Jobmonitor. Search results for sapphire-systems-plc. Page 2063

107766 Jobs found

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  • sapphire-systems-plcx
Displaying 107717-107766 of 107766 results.
  • Company Apart-Hotel, Inh. Hans Eilts in Norden
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir suchen für das Apart-Hotel in Norden eine zusätzliche Kraft für die Rezeption (m/w/d) in Vollzeit oder Teilzeit.Von der Buchung, über die Ankunft bis zur Abreise sind Sie der erste Ansprechpartner für unsere Gäste, sowohl im Haupthaus, als auch im Gästehaus.Dafür ist eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung im Hotelgewerbe kein Muss, so lange Sie EDV-sicher sind, das Prinzip der Gast ist König leben, ein gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild besitzen und eine selbständige Arbeitsweise ihr Eigen nennen.Wenn Sie sich darin wiedererkennen, dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.Ergänzende Informationen:Anforderungen an den Bewerber: Grundkenntnisse: Gästebetreuung, Büro- und Verwaltungsarbeiten, Hotelempfang...

  • Company Randstad Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG in Hannover
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 10.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Sprach- und Kommunikationstalente gesucht! Für unseren Kunden in Hannover aus der Dienstleistungsbranche suchen wir aktuell einenKundenbetreuer für Bearbeitung von Anfragen auf Deutsch und Englisch.Bewerben Sie sich jetzt direkt online! Wir legen Wert auf Chancengleichheit und begrüßen die Bewerbung von Menschen mit Behinderung.1960 in Amsterdam gegründet ist die weltweit tätige Randstad Gruppe seit Jahrzehnten gleichermaßen strategischer Partner für Unternehmenwie attraktiver Arbeitgeber für qualifizierte Mitarbeiter. Kommen Sie zu Randstad und profitieren Sie von der Sicherheit und den attraktivenSozialleistungen eines international erfolgreichen Personaldienstleisters.Das dürfen Sie erwarten- Gute Arbeit - guter Lohn: ab 14,50 Euro brutto pro Stunde auf Basi...

  • Company UMG facilities GmbH in Göttingen
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 18.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Die UMG facilities GmbH ist eine 100% Tochtergesellschaft der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, mit Firmensitz in Göttingen.Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt ist nachfolgende Stelle zu besetzen:Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) im Bereich Pforten- und Empfangsdienste in Vollzeit, Teilzeit oder als Minijob.Was wir bieten:• sicherer Arbeitsplatz• Interessantes und abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet• Vielfältige EntwicklungsmöglichkeitenIhr Profil:• Sehr gute Kenntnisse im Bereich MS Office• Erste Erfahrungen im Bereich des Pfortendienstes• Ein offenes und freundliches Auftreten• Führerschein Klasse B wünschenswert• Gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift• Hohe Eigenmotivation und ZuverlässigkeitWir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! Diese richten Sie bitte postalisch oder per Mail an:...

  • Company Verbrauchermarkt Hanekamp GmbH & Co. KG in Neustadt am Rübenberge
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über uns:Wir suchen ab sofort motivierte Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für unseren Getränkemarkt, die Warenannahme und Ladenfläche  im E-Center in 31535 Neustadt, Königsberger StraßeDer Einsatz ist sowohl in Vollzeitbeschäftigung als auch in Teilzeitbeschäftigung möglich. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.... Einkaufen mit Wohlfühlfaktor -Unser Getränkemarkt steht für eine breite Auswahl an hochwertigen Getränken und exzellenten Kundenservice. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir engagierte und zuverlässige Mitarbeiter/innen, die uns in der Warenannahme und auf der Ladenfläche unterstützen.Ihre Aufgaben:- Annahme und Kontrolle der Warenlieferungen- Einlagerung und Sortierung der Waren- Auffüllen der Regale und Präsentation der Produkte- Unterstützung bei der Inventur- Sicher...

  • Company Autohaus Werner Bröhan GmbH in Jork
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Die Autohaus Werner Bröhan GmbH ist ein inhabergeführtes, mittelständisches Familienunternehmen und auf den Vertrieb und Service von Automobilen, insbesondere der Marken VOLVO und HYUNDAI spezialisiert. Mit über 50 Mitarbeitern ist das Generationsunternehmen an den Standorten Jork-Königreich und Stade-Wiepenkathen ansässig und leistet exzellenten Kundenservice rund um das Automobil.DU VERANTWORTEST- Sicherstellung einer sicheren und wirtschaftlichen Lagerhaltung durch ständige Lagerbeobachtung- Sicherstellung einer optimalen Teileversorgung von Kunden und Werkstatt unter Berücksichtigung wirtschaftlicher GesichtspunkteDEINE AUFGABEN- Bestimmen und Bestellen von Ersatzteilen aus elektronischen und gedruckten Katalogen- Annahme, Bestellung und Bearbeitung von Kun...

