Jobmonitor. Search results for vamed-gesundheit-holding-deutschland-gmbh. Page 2

114225 Jobs found

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  • vamed-gesundheit-holding-deutschland-gmbhx
Displaying 101-150 of 114225 results.
  • Company persona service AG & Co. KG Niederlassung Annaberg- Buchholz in Zwönitz

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: In dem Beruf, den Du liebst. In der Branche, die zu Dir passt. In der Stadt, in der Du lebst oder leben möchtest. Auf dem Karrierelevel, das Dir entspricht. Tag für Tag vergeben wir zahlreiche Stellen und bleiben als Arbeitgeber stets an Deiner Seite. Garantiert. Welche Wendungen Deine beruflichen Pläne auch nehmen, wir bieten jede Menge Chancen und Entfaltungsspielraum.Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/w/d)in ZwönitzAufgaben:- Du verarbeitest Papier und Holzwerkstoffe zu Bauteilen und Baugruppen- in Deiner Rolle liest Du die Zeichnungen und arbeitest danach- die mechanische Bearbeitung von Holzformteilen liegt in Deinem AufgabenbereichProfil:- idealerweise verfügst Du über eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung im Bereich Holz oder Papier, z. B. als Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/...

  • Company persona service AG & Co. KG Niederlassung Annaberg- Buchholz in Schwarzenberg

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: In dem Beruf, den Du liebst. In der Branche, die zu Dir passt. In der Stadt, in der Du lebst oder leben möchtest. Auf dem Karrierelevel, das Dir entspricht. Tag für Tag vergeben wir zahlreiche Stellen und bleiben als Arbeitgeber stets an Deiner Seite. Garantiert. Welche Wendungen Deine beruflichen Pläne auch nehmen, wir bieten jede Menge Chancen und Entfaltungsspielraum.Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/w/d)in SchwarzenbergWorauf Du Dich bei diesem Kunden freuen kannst:- Stundenlohn von 13,50- Wochenarbeitszeit 40 StundenWorauf Du Dich immer bei persona service verlassen kannst:- 50  monatlich geschenkt für Deine Mobilität je nach Stelle, z. B. für das Deutschlandticket uvm.- Prämien sowie Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld- attraktive Branchenzuschläge- kostenlose Nachhilfe ...

  • Company Careline Manufaktur GmbH i.G. in Löbau

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Das Unternehmen CARELINE ist im Bereich Objektmöbel und Pflegeprodukte zu Hause. Wir statten soziale Einrichtungen von Senioren- und Pflegeheimen über Kliniken bis zu Tagesstätten aus – von der Ersatzbeschaffung und Einzelbestellung bis zur kompletten Neuausstattung.Mit der CARELINE Manufaktur GmbH im sächsischen Schönbach verfügen wir über eine eigene, hochmoderne Möbelproduktion mit verketteter halbautomatisierter Fabrikation und Montage.Für unseren Standort in Schönbach suchen wir ab sofort einen Mitarbeiter für die Endmontage (m/w/d).Aufgaben- Endmontage der Möbelteile zu Korpusmöbeln- Reinigung und Überprüfung der Qualität der fertiggestellten Möbel- Vorbereitung und Verpackung der Möbel zum Transport- Abstimmung mit vor- und nachgelagerten Arbeitsplätzen ...

  • Company H3 Early Excellence Center gGmbH in Lichtenstein

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eineReinigungskraft (m/w/d) in Lichtenstein und Oelsnitz / Erzg.Wir bieten:- geregelte Arbeitszeiten bei leistungsgerechter EntlohnungAufgaben:- Reinigung alle beauftragten Gebäudebereiche und Räume- Einhaltung aller Sicherheits-, Gesundheits- und Hygienevorschriften- fachgerechte Müllentsorgung und -Trennung- termingerechte und akkurate Ausführung aller Reinigungsarbeiten unter Berücksichtigung der Betriebsanweisungen sowie Anwendungsvorschriften der Reinigungs- und PflegemittelKontakt:Katja VorsprecherTelefon:  037204 504250  oderper Mail:  bewerbung@h3-eec.deschriftlich:H3 Early Excellence Center gGmbHChemnitzer Str. 10a09350 Lichtenstein / Sachsen...

