualised and formulation-led evidence-based approaches to help children, youngpeopleand families.Weprovide specialist assessments and treatment for children and young people suffering with anxiety disorders, OCD and Tic Disorders across Berkshire. The ADTT team prides itself on our inclusive practice, particularly our work with neurodivergent families. Our team has good research links and is pleased to offer training placements to Trainee Clinical Psychologists, Trainee CBT Therapists and Specialist Psychiatry registrars. As well as a culture of adult learning, we also have a compassiona...

  • Company Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in Bracknell

    INTERNAL ONLY - This post is open to Berkshire Healthcare NHS Employees OnlyAn exciting opportunity has become available for a full timeB6Clinical Supervisor/CBT Therapistto join the CAMHS Getting Help Team in Bracknell. Getting Help Teams (GHT) and Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) are part of an exciting project funded by NHS England, Health EducationEnglandand partners with the aim of improving the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in the community in response to the government’s Green Paper2017for Young People’s Mental Health. The supervising practitioner role will focus on providing day to day clinical and supervisory support for the Child Wellbeing Practitioners (CWP)Band 4/5 including trainees. The role will be working alongside community partners and deve...

  • Company Advance in Hampton

    Position: Casual Support WorkerLocation: Kidderminster, WorcestershireHours: Zero contracted hours (Mon-Sun, including weekends, days, evenings, holidays and sleep in's)Salary: £13.11 per hour inclusive of holiday pay or £11.70 per hour exclusive of holiday payJob ref: 4216We regret to inform you that Advance is unable to accept any sponsorship requirements.About the Role:Would you like to work somewhere where you get to make a real difference every day?Are you caring, fun and up for a challenge? Are you looking for a career where you get to make a difference to people’s lives? Do you love the idea of no two days being the same? If so, we want to hear from you. Advance is looking for Casual Support Workers in Kidderminster, Worcestershire to support customers with learning disabilities/ au...

  • Company University of Reading in Reading

    Henley Business School is a triple-accredited business school and part of the University of Reading. To keep pace with increased demand, we are seeking a proactive, enthusiastic, and collaborative self-starter to join our MBA student recruitment team based at the Greenland Campus in Henley on Thames. The role is a full time role, Monday-Friday and will take lead responsibility for the conversion of learners from Henley Senior Leader Apprenticeship programmes to MBA and Master’s programmes, as well as recruitment to the DBA and other appropriate programmes as needed.You will have: - Strong verbal and written communication and organisation skills and the ability to communicate regularly and effectively with a range of senior stakeholders - Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to buil...

  • Company Rapier Employment in Abingdon

    Rapier Employment is looking for Class 1 drivers Wagon & Drag (tramping) to support our well-known client based in Abingdon and join their expanding team.Position: Class 1 Wagon & DragSalary: £16.50 - £24.75 per hourWork: Monday - Friday with weekends when requiredLocation: Abingdon, OxfordshireExpected hours: 45 hours per week** Nights out aren't always guaranteed so you may return to the yard on the same day.**Responsibilities to include, but not limited to: - Deliver, install and recover products from customer sites. - Ability to follow exact directions. - Able to maintain accurate paperwork/electronic records. - Ability to operate heavy equipment (crane) or willing to be trained. - Able to work as part of a team and have good interpersonal skills. - Knowledge of hand tools. - Must be a...

  • Company University of Reading in Reading
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    The University of Reading (UoR) Examinations team organises over 50,000 candidate sittings per year for approximately 12,000 undergraduate and taught postgraduate students. Currently the main examinations period for 2024/25 are January-February, May-June and August-September.Examinations are held in multiple exam venues across the University's Whiteknights and London Road campuses and include large venues which can seat several hundred candidates. A team of around 150 invigilators is required (consisting of Senior Invigilators, General Invigilators and Special/Complex Arrangement invigilators) to ensure that the examinations run smoothly and that the University’s assessment procedures and regulations are strictly adhered to in all venues.As a Senior Invigilator you will take the lead on da...

  • Company House of faith ministries for all nations in Chatham
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    You will be responsible for collecting and redistributing excess food to individuals facing homelessness and struggling households, your role is crucial in addressing food scarcity and supplying vital nourishment to those in distress. Additionally, you will be tasked with participating in proselytizing outreach and aid in managing other community initiatives.The ideal applicant will be one of the congregation leaders who will contribute to effectively spreading the message of Jesus Christ for the advantage of the populace through the church's worldwide organization, including participation in establishing new churches and supporting the administrative crew as needed.Duties include:- Collaborate with local enterprises, markets, and food distributors to gather leftover food donations.- Organ...