  • Company BPL- Bozkurt Personal Leasing GmbH in Aurich
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Seit 2012 ist die Bozkurt Personal Leasing GmbH Partner vieler namhafter Firmen in und um Ostfriesland. In unserem Unternehmen bieten wir Ihnen spannende und abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben bei führenden Unternehmen in der Region an.Bei uns machen Sie den nächsten Schritt in Ihrem Berufsleben: Mit übertariflichen Gehalts- und Bonusleistungen, großer Anerkennung für Ihre Arbeit und vielen Fort- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.Unseren Sitz haben wir im Herzen Aurichs in Ostfriesland. Zeitarbeit bedeutet für uns nicht, dass wir einfach Arbeitskräfte verleihen. Unsere Philosophie folgt viel mehr der Maxime, das bestmögliche Potenzial aus unseren Fachkräften rauszuholen und den Kunden bei der Vollendung ihrer Projekte zielgerecht zu unterstützen.Zertifiziertes, zuverläs...

  • Company Transportbeton A. Potthoff GmbH in Spelle
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Du suchst eine spannende und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit als Anlagenführer/Disponent? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!Die Transportbeton A. Potthoff GmbH sucht ab sofort eine/n Mischmeister/in für unser Betonwerk!Deine Aufgaben: Disposition des firmeneigenen Fuhrparks Überwachung der Mischanlage und Mischvorgangs Auftragsannahme / Auftragsplanung Wartung und Pflege der Anlage Rohstoffdisposition und EingangskontrolleDein Profil: Eigenverantwortung, Flexibilität, Zuverlässigkeit engagierte Quereinsteiger willkommen Grundkenntnisse EDV Selbständiges und sorgfältiges Arbeiten Gültiger Führerschein B (PKW)Was wir bieten: Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag Intensive Einarbeitungsphase Zusätzliche Gratifikationen Schulung Themenbereich: Sozialvorschriften; EDV und Tran...

  • Company JobVision GmbH in Hannover
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 21.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: In unserer Funktion als Personaldienstleister sind wir im Auftrag unseres Kundenunternehmens, einem Dienstleistungsunternehmen am Standort Hannover, auf der Suche nach einem Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für die telefonische Kundenbetreuung (Inbound).Da diese Position langfristig zu besetzen ist und eine zeitnahe Mitarbeiterübernahme angestrebt wird, ist eine intensive Einarbeitung geplant.Die Ausübung der Tätigkeit aus dem Homeoffice heraus ist möglich.Ihre Aufgaben:•    Telefonische und schriftliche (per E-Mail und/ oder Chat) Bearbeitung von Kunden- und Interessentenanfragen•    Zielgerichtete Gesprächsführung mit dem Gedanken eines guten Kundenservice•    Erfassung und Pflege der KundendatenDas bringen Sie mit:•    Erste Erfahrungen in der Kundenbetreuung (persönlich...

  • Company persona service AG & Co. KG Salzgitter in Salzgitter
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 03.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: In dem Beruf, den Du liebst. In der Branche, die zu Dir passt. In der Stadt, in der Du lebst oder leben möchtest. Auf dem Karrierelevel, das Dir entspricht. Tag für Tag vergeben wir zahlreiche Stellen und bleiben als Arbeitgeber stets an Deiner Seite. Garantiert. Welche Wendungen Deine beruflichen Pläne auch nehmen, wir bieten jede Menge Chancen und Entfaltungsspielraum.Fachlagerist (m/w/d)in SalzgitterAufgaben:- Du bist verantwortlich für das Be- und Entladen von LKW- zu Deinem Aufgabenbereich gehört der Materialtransport mit dem Stapler- weiterhin bist Du für die Lagerorganisation und Buchungen in SAP zuständigProfil:- Du verfügst über eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung im Bereich Logistik- Du hast einen Staplerschein und erste Erfahrung sammeln können- Du brings...