  • Company GmbH in Hirschfeld

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Viele gehen nur zur Arbeit. Wir produzieren das maßgeschneiderte Gehirn für jedes Unternehmen. Wir, das sind in Wahrheit nicht allzu viele, aber alle unkompliziert, alle lustig, alle motiviert. Wir alle wollen dasselbe: mit perfekt passenden Systemen zufriedene Unternehmen schaffen. Willst du das auch? Kannst du.Aufgaben ()- Du reinigst unsere Räume und Gebäudebereiche mithilfe unserer Geräte und Maschinen- Du sorgst für eine korrekte Mülltrennung und eine fachgerechte Entsorgung- Du erstellst eigenständig Reinigungspläne und stimmst diese mit den Vorgesetzten ab- Du sorgst für eine termingerechte und akkurate Ausführung aller Reinigungsarbeiten- Du bringst dich gerne ein, wenn es um Ablauf- und Prozessoptimierungen gehtAnforderungen- Du verfügst über umfangrei...

  • Company Pen Büromöbelwerk GmbH & Co. KG in Oelsnitz

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir suchen einen zuverlässigen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für Produktion, Auslieferung und Montage bei Kunden in VZ/38h.Mitarbeiter Produktion/LogistikIhre Aufgaben bei uns:- Ausliefern von Fertigprodukten- Möbelmontage bei Kunden- Fahrzeugpflege- Mitarbeit in der FertigungUnsere Anforderungen:- Führerschein (Klasse B)- sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse (Wort und Schrift)- schnelle Auffassungsgabe- Reisebereitschaft (gelegentliche Übernachtung auswärts bei Auslieferung)- körperlich belastbarWir bieten;- 38h Stundenwoche- leistungsgerechte Vergütung- 25 Tage Urlaub- familiäres BetriebsklimaHaben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt?Dann gern bewerbenper Mail oderTel 037421/29507Gern können sie sich auch persönlich vorstellen.Ansprechpartner ist Herr David SchaffertErgänzende Informatio...

  • Company Bobritzscher Kommunale Wohnungs- u. Verwaltg. GmbH in Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Die Bobritzscher Kommunale Wohnungs- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt unbefristet in Teil- oder Vollzeit einen:Mitarbeiter Gebäudereinigung (m/w/d)Wir sind eine 100%ige Tochter der Gemeinde Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf mit einer Geschäftsstelle im Ortsteil Hilbersdorf.Im Eigentum der Gesellschaft befinden sich ca. 200 Wohneinheiten, weitere etwa 600 Wohn- und Gewerbeeinheiten werden für Dritte bewirtschaftet. Darüber hinaus werden fast 1.000 Antennen- und Pachtverträge verwaltet.Diese Aufgaben erwarten Sie bei uns:•    Reinigen (Grundreinigung, Unterhaltsreinigung, Glasreinigung) von Schulen, KITA, Verwaltungsgebäuden, Turnhallen, Treppenhäusern in Wohngebäuden•    Sicherstellung der Hygienemaßnahmen (Flächendesinfektion)Das bieten ...

  • Company Mawedur Trockenbau Fachbetrieb GmbH in Reichenbach im Vogtland

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir suchen zum zeitnahen Einstieg einen motivierten Vorarbeiter/Polier für den Trockenbau.(m/w/d).Anforderungen:- Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Trockenbauer wünschenswert, gern auch in einem anderen Handwerksberuf- Berufserfahrung im Bereich Handwerk- gern motivierte und zuverlässige Helfer/innen mit entsprechender Berufserfahrung- FS B (PKW) ist zwingend erforderlichWas sie erwarten können:- unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis ohne Winterkündigung- Leistungsgerechte Entlohnung nach Tarifvertrag/BauWir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.Ergänzende Informationen:Anforderungen an den Bewerber: Grundkenntnisse: Montage (Bau, Ausbau), Gipsplatten verlegenErweiterte Kenntnisse: Arbeitsvorbereitung, Trockenbau...