  • Company Precision People in Bath
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    Field Service Engineer Waste & Recycling MachineryMon-Fri Day ShiftsUp to £22 per hour (experience dependent)South West Travel BA2 3JXRealistic OTE of £55,000 including travel and overtime Company Van, Fuel Card, On-Call RatesAre you a talented service engineer with a knack for servicing and repairing recycling or waste management machinery? If so, we want to hear from you…My client is an established firm in the specialist waste management sector, due to continuous growth they are looking for a Field Service Engineer to install, service and maintain their equipment on various sites across the UK. The ideal candidate locations could include Bristol, Bath, Salisbury, Somerset, Chippenham, Gloucester, Cheltenham. or surrounding areas.Other job titles could include Service Technician, Mobile E...

  • Company Precision People in Oxford
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    Field Service Engineer Waste & Recycling MachineryMon-Fri Day ShiftsUp to £22 per hour (experience dependent)Travel South East/South West of UK OX2 9DR Realistic OTE of £55,000 including travel and overtime Company Van, Fuel Card, On-Call RatesAre you a talented service engineer with a knack for servicing and repairing recycling or waste management machinery? If so, we want to hear from you… My client is an established firm in the specialist waste management sector, due to continuous growth they are looking for a Field Service Engineer to install, service and maintain their equipment on various sites across the UK. The ideal candidate locations could include Northampton, Swindon, Chippenham, Luton, Oxford, Bedford, Reading area and WatfordOther job titles could include Service Technician, ...

  • Company Barnsley College in Rotherham
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    An exciting opportunity has arisen at Wath Academy, Maltby Learning Trust for an exceptional Business Administration/Finance Apprentice to work with an experienced and highly motivated team of professionals.We are seeking to appoint an apprentice to build and maintain effective professional relationships with relevant external stakeholders and service user groups, to provide reports and updates to Leaders in relation to area of responsibility, to set clear standards for and expectations of communication with parents and other key stakeholders ensuring follow up is timely, effective and appropriate. The successful candidate will work collaboratively with others to deliver added value to the Academy and Trust and will understand the changing community and ensure stakeholder satisfaction.What...

  • Company Ex-Mil Recruitment Ltd in Stone
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    Trainee Gas Chromatography Service Engineer (243jc) – Stone, Staffordshire - £24 – 28k + Benefits to startMy client who is a world leader in the provision of engineering, design, installation and commissioning of measurement, control and instrumentation systems in the gas sector are now looking for additional Service Engineers to cross train in this highly rewarding career.DUE TO THE NATURE OF THIS RECRUITMENT CONSULTANCY, WE ARE ONLY ABLE TO REPRESENT INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE EX MILITARY.You will be starting on between £24 – 28k and within a couple of years after completing in-house training courses, you can be earning up to £45k and in some cases engineers have been earning in excess of £60k per annum.You will initially be working alongside an experienced engineer during your training, and yo...

  • Company Coventry City Council in Coventry
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    We have the following fixed term vacancies to start as soon as possible.SEND Teaching Assistants Level 3 – Fixed term until 31.8.25 to support children with special educational needs35 hours a week, 8.30am-4pm, term-time onlyWhitmore Park is a ‘Good’ School with delightful pupils and an enthusiastic and committed staff. The school offers all of their staff fantastic support within a strong programme of professional development. We are looking to appoint a person who will share our vision for high quality education for all our children and also shows enthusiasm and motivation to:Work under the instruction/guidance of teaching/senior staff and the Special Educational Needs Leader (SENDCO) to:Help improve educational and social inclusion opportunities and outcomes for pupils with a range of ...

  • Company Coventry City Council in Coventry
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    We are looking for a talented teacher who will enhance the school’s capacity to provide an excellent education for our children. This post would suit an ECT or TMS who is looking to work in KS2 initially.This vacancy is fixed term until 31st August 2025Full time, but part time would be considered.You will be able to:• Offer high quality teaching.• Have high expectations of behaviour and achievement.• Inspire, value and suitably challenge children.• Demonstrate good subject knowledge and excellent interpersonal skills.We can offer:• A good school ‘where there is a common sense of purpose and high staff morale’.• Children who are well behaved and keen to learn.• Superb professional development.• Friendly and supp...