  • Company HMÜ Transport und Dienstleistu ngs UG (haftungsbeschränkt) in Göttingen
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 04.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir suchen einen Fahrer/in (m/w/d) für einen 12 to. LKW zur Auslieferung von Ware im Tageseinsatz. Start und Ende in Göttingen. Gute Bezahlung + Tagesspesen. Es erfolgt eine optimale Einarbeitung.Ergänzende Informationen:Anforderungen an den Bewerber: Grundkenntnisse: Beladen, Entladen, Fahrzeugführung...

  • Company TimePartner Personalmanagement GmbH in Oldenburg
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 07.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Willkommen bei TIMEPARTNER Oldenburg!Wir suchen motivierte Call Center Agent (m/w/d) ab 13,80€/Std., die unseren Kunden in Oldenburg unterstützen!Dein Aufgabenbereich als Callcenteragent:- Inbound - kein Verkauf, keine Akquise- Kunden über Produkte des Online-Fotoservices beraten- Serviceorientierte Behandlung von Kundenanfragen- helfen bei Bestellproblemen- Reklamationsabwicklung- Dokumentation der Kundengespräche- Gewährleistung einer hohen KundenzufriedenheitDeine Qualifikationen:- Erfahrungen im Call Center oder im kaufmännischen Bereich wünschenswert- Sehr gute Kenntnisse in der deutschen Sprache- Belastbarkeit- Durchhaltevermögen- Freude in der Arbeit im Team und in der EinzelarbeitVorteile, die wir Dir bieten:- Einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag in Vollz...

  • Company MK Steuerberatungsges. mbH in Hannover
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 18.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir für unsere Niederlassung in Hannover zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt unbefristet eine/nSteuerfachangestellte/n (m/w/d)Wir sind eine moderne und zukunftsorientierte Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mit Standorten in Halle an der Saale und in Hannover. Wir betreuen Unternehmen, Freiberufler und Privatpersonen. Darunter zählen Restaurants, Handwerker, Boutiquen, Kfz-Werkstätten, Tankstellen, Werbeagenturen, Ärzte, Zahnärzte, Vermieter sowie Künstler u.v.m..Das Verhältnis zu unseren Mandanten ist geprägt durch eine enge, persönliche und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit. Die persönliche Beratung steht dabei im Mittelpunkt. Fachliche Kompetenz und Engagement sind neben den allgemeinen Pflichten zur Berufsausübung die Grundlagen unserer...

  • Company W. Marwitz Textilpflege GmbH in Lüneburg
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Sie suchen einen krisenfesten Job mit Perspektive? Sie organisieren gern und behalten immer den Überblick? Dann sind Sie bei uns richtig – in einem motivierten Team und einem wertschätzenden Arbeitsklima.Wir gehören zu einem bundesweiten Verbund von Familienunternehmen, die seit über 50 Jahren gemeinsam unter der Qualitätsmarke DBL auftreten. Wir versorgen mit unseren mehr als 150 Beschäftigten regionale Unternehmen in systemrelevanten Branchen mit Berufskleidung im textilen Mietservice. Zu unserem umfassenden Service gehört es, Änderungswünsche unserer Kunden schnellstmöglich umzusetzen und jederzeit optimale Qualität auszuliefern.Zur Koordination der dafür notwendigen Abläufe zwischen Lager, Kundenbetreuung und der Produktion suchen wir Sie zum nächstmögliche...

  • Company pro tec service Gmbh Lingen in Geeste
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: #teamorangeFür unseren Kunden in Geeste-Dalum suchen wir einen Logistiker (m/w/d) in Vollzeit. Du hast kein Problem damit in Schichten zu arbeiten? Dann ist das genau Deine Stelle.Anforderungen:- Ausbildung im Bereich Lagerlogistik von Vorteil- Gabelstaplerschein zwingend erforderlich- Bereitschaft zur Schichtarbeit- Eigenständige und zuverlässige ArbeitsweiseWas bieten wir Dir?- einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag- übertarifliches Entgelt- Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld sowie weitere freiwillige Leistungen- Übernahmemöglichkeiten bei unseren Kunden- Diverse kostenlose Weiterbildungs- und Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen- Persönliche Betreuung und Beratung durch Ihre Niederlassung- Prämie für die Weiterempfehlung an Freunde und BekannteWenn du mehr wissen möchtest oder dic...