  • Company OPTIPER GmbH - Niederlassung Zwickau in Glauchau

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Finde Deinen Job mit OPTIPERWir suchen Dich ab sofort für Einsätze bei einem unserer namhaften Kunden.Was wir Dir bieten- Übertarifliche Bezahlung- Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld- unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis- Persönliche Betreuung durch unser TeamDeine Aufgaben- Auspacken der Waren- Umpacken der Waren- Kommissionieren- Neuverpackung der Waren- Beschriftung/ LabelnDein Profil- Sorgfalt, Genauigkeit- Teamfähigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit- eine Ausbildung im Lager/ Logistikbereich wäre von VorteilÜber OPTIPERAls unternehmergeführtes und mittelständisches Unternehmen mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung in der Personaldienstleistung ist es unser Ziel, die Bedürfnisse unserer MitarbeiterInnen mit den Anforderungen unserer Kunden bestmöglich zu verbinden. Durch eine offene, pers...

  • Company DIMON Personal GmbH in Zwickau

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wer sind WIRDIMON ist Ihr Partner für Personaldienstleistungen regional und überregional.Für unseren Kunden, ein namhaftes Unternehmen im Bereich Logistik und Produktion, suchen wir am Standort Zwickau Mitarbeiter an der Montagelinie m/w/dIhre Aufgaben:• Arbeiten an der Montagelinie• Montage von Rad- und Reifenkomponenten zufertigen Baugruppen• Durchführen von QualitätskontrollenSie bringen mit:• Erste Erfahrungen in der Produktion von Vorteil (nicht Bedingung)• Handwerkliches Geschick• 3-Schichtbereitschaft• Flexibilität und selbständige Arbeitsweise• Teamfähigkeit und ZuverlässigkeitWas wir bieten:• Leistungsgerechte Entlohnung• Unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis• sorgfältige Einweisung in Ihre neue Tätigkeit• Wertschätzung und Respekt• Persönlichen Ansprechpart...

  • Company DIMON Personal GmbH in Meerane

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: WER sind WIR ?DIMON ist Ihr Partner für Personaldienstleistungen regional und überregional.Für unseren Kunden, ein bekanntes Unternehmen im Bereich der Automotive, am Standort in Meerane suchen wir zuverlässige Mitarbeiter (m/w/d)Ihre Aufgaben:• Montage von Kunststoffmodulen für Premium PKW`s• arbeiten nach Vorgabe• Durchführen von QualitätskontrollenSie bringen mit:• Erste Erfahrungen in der Produktion von Vorteil (nicht Bedingung)• Handwerkliches Geschick• 2-3 Schichtbereitschaft• Flexibilität und selbständige Arbeitsweise• Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit• Sie erreichen Ihren Arbeitsplatz mit unserem FahrdienstSie haben Fragen?Wir stehen Ihnen gerne telefonisch zur Verfügung. Telefon: 0375-28369640Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt?Dann bewerben Sie sich einfa...

  • Company DIMON Personal GmbH in Zwickau

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wer sind WIRDIMON ist Ihr Partner für Personaldienstleistungen regional und überregional.Hinter DIMON steht ein erfahrenes und motiviertes Team sowie ein starkes Netzwerk von Unternehmen aus den Regionen.Für unsere Kunden, bekannte Unternehmen der Automobilzulieferindustrie, suchen wir am Standort Zwickau zuverlässige Mitarbeiter (m/w/d)Ihre Aufgaben:• Bestücken von Maschinen und Anlagen• Montagetätigkeiten nach Vorgabe• Sichtkontrolle• Verpacken von KomponentenSie bringen mit:• Erste Erfahrungen in der Produktion von Vorteil (nicht Bedingung)• Handwerkliches Geschick• 2-3 Schichtbereitschaft• Flexibilität und selbständige Arbeitsweise• Teamfähigkeit und ZuverlässigkeitWas wir bieten:• GVP-Tarifvertrag• Leistungsgerechte Entlohnung• Unbefristetes Arbeitsverhält...