  • Company Tick Education Ltd in Kempston
    16.09.2024 Updated on: 16.09.2024

    Teaching Assistant Roles in KempstonTick Education has Teaching Assistant Roles in Kempston and the surrounding villages to work across a variety of primary schools. The working hours are weekdays only, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, where you get to choose your working days! Consider applying for our Teaching Assistant Roles in Kempston if you:• Can provide a safe and caring environment for children• Have experience working in a school or a similar setting • Are passionate about working with children• Acquire strong communication and collaboration skills with both children and staff• Are reliable, organised and adaptable Benefits: • Competitive Pay• A work life balance with flexible working hours• Opportunities to work across a range of primary schools gaining significant experienceIf these qua...

  • Company Rossendale Borough Council in Bacup

    The roleWe are currently looking to appoint a Housing Options Officer to join a high performing Housing Options Team delivering quality proactive advice and assistance to people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.QualificationsDegree standard of education or relevant professional qualification would be desirableDuties and responsibilities ~ Offer comprehensive advice and assistance on the housing options available to households based upon their particular needs and resources at the earliest opportunity to prevent homelessness. ~ Carry out appropriate investigations into homelessness applications ensuring that all appropriate notifications, decisions and personalised housing plans be issued within relevant timescales and that case files and case notes are accurate and kept up ...

  • Company Derby College Group in Derby

    Optimistic - Inclusive - Healthy - Innovative – CollaborativeProposed Interview date: Week commencing 7th October 2024Derby College Group (DCG) have an exciting and rare opportunity for a part-time teacher to join our Digital Media team at Joseph Wright Centre, delivering our fantastic Creative Media curriculum. The department offers vocationally based qualifications at level 1, 2 and 3. We are looking for a dedicated and motivated professional who is ready to deliver an outstanding experience to our students. If you would like to visit the site and meet the team before applying, please reach out to us at OpportunityWithin this role you will be pivotal to the success of the Media provision at the College which delivers to students from across the East ...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Bank

    An exciting new job opportunity has arisen for a committed Registered Mental Health Nurse to work in an exceptional specialist residential service based in the Stroud, Gloucestershire area. You will be working for one of UK’s leading healthcare providersThis is a specialist residential service providing medium to long-term support and treatment for young people and young adults (aged 16-25) suffering from eating disorders and other associated complex mental health difficulties**To be considered for this position you must be qualified as a Registered Mental Health Nurse with a current active NMC Pin**As a Nurse your key duties include:• Working within a team• Assisting and supporting staff in the management of the eating disorders and other complex mental health needs• Making an effective c...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Bank

    An exciting new job opportunity has arisen for a committed Registered Mental Health Nurse to work in an exceptional specialist residential service based in the Stroud, Gloucestershire area. You will be working for one of UK’s leading healthcare providersThis is a specialist residential service providing medium to long-term support and treatment for young people and young adults (aged 16-25) suffering from eating disorders and other associated complex mental health difficulties**To be considered for this position you must be qualified as a Registered Mental Health Nurse with a current active NMC Pin**As a Nurse your key duties include:• Working within a team• Assisting and supporting staff in the management of the eating disorders and other complex mental health needs• Making an effective c...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Chard

    An exciting new job opportunity has arisen for a committed Registered Nurse to work in an amazing care home based in the Chard, Somerset area. You will be working for one of UK's leading health care providersThis care home is proud to offer the highest standard of residential, nursing and dementia care in a warm and welcoming environment**To be considered for this position you must be qualified as a Registered Nurse with a current active NMC Pin**As a Nurse your key duties include:• Work closely with your residents, their families, friends & other carers to provide the highest standards of professional, person-centred, unique care• To promote a caring, safe & welcoming environment which supports the physical, emotional & social needs of each resident• Develop high-quality, tailored care pl...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Chard

    An exciting new job opportunity has arisen for a committed Registered Nurse to work in an amazing care home based in the Chard, Somerset area. You will be working for one of UK's leading health care providersThis care home is proud to offer the highest standard of residential, nursing and dementia care in a warm and welcoming environment**To be considered for this position you must be qualified as a Registered Nurse with a current active NMC Pin**As a Nurse your key duties include:• Work closely with your residents, their families, friends & other carers to provide the highest standards of professional, person-centred, unique care• To promote a caring, safe & welcoming environment which supports the physical, emotional & social needs of each resident• Develop high-quality, tailored care pl...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Belfast