  • Company NIHS GmbH in Werlte
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 20.10.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir suchen zu sofort Staplerfahrer (m/w/d).WIR BIETEN IHNEN:- Wertschätzung Ihrer Arbeit- Hohe Übernahmechance durch Kundenunternehmen- Abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeiten- Weiterqualifizierung in Kundenbetrieben und durch die NIHS GmbH- Kostenlose Gestellung von Arbeitskleidung und hochwertigem Werkzeug (Würth)- Weihnachts- und Urlaubsgeld- Prämiensystem "Kollegen werben Kollegen"- Persönliche Betreuung durch unser Team an 7 Tagen / WocheWir bieten Ihnen eine Beschäftigung in einem renommierten Unternehmen mit guten Konditionen und ein nettes Team, das sich auf eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen freut. Nutzen Sie uns als Eintrittskarte in eine interessante, berufliche Zukunft und bewerben Sie sich unter AUFGABEN:- Beförderung, Um- ...

  • Company Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in Bracknell
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    We are excited to offer a number of training roles within NHS Talking Therapies (previously known as Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)). As a trainee you will work within the NHS Berkshire Talking Therapies service providing high intensity interventions whilst undertaking a programme of training for this role. This intensive training post will equip you to provide a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) service to clients with a range of complex problems for which CBT is demonstrated to be clinically effective. The course start date will be 24th February 2025 with a service start date w/c 17th February 2025. You will work in the service for three days of the week using your newly developed skills whilst attending the training programme for the other two days. For the first 5...

  • Company Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in Wokingham
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    The post holder will be responsible, under the guidance of a qualified professional, for delivering care to patients within a clinical and or home environment. They will support nursing staff and other members of the MDT in the assessment, planning, implementing and evaluation of effective,evidencedbased care, ensuring the care is holistic and that and standards of care are enhanced. The post holder will also provide quality, care and support which enables patients to be supported with a recovery focus throughout their in-patient care episode, whilst promoting independence and protecting choice, dignity, privacy, and safety. All young people who are accepted to the service will follow a structured programme, in line withrelevantNICE guidelines (for exampleanorexia nervosa, depression, anxi...

  • Company Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in Reading
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Please note the PayScale currently in use in Agenda for Change 2023/2024. We will update the 2024/2025 PayScale once confirmed.An exciting opportunity has arisen at Campion ward for a permanent Band 6 Deputy Ward Manager who is keen to maximize their management and clinical skills in a complex environment. We are a nine-bed short to medium term assessment and treatment ward for people with mental health needs, when learning disability is the primary diagnosis. If you are looking for a new challenge, enjoy variety in your work and wish to be part of an organisation that will help you to develop and achieve your goals, in an environment where staff wellbeing matters, then we want to hear fromyou. Weare looking to recruit an enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and skilled Band 6 Deputy Ward Manage...

  • Company Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in Maidenhead
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Are you an experienced, qualified mental health nurse looking for an exciting new challenge to develop your existing skills? Would you be interested in working in a fast paced, ever-changing environment? We are currently looking for a full time enthusiastic Clinical Team Lead to join our fantastic team. As a Clinical Lead in our Older People’s Mental Health Service, you will need to be motivated, forward thinking and have a compassionate approach. You’ll need to have substantial post qualifying experience and a developed understanding of the Mental Health Framework and Dementia Pathways. With Strong leadership and mentoring skills, you will provide clinical support and direction to the OPMH Service and will ensure that high clinical standards are maintained based on evidence-based practi...

  • Company New Appointments Group Ltd in Rochester
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    We have an opportunity to join an expanding company on the Medway City Estate working in their warehouse. You must have current Counterbalance and Reach forklift certificates, these can be in-house but proof will need to be provided.You will need to have experience of working within a fast paced warehouse as well as using an IT stock control system.Duties includeCustomer order pickingGoods in unloading and racking awayLoading/unloading lorriesPicking materials and ingredients for production workPutting away pallets from production into rackingTidying the warehouseCover for other team membersAssisting other departments when requiredComplete ad-hoc tasks as required Working Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pmYou will need to apply with an up to date CV to be considered.There is free on-site parking...

  • Company New Appointments Group Ltd in Rochester
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    We are looking for a QA Technician to join our client working 4on/4off, 6am to 6pm.The successful candidate will have previous QA or food handling experience within a food manufacturing environment, with an understanding of HACCAP and an intermediate certificate in food hygiene. The main purpose of this role is to review the manufacturing process, plant hygiene, GMP and other internal audits as well as reviewing all raw materials and packing deliveries.You will carry out daily GMP audits of the warehouse, factory exterior and the office block areas and regular checks on the packing lines to ensure that all products are being manufactured to the correct specification, regular checking of the packing lines and equipment to ensure it is working correctly and that items such as weight checkers...