  • Company Dussmann Service Deutschland Hauptverwaltung in Meerane

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Du suchst- Unbefristete Anstellung- Ein großartiges Team und eine Führungskraft, die dich unterstützt- Attraktive und faire Vergütung- Einen zukunftssicheren Arbeitsplatz- Kurze Arbeitswege- Zugeschnittene und passende Trainingsmöglichkeiten- Onlineplattform für Mitarbeitende mit Rabatten für Reisen, Freizeit, Technik und vieles mehrQuereinsteiger (m/w/d)? Kein Problem! Wir machen dich sehr gerne zum Profi.Du bringst mit- Kenntnisse und Erfahrung in der Reinigung von Pflegeheimen/Wohnbereichen wünschenswert- Kenntnisse von Anwendungen und Verfahren zur Desinfektion wünschenswert- Gute Deutschkenntnisse - Einsatzbereitschaft, freundliches und sicheres Auftreten im Umgang mit unseren Kunden- Pünktlicher, zuverlässiger und hilfsbereiter Teamplayer (m/w/d)Deine Auf...

  • Company Dorfner GmbH & Co. KG in Chemnitz

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Die Dorfner Gruppe umfasst die Geschäftsbereiche Gebäudemanagement, Gebäudereinigung, Catering und Servicemanagement mit rund 11.000 Mitarbeitern an über 43 Standorten in Deutschland, Österreich und Tschechien.Für unser Servicegesellschaft KH-Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH suchen wir Verstärkung alsOP-Reinigungskraft (m/w/d) 30 Std./ 09117 Chemnitz, Teilzeit, ab sofortStellen-ID: 124828Ihre Arbeitszeit- Montag bis Freitag, von 07:00 Uhr bis 13:30 Uhr ODER- Von 14:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr- Arbeit in einem 2-Schicht-System- 30 Stunden pro WocheIhre Aufgaben- Reinigung, Pflege und Kontrolle der zugewiesenen Arbeitsflächen im OP im Krankenhaus Chemnitz-Rabenstein- Angemessener Umgang mit Material, Geräten und Hilfsmitteln- Sie halten die Hygienestandards und Sicherheitsv...

  • Company Tempton Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Plauen

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: TEMPTON zählt mit mehr als 9.500 Mitarbeitern an über200 Standorten zu einem der bundesweit führenden Anbietermaßgeschneiderter Personallösungen. Als etablierterPersonaldienstleister verfügt das Unternehmen mit seiner 30-jährigenErfahrung am Markt über eine ausgezeichnete Expertise im Bereich derArbeitnehmerüberlassung und Personalvermittlung.- Du bist aktuell auf Jobsuche? - Du interessierst dich für unsere offene Stelle? - Du suchst ein neues Ziel in Vollzeit?  - Auch Quereinsteiger sind herzlich willkommen! Mindestlohn? NICHT BEI UNS! In Deiner Lohntüte stecken mindestens14,05 € + Zuschläge! Je nach Qualifikation ist auch eineLohnsteigerung möglich. Denn gute Arbeit hat ihren Preis. Und daswissen wir!Keine Ahnung wie Du zur Arbeit kommst? Kein Problem. Wir h...

  • Company ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Pausa/Vogtland

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Für unseren Kunden in Pausa/Vogtland suchen wir Dich als Produktionshilfskraft Kunststoffweiterverarbeitung (m/w/d)!Dein neuer Job im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung mit Option auf Übernahme in Schicht/Nacht/Wochenende, Vollzeit im Bereich Produktion wartet auf Dich!.Dich erwarten attraktive Vorteile- Fahrdienste / Shuttle Service zum Arbeitsplatz- Bis zu 30 Tage Urlaub pro Jahr- Langfristiger Einsatz im Kundenunternehmen- Ermäßigungen oder kostenlose Eintrittskarten für Veranstaltungen oder AttraktionenDein Gehalt- 14,00 € pro StundeDeine Aufgaben- Packarbeiten und leichte VormontagetätigkeitenAnforderungen an den Job- Kunststoffherstellung- KunststoffverarbeitungDeine persönlichen Stärken- Sorgfalt/Genauigkeit- ZuverlässigkeitDein Weg zu unsWir freuen uns,...