    An amazing new job opportunity has arisen for a motivated Nurse Deputy Home Manager to work in an exceptional care home based in the Belfast, Northern Ireland area. You will be working for one of UK's leading health care providersThe long-serving Care team offers nursing care for those with complex medical needs, as well as respite care to give family or friends a well-earned break**To be considered for this position you must be qualified as a Registered Nurse with a current active NMC Pin**As the Deputy Manager your key responsibilities include:• Lead and inspire the team to deliver special experiences to residents, which promote choice and independence to make a positive difference to their lives• Achieve the highest possible standards of care and enhance the resident experience, ensurin...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Belfast

    An amazing new job opportunity has arisen for a motivated Nurse Deputy Home Manager to work in an exceptional care home based in the Belfast, Northern Ireland area. You will be working for one of UK's leading health care providersThe long-serving Care team offers nursing care for those with complex medical needs, as well as respite care to give family or friends a well-earned break**To be considered for this position you must be qualified as a Registered Nurse with a current active NMC Pin**As the Deputy Manager your key responsibilities include:• Lead and inspire the team to deliver special experiences to residents, which promote choice and independence to make a positive difference to their lives• Achieve the highest possible standards of care and enhance the resident experience, ensurin...

  • Company University of Exeter in Penryn

    Research ServicesThis exciting new open-ended subject to funding post (available 0.8-1 FTE) entails organising and integrating research activity and operations across an extensive research Centre led by Professor Tim Taylor and his team at the European Centre for Environment and Human Health.This post will support a 5-year funded Centre for Health and Climate Change Solutions (CHeCCS). CHeCCS is a national focus for research, networking and capacity building. It identifies ‘net-positive’ for health solutions, reducing the negative impacts of climate change while maximising the co-benefits of interventions, and provides the basis for furthering scientific advances, policy advice and innovation.The post-holder will contribute to the strategic operational development and delivery of the Centr...

  • Company Croydon High School (GDST) in Croydon

    We are looking for energetic and hard-working Seasonal Sales Assistants to join The Entertainer team working in Tesco Purley ExtraThe Entertainers exciting partnership with Tesco, means that you can shop for your Top Trump cards and your Turkey as well as a fantastic range of toys in a Tesco Superstore or Extra this Christmas!Based in this Tesco supermarket as a Tesco Seasonal Sales Assistant, you will be working with a small team, to look after the toy aisles in our unique Entertainer branded space. You will be responsible for delivering a great shopping experience for our customers, keeping the shelves full and priced – whilst being on hand to confidently answer any toy related questions too with your newly found toy knowledge.With your remote Entertainer Manager’s support and guidance, ...

  • Company GreenSquareAccord in Bowbrook

    Job Title - Admin Assistant (Weekends)Location -Bowbrook, Fradley, WS13 8PGHourly Rate - £11.54per hourContract Type - PermanentHours - 15 hours per weekShift Pattern: Saturday 7.5hrsand Sunday 7.5hrsevery weekend or Saturday 5 hrs, Sunday 5hrs and a weekday for 5 hours.About the serviceBowbrook is a unique care model that utilises our significant experience and expertise of working with people with dementia; every aspect of Bowbrook has been specifically designed and built to provide the very best care and support. Our specialist care team delivers personalised, high quality care in line with the Eden Alternative Philosophy. This is an internationally recognised care model that transforms care environments into a home environment. It focuses on person-centred care, promoting engagement an...

  • Company Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust in london

    In this senior role, you will support the Head of Estates throughout the whole range of Estate functions with specific responsibility for engineering statutory compliance, capital maintenance management software, PPMs, testing of plant & equipment (e.g. autoclaves), buildings and engineering services and contracts management.Further responsibilities will include working in conjunction with the Estates Manager (Operations) to ensure a robust reactive maintenance service is provided by the maintenance team and specialist service contractors. Duties will also include project management, the line management of estates officers, relevant authorised person duties for HV/LV, MGPS, etc, and participation in the out-of-hours oncall rota. You may be required to participate in a split day working pat...

  • Company Hull City Council in City

    The Streetcare Section is looking to recruit multi-functional Streetcare Operatives to work in all areas of the City. They will help to transform and improve the cleanliness and environmental standards of the city to meet the aspirations of its communities.It is essential that you have experience of working in an environmental field and be experienced in the use of Strimmers, Hedge Trimmers and mowers. A driving license for vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes is essential.You must be able to deal with difficult situations involving members of the public.You will need to undertake duties that include bending, lifting, pushing, pulling and walking long distances.For an informal discussion about the role, please contact Mike Brigden on 01482 612774 or Benefits of working for...

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