  • Company New Appointments Group Ltd in Rochester
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    We have an opportunity to join an expanding company on the Medway City Estate working in their warehouse. You must have current Counterbalance and Reach forklift certificates, these can be in-house but proof will need to be provided.You will need to have experience of working within a fast paced warehouse as well as using an IT stock control system.Duties includeCustomer order pickingGoods in unloading and racking awayLoading/unloading lorriesPicking materials and ingredients for production workPutting away pallets from production into rackingTidying the warehouseCover for other team membersAssisting other departments when requiredComplete ad-hoc tasks as required Working a 4 on and 4 off rota; 6am to 6pm.You will need to apply with an up to date CV to be considered.There is free on-site p...

  • Company Little Kickers in Tunbridge Wells
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Little Kickers are looking for Coaches in Tunbridge Wells!Are you an enthusiastic and fun person with a minimum of 1 years’ experience of working with children or even better, have youngsters of your own?In this role, you need boundless enthusiasm & energy plus a winning personality to effectively coach football to our children aged 2 – 8 years old. If you are confident, patient and out-going, are 100% reliable and have a genuine desire to offer young children a positive, introduction to sport then we would love to hear from you!You must be physically fit and have excellent verbal communication skills for this role, as it involves coordinating and helping to run football based, physical activity classes for children aged 18 months to 8 years. Lead Coach / Manager experience would also be a...

  • Company HIT Training Ltd in Bank
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Ready to Turn Your Care Expertise into a New and Exciting Career?Salary: from £27,000 + tax-free bonus | Location: Remote with travel across the North East area | Role: Adult Care TrainerAre you a Care Manager looking for a fresh opportunity with flexibility and excellent benefits? As an Adult Care Trainer, you can enjoy a Monday-to-Friday role, say goodbye to weekend and evening shifts, and help develop the next generation of care professionals.As an Adult Care Trainer, you'll balance working from home with regional travel, visiting settings to support and train apprentices. You’ll enjoy a regular Monday-to-Friday schedule, managing your own diary and choosing when to meet your apprentices in person.What You’ll Do Work with apprentices in care homes and online, sharing your knowledge and ...

  • Company HIT Training Ltd in Bank
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Ready to Take Your Care Expertise to the Next Level?Salary: from £27,000 + tax-free bonus | Location: Remote with travel across the North West area | Role: Adult Care TrainerAre you a Deputy Manager or Senior Carer looking for a new and rewarding career? As an Adult Care Trainer, you can step into a role that offers flexibility, professional growth, and the chance to shape the future of adult care—all while enjoying a Monday-to-Friday schedule with no weekend or evening shifts.Your Role as an Adult Care Trainer:As an Adult Care Trainer, you’ll combine working from home with visiting care settings across your region to train and support adult care apprentices. You'll have the autonomy to manage your own diary, choose when to meet learners face-to-face and deliver online sessions to suit the...

  • Company Plymouth Marjon University in Plymouth
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Lecturer – Sport and Exercise PsychologyFixed term until return of the post-holder (Maternity Cover)1.0 FTE / 35 Hours per week; Grade 7, £37,099.00 - £41,732.00Who we’re looking for:The successful candidate will be expected to join a dynamic and research active teaching team and contribute to a range of high quality professional accredited undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in sport and exercise psychology, and applied sport psychology. The school is seeking a motivated and personable individual with an applied sport and exercise psychology background to teach students across a range of different subject areas in sport and exercise psychology, who also possesses an excellent understanding of research, and research informed practice.What you’d be doing: The successful candidate will...

  • Company Logistics People in Corby
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Logistics People are currently looking for a full time Agency Procurement Administrator to work in our head office in Corby which has its own on-site gym and subsidised canteen. We currently fulfil over 10,000 shifts a week across the country and continue to grow despite the current climate and pandemic. An exciting opportunity to join a reputable national company with the atmosphere of a small family run business.Role PurposeYou will be responsible for distributing shifts on our Managed Service Provider system, liaising between the business, depots, and external agencies to ensure all fulfilment within the group is met.Type: Full time, PermanentWorking Hours: Monday - Friday 08:00 – 17:30Salary: £27,500 P/A Key AccountabilitiesLiaising with agencies and depots to fulfil requirements.Provi...