  • Company RENTA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Thiendorf

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Imagetext / ArbeitgebervorstellungMit uns findest Du als Fachkraft, Quer- und Wiedereinsteiger, Berufsanfänger oder Student seit mehr als 25 Jahren schnell und unkompliziert den Job, der zu Dir passt - ob als professionelle Personalvermittlung oder als tarifgebundene Arbeitnehmerüberlassung in Vollzeit, Teilzeit oder Nebenjob / Minijob - sprich uns an!Mehr erfahren unter: m/w/d 14€ + 3,50€ ZuschlagStandort: ThiendorfAnstellungsart(en): VollzeitZweck und Ziel der StelleWir suchen ab sofort Lagerhelfer (m/w/d) zur sofortigen Einstellung.Es handelt sich um eine unbefristete Vollzeitstelle mit der Möglichkeit zur Übernahme bei fachlicher und persönlicher Eignung.Entwicklungspotential / Perspektiven- Unser Gehaltsvorschlag mind....

  • Company Glen Callum Associates Limited in Belfast

    Business Development Executive - Automotive AftermarketBuilding our UK sales team:We are working with a globally recognised manufacturer to hire, build and grow their UK Aftermarket Sales Development and Field Based Sales Support team across the UK. Key will be optimising brand and product visibility whilst enthusiastically delivering sales support via trade workouts to the Independent Automotive Aftermarket, including Motor Factors, ITG Buying Group members, Automotive Workshops & general Automotive Aftermarket distributors and Aftermarket retailers.Are you currently a motor factor based Business Development Manager looking to elevate your career further up the supply chain into supplier status? Do you want to work for a manufacturer? This is the perfect step. Ideal Location – Ireland / N...

  • Company Glen Callum Associates Limited in Glasgow

    Business Development Executive - Automotive AftermarketBuilding our UK sales team:We are working with a globally recognised manufacturer to hire, build and grow their UK Aftermarket Sales Development and Field Based Sales Support team across the UK. Key will be optimising brand and product visibility whilst enthusiastically delivering sales support via trade workouts to the Independent Automotive Aftermarket, including Motor Factors, ITG Buying Group members, Automotive Workshops & general Automotive Aftermarket distributors and Aftermarket retailers.Are you currently a motor factor based Business Development Manager looking to elevate your career further up the supply chain into supplier status? Do you want to work for a manufacturer? This is the perfect step. Ideal Location – Glasgow / E...

  • Company Glen Callum Associates Limited in Edinburgh

    Business Development Executive - Automotive AftermarketBuilding our UK sales team:We are working with a globally recognised manufacturer to hire, build and grow their UK Aftermarket Sales Development and Field Based Sales Support team across the UK. Key will be optimising brand and product visibility whilst enthusiastically delivering sales support via trade workouts to the Independent Automotive Aftermarket, including Motor Factors, ITG Buying Group members, Automotive Workshops & general Automotive Aftermarket distributors and Aftermarket retailers.Are you currently a motor factor based Business Development Manager looking to elevate your career further up the supply chain into supplier status? Do you want to work for a manufacturer? This is the perfect step. Ideal Location – Glasgow / E...

  • Company Glen Callum Associates Limited in Field

    Head of Sales – MRO Engineering and Industrial DistributionStrengthening our UK sales team:Delivering and developing c class Garage Workshop Consumables programmes to vertical markets expanding across the Engineering Supplies, Industrial Distribution and MRO space is where our client excels. Their extensive experience enable MRO Workshops to efficiently and productively manage their workshop consumable usage. We are on the hunt for a Head of Sales / Senior Sales Manager to cultivate new business development opportunities across non-automotive markets such as Engineering Supplies, Industrial Distribution networks and MRO Supplies markets.Ideal Location - UK Wide / Ideal location central UKGood Salary Neg ££ (Circa £50k - £55k) + Bonus + Car + Pension Our utopia:Our ideal candidate will have...

  • Company ESSENTIAL EMPLOYMENT LTD in Plymouth

    Business Support Officer needed in Plymouth, £12.18ph PAYE - Reference: RQ1391749post with the 0-25 Statutory Assessment Team (Special Educational Needs) 37 hours a week Monday – Friday This is a full time role on a temporary contract basis. If you are interested in the role please apply on our website with your CV, alternatively you can email your CV to quoting the reference number. Essential Employment is acting as an Employment Business in relation to this vacancy. Essential Employment is an Equal Opportunities Employer. All our roles may be subject to pre-employment checks including references so please be prepared. Due to high volumes of CVs received we are not able to respond to all unsuccessful applications. You will always however hear from us by phone ...