  • Company Logistics People in Stafford
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In STAFFORD!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Culina Stafford depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***12 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Stafford, ST16 1GW Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday – Friday Days and Nights: £17.37 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Days and Nights: £20.73 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Weekend Days and Nights: £21.85 P/hr Including Holiday PayAbout You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• N...

  • Company Logistics People in Telford
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Shunters Wanted In TELFORD!Logistics People are looking for HGV Shunters/HGV Class 1 Shunters/LGV Shunters/LGV Class 1 Shunters/Class 1 Shunters at our CML Telford depot.Location: TelfordWorking Hours:• Part Time - 2 On 6 Off Night Shifts Available Pay rate:• £14.00 P/hrAs a HGV Shunter for Logistics People your role will consist of various duties including but not limited to:• Working within the Transport Department the main purpose of the role is to ensure a smooth transition when loading, unloading trailers, and ensuring maintenance and safety at all times.• Observing and adhering to company rules, site procedures and all aspects of Health & Safety and Hygiene at all times• Effectively managing own working time in line with the Road Transport Directive• Liaising with colleag...

  • Company Logistics People in Doncaster
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In DONCASTER!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on a Full time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Eddie Stobart Doncaster depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Doncaster, DN4 5JJWorking Hours:• Friday - Tuesday Night Shifts AvailablePay Rate:• Monday – Friday Nights: £17.38 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Nights: £19.61 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Sunday Nights: £20.18 P/hr Including Holiday PayAbout You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence.• No more tha...

  • Company Logistics People in Dagenham
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In DAGENHAM!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Eddie Stobart DAGENHAM depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Dagenham, RM9 6RS Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• £22.14 P/hr About You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• No more than 6 points no DD/ DR Code convictions• Hold a current valid DCPC & Tacho cards• Understand and able to comply with Driver’s hours and WTD legislation• Able to u...

  • Company Logistics People in Goole
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In GOOLE!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on a Full time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Eddie Stobart Goole depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Goole, DN14 8GA Working Hours:• Friday - Tuesday Night Shifts AvailablePay Rate:• Monday – Friday Nights: £17.38 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Nights: £19.61 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Sunday Nights: £20.18 P/hr Including Holiday PayAbout You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence.• No more than 6 point...

  • Company Logistics People in Bulk
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Artic Tipper Drivers Wanted In LOUGHBOROUGH!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Artic Tipper Drivers to join our team on a PERMANENT BASIS, on behalf of our client based at our WS Loughborough depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months Of HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required******MUST HAVE completed FORS safe urban driving (SUD) training***Location: Loughborough LE11 1NFWorking Hours:• Monday - Friday Tramping Shifts Available - 4 Nights out per week requiredPay Rate:• £14.50 P/hr PLUS £10 Meal Allowance & £22.50 Night Out Rate About this role:• Safely operating an articulated tipper truck. • Ensure the tru...

  • Company Logistics People in Drayton
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In MARKET DRAYTON!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Full Time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Culina Market Drayton depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***12 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Market Drayton, TF9 3SQ Working Hours:• 5 On 3 Off AM & PM Shifts Available• 4 On 4 Off PM Shift AvailablePay Rate:• £199.48 - £199.83 P/Shift Including Holiday Pay About You:• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• No more than 6 points no DD/ DR Code convictions• Hold a current valid DCPC & Tacho c...

  • Company Logistics People in Bristol
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In BRISTOL!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Culina Bristol depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***12 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Bristol, BS11 0YHWorking Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday – Friday Days: £18.49 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday – Friday Nights: £20.17 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Days and Nights: £22.41 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Sunday Days and Nights: £23.53 P/hr Including Holiday PayAbout You:• Y...

  • Company Logistics People in Goole
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In GOOLE!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our Eddie Stobart Goole depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Goole, DN14 8GA Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday – Friday Days: £16.26 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday – Friday Nights: £17.38 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Days and Nights: £19.61 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Sunday Days and Nights: £20.18 P/hr Including Holiday PayAbout You:•...

  • Company Logistics People in Doncaster
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In DONCASTER!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc - Temporary basis at our Eddie Stobart Doncaster depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Doncaster, DN4 5JJ Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday – Friday Days: £16.26 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday – Friday Nights: £17.38 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday Days and Nights: £19.61 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Sunday Days and Nights: £20.18 P/hr Including Holiday Pa...

  • Company Logistics People in Felixstowe
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In FELIXSTOWE!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on a Full time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Eddie Stobarts Felixstowe depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Felixstowe IP11 4HF Working Hours: • Monday - Friday Night Shifts AvailablePay rates:• Monday - Friday Days: £15.38 P/hr • Monday - Friday Nights: £17.11 P/hrAbout You• You should hold a valid HGV 1/C+E Licence• No more than 6 points no DD/ DR Code convictions• Hold a current valid DCPC & Tacho cards• Unde...

  • Company Logistics People in Dagenham
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In DAGENHAM!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc – Temporary basis at our TPN Dagenham depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***6 Months Of HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Dagenham RM9 6RS Working Hours:• Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts Available Pay Rate:• Monday - Friday Days: £18.00 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Monday - Friday Nights: £19.00 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday - Sunday Days: £22.00 P/hr Including Holiday Pay• Saturday - Sunday Nights: £24.00 P/hr Including Holiday PayAbout You:• Yo...

  • Company Logistics People in Bristol
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In BRISTOL!Logistics People are looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers/HGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on a Full time Equivalent (FTE) basis at our Culina BRISTOL depot.Our customer is one of the biggest names within the HGV industry, with the latest vehicles on the market, which means you get the best HGV experience and a top range vehicle to work with.***12 Months UK HGV Class 1 Driving Experience Required***Location: Bristol BS11 0YHWorking Hours: • 5 On 3 Off Shifts Available - Various AM & PM Start Times Pay rates:• £41,460.00 P/a Broken down into £177.41 P/Shift Extra Rate:• Start times available between 12:00 – 19:59 – Shift premium of £10 P/Shift • Start times available between 20:00 – 03:59 - Shift premium of £15 P/Shift Abou...

  • Company Logistics People in Eye
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 1 Drivers Wanted In RUGBY!Logistics People are looking for HGV Drivers/HGV Class 1 Drivers/LGV Drivers/LGV Class 1 Drivers/Class 1 Drivers on behalf of Eddie Stobart, at our Stobarts Rugby depot.Location: RugbyWorking Hours: Tuesday - Saturday Day Shifts & Sunday - Thursday Night Shifts Available Pay rates:• £42,536.00 - £46,240.00 P/a The role consists of completing deliveries and collections.About Stobarts:Following years of accelerated growth Culina Group is now a £2.2billion+ turnover business, employing over 22,000 staff, with a fleet of more than 5,000 vehicles. Culina Group operates from over 100+ depots across the UK and Ireland, serving more than 1,000 clients over its framework of chilled, ambient, contract packaging solutions and fresh and baked goods.Stobart (Part of ...

  • Company Logistics People in Fleet
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    TRANSPORT PLANNERS Wanted In RUGBY!Logistics People are looking for a Transport Planner to join our team.Location: Rugby, CV23 0AE Working Hours: • Monday - Friday 21:00 - 07:00 Shifts Available • 4 on 4 Off 20:00 - 08:00 Shifts Available Pay rate:• £30,000 P/a As a Transport Planner for Logistics People your role will consist of various duties including but not limited to:• Effective management and planning of drivers, through on-going communication and using our state-of-the-art transport software• Controlling and planning an agreed amount of resource (vehicles, drivers, trailers); ensuring all legal requirements are adhered to (Working Time Directive and EU drivers’ hours regulations)• To ensure the daily plan is completed in real time managing resources effectively; maximising utilisa...

  • Company Logistics People in Dagenham
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    HGV Class 2 Drivers Wanter In DAGENHAM! Logistics Peopleare looking for HGV Drivers/HGV Class 2 Drivers/LGV Drivers/LGV Class 2 Drivers/Class 1 Drivers working on an Ad Hoc - Temporary basis at our TPN Dagenham depot.Location: DagenhamWorking Hours: Ad Hoc - Temporary Shifts AvailablePay rates:• Weekday: £17.00 P/hr• Weeknight: £18.00 P/hr• Weekend AM: £21.00 P/hr• Weekend PM: £23.00 P/hrThe role consists of completing multi drop deliveries throughout Central and North London areas.About You• You should hold a HGV 1/C+E Licence for a minimum of 12 months with a minimum of 6 months UK HGV Class 1 driving experience• No more than 6 points no DD/ DR Code convictions• Hold a current valid DCPC & Tacho cards• Understand and able to comply with Driver’s hours and WTD legisla...