    EHC Assessment Coordinator needed Paying £28.21 per hr ref 5255087Full time hours on a temporary basis Engage with families, evaluate processes, and promote equality and safety.Key Responsibilities:Amend and draft high-quality EHC Plans.Participate and chair Annual Reviews.Collaborate with parents, children, and agencies.Promote person-centered approaches and equality.Adhere to safeguarding procedures.Requirements:Strong understanding of EHC processes.Excellent communication skills.Commitment to personalisation and person-centered approaches. If you are interested in the role, please email your CV to quoting the reference number.Essential Employment is acting as an Employment Business in relation to this vacancy. Essential Employment is an Equal Opportunities...

  • Company Thera South West in Bank

    Job Title: Team Co-ordinatorLocation: TorbayContract: PermanentHours: Full TimeSalary: Up to £29669.83Reference: 069191Information: Driver is essentialUnfortunately, we are unable to offer sponsorships for international applicants, or candidates currently working in the UK on a sponsored visa as we are unable to assist with renewal upon expiry.We are seeking a full time Team Coordinator to join a well-established and committed team in Thera South WestAt Thera South West every day is different, we go to work knowing that this is a chance to make incredible things happen for the people we support. We have an exciting opportunity available as a Team Coordinator, to join our well established and committed team . Experience with supporting people with complex needs is essential.As the team coor...

  • Company Thera South West in Melksham

    Job Title: Female Support workerLocation: MelkshamContract: PermanentHours: Part TimeSalary: £12.33 per hourAdditional Information: Full UK driving license and sleepins are essentialReference: 069051Unfortunately, we are unable to offer sponsorships for international applicants, or candidates currently working in the UK on a sponsored visa as we are unable to assist with renewal upon expiry. Are you seeking a new career in Social Care, with a regular monthly salary and job security?Maybe you have worked in Social Care before and are looking for a new challenge or perhaps you have always wanted to make a positive difference in people lives? We are extremely proud of the work we do, the people that work with us and the training we offer.As a valued Support Worker with Thera South West, you w...

  • Company The Great Western Hospitals NHS FT in Swindon

    Consultant in GastroenterologyWe are thrilled to announce that with the launch of our Community Diagnostic Centre in West Swindon is on the horizon (Jan 2025) and we are looking to expand our gastroenterology team. We are seeking experienced Consultants join to our Gastroenterology and Hepatology department, joining an existing team of 8 senior medical staff including Consultants & SAS doctors which work across 4 endoscopy rooms at the Great Western Hospital site and screening (ERCP/stenting) Our plans to launch the Community Diagnostic Centre in January 2025 makes this an incredible time of innovation and expansion or the service and the successful candidate will work across dual sites between the Great Western Hospital and the CDC. We will use the latest Olympus scopes and stacks for ...

  • Company Enerveo in Fareham

    Embark on a Journey with Enerveo: Crafting Excellence for Over 25 Years!Enerveo is one of the largest contracting businesses in the UK, offering a broad scope of services including mechanical, electrical, high voltage, electrical vehicle (EV) infrastructure installation, test and inspection services, as well as street lighting.Job Title:SHE Advisor Base Location:Fareham to cover the South CoastSalary:£ 30,347 - £46,780 depending on skills and experience, car/car allowance plus a range of other benefits to support your family, finances and wellbeing. Working Pattern:Full Time, Permanent Enerveo have an extensive street lighting business that manages over 1 million street lights across the UK and Ireland and through design, project management, consultancy, installation, and maintenance we pl...

  • Company Reading Borough Council in Reading

    Part time Permanent position Term time only 10 hours/weekWe are looking to appoint a Lunchtime Supervisor who is enthusiastic and self-motivated to join our team supporting our friendly children. This post is for 2 hours a day between 11:30am and 13:30pm.The person we are looking for will: Have previous experience as a Lunchtime Assistant working with children of relevant age. Be able to manage children’s behaviour in a positive manner. Be able to supervise and organise meaningful play activities for groups of children. Be able to work effectively in a team. Be able to positively develop the children’s skills of independence.Application packs are available to download from our website: or by emailing the school office: Applicat...

  • Company Tudor Employment Agency Ltd in Walsall

    Tudor Employment Agency are currently recruiting for a Export Administrator / Coordinator to work for our prestigious client based in Walsall.This is a fantastic opportunity for someone to join a private organisation at a time whereby they are growing considerably and contuining to export their products worldwide.Our Client is the largest manufacturer of its kind and has the capacity and experience to meet the needs of an increasingly demanding market.Duties will include:Preparing all required export documentationEnsuring all exports are compliant with VAT regulationsMaintaining strict compliance with export regulationsOrganising despatchBeing the point of contact for freight forwardersEnsuring correct invoicingEnsuring all files have the correct proof of export documentationHandling shipm...

  • Company Exemplar Health Care Services Limited in Lodge

    Position: Registered Nurse (RGN, RMN, RNLD) - DaysCare home: The Lodge Location: Swallownest, S26 4WBContract type: 36 hours per week, on days Rate: £18.46 per hourCare home CQC rating: Rated 'Good' by CQCThis is an exciting opportunity to work for a forward-thinking and growing provider, who’ll support you to be the best Nurse you can be! Join us as our new Registered Nurse at The Lodge learning disability service in Swallownest.As a Registered Nurse with us, you’ll be empowered to really make a difference. Our high staffing levels give you the time to provide truly person-centred nursing care, with a supportive team around you. And our excellent training and career development pathways support you to be the best Nurse you can be. About Exemplar Health Care The Lodge is part of Exemplar H...

  • Company RAFA Kidz Ltd in Carterton

    Casual Early Years Practitioners£11.44 - £12.83 dependent on qualification RAFAKidz Nursery, Carterton OX18 3LX Our RAFAKidz family Just like our children, our waiting lists are growing! In each of our 16 settings we create experiences that are special, unique and child focused. Our staff are specially selected for their loving and caring nature, as well as their expertise. The needs of military families are unique, and at RAFAKidz we take extra care to make sure those needs are met. For every child that comes through the doors of RAFAKidz, no matter their ability, background or circumstances you couldprovide experiences and opportunities that will help them be confident and reach their potential. What makes us different By joining us as part of our RAFAKidz family, we make a commitment to...

  • Company Bassetlaw District Council in Worksop

    Bassetlaw District Council own and manage over 6,500 homes in North Nottinghamshire. We are an ambitious and progressive Council determined to be ranked among the best social housing providers in the Country.So, if you are looking for a new challenge and would like to be a key member of our thriving housing team, we would welcome an application from you.You will ideally be an experienced professional who is well-versed in current best practice regarding support available to people, and who can find innovative answers to a range of issues and have a strong track record of delivery.You will be responsible for the day-to-day delivery of the tenancy sustainment service including the provision and co-ordination of effective support, advice and assistance to tenants who are vulnerable and/or at ...

  • Company University of Brighton Academies Trust in Shoreham-By-Sea

    Contract: Fixed term until 22.07.2025Working Pattern: Monday to Friday, term time only (38 weeks)Hours: 30 hours per week, 830am-330pmActual Starting Salary (calculated pro rata): £15,738 per annumSalaries are paid in 12 equal monthly instalmentsDo you want to support pupils with their learning and personal development?Teaching Assistants play a crucial role in the classroom. We are seeking an individual who can support our teachers and motivate and encourage our pupils.We are looking for a Teaching Assistant who is calm, confident and has the skills to be able to support classroom activities safely and can create a positive learning environment. You will have:Maths and English GCSE Grade A- C or equivalentKnowledge of SENExperience of establishing positive relationships with students and ...

  • Company University of Glasgow in Glasgow

    College of Medical Veterinary & Life SciencesSchool of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary MedicineVeterinary NurseVacancy Ref: 156720 Salary: Grade 5, £26,038 - £30,505 per annum pro rata (plus 6% shift allowance for weekend working).Are you an experienced RVN looking for a new and exciting challenge? The Small Animal Hospital is looking for a dedicated endocrine nurse to join our ever-expanding team. The role will suit a motivated individual looking to utilise their clinical skills primarily to deliver exceptional nursing care and follow up on a weekend outpatient diabetic clinic. We would love to hear from anyone considering this role, to discuss the