  • Company Little Kickers in Worthing
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Position: AdministratorLocation: NationwideJob Type: Full-Time, PermanentSalary: £24,000 per annumThe Role:Are you an enthusiastic multitasker with a knack for Microsoft Office, Excel, and Word? We’re on the lookout for someone just like you to join our clients awesome team! If you love organizing, solving problems, and delivering top-notch customer service, this role is perfect for you.Your Day-to-Day:Be the Voice: You’ll be the friendly voice answering all incoming calls and email inquiries about our services.Scheduler Extraordinaire: Arrange convenient service dates for our customers and book them into our system.Problem-Solver: Handle inquiries with the right level of importance and prioritize accordingly.Support Guru: Provide efficient admin support, including forms, customer correspo...

  • Company Kuehne + Nagel in Bristol
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Customer Service Specialist - Aerospace & Defence Road Logistics | United Kingdom | Join our team on this exciting journey of providing exceptional customer service in KN Bristol.YOUR ROLEWe are looking for someone to offer high levels of customer service and operational support to our Aerospace and Defense client base by managing and overseeing shipments. Compliance is crucial in this sector, so attention to detail is essential for success.YOUR RESPONSIBILITIESTo efficiently process bookings from clients and overseas agents onto the system;Provide operational support for the Freight Account Managers when required;To liaise with all relevant parties throughout the shipment to organise the movement of goods;To deal with any issues that may arise during a shipment and ensure the client and/o...

  • Company Esteem Multi-Academy Trust in Buxton
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Job Title: HR/Finance AssistantLocation: Peak School, Buxton Road, Chinley, High Peak, Derbyshire, SK23 6ESGrade/Scale: Grade 6 Points 06-07 Actual Salary £14,594 - £15,207 (Pending NJC Pay Award 2024-25)Start date: As soon as possibleContract: 25 hours per week, 41 weeks per year (Term Time Only + 2)We are a small, nursery to 19 special school academy located in a rural environment in the village of Chinley in the North West corner of Derbyshire. We cater for children and young adults with a whole range of needs, particularly those with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD), communication difficulties, and those with extremely challenging behaviour linked to their associated learning difficulties.We are seeking a positive, flexible and caring individual who is willing to cont...

  • Company TLT LLP in Bristol
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    We are recruiting for a senior paralegal to join our Real Estate Services team in Bristol.This is an exciting opportunity to join us and one of the foremost Real Estate groups in the UK with over 250 staff. You will work on commercial and residential portfolios (estate management, acquisitions, and disposals), title due diligence and projects.Your RoleYour day-to-day remit includes:Freehold and leasehold acquisitions, disposals, and other estate management work for commercial real estate clients e.g., leases, licences to assign, lease renewals. Freehold and leasehold residential purchases for housing associations, developers and others. Project work e.g., large-scale due diligence for refinancing, portfolio acquisitions and disposals, lease reports. Provide all our clients with a high-qual...

  • Company Royal College of Nursing in Exeter
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Senior RCN Officer - RCN02539Trade Union | RCN Exeter Office | £66,909Contract type: PermanentSenior RCN OfficerSouth West Region, 35 hours, PermanentSalary scale per annum £66,909 - £75,492Imagine being faced with a world of exciting possibilities that could ultimately enable you to support our members and help shape the health policies of the future. As the UK’s largest trade union and professional body for nursing, we support over half a million members with unwavering loyalty and total commitment. We represent and develop them, support their practice and lobby on their behalf to make a positive difference to their working lives.We're accredited with Investors in People Silver Standard. Our people are our greatest asset, and we want people who can contribute to our purpose in line with ...

  • Company Search consultancy in Falkirk
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    Search Hospitality in Glasgow are recruiting for agency staff to work in Falkirk areaCleaner - part time Monday - Friday 2:30pm - 6:30pm Must already have a PVG Must have at least 6 months experience Duties Include: Hoovering Mopping and Sweeping Bin emptying Toilet cleaning Dusting Helping with stock Touch point cleaning If you are interested in this role please contact

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Bridgnorth
    01.10.2024 Updated on: 02.10.2024

    An amazing new job opportunity has arisen for a committed Care Home Manager to manage an exceptional nursing home based in the Bridgnorth, Shropshire area. You will be working for one of UK’s leading health care providersThis home has been carefully redeveloped and extended to provide the highest standards of care for older people, including nursing and specialist dementia care**To be considered for this position you must have experience in managing a large care home**As the Home Manager your key responsibilities include:• To manage staff and resources so that each resident can enjoy a dignified and fulfilling life• You’ll be working closely with your Clinical Lead and the wider healthcare and hospitality teams to ensure the quality of individual service and care consistently meets high st...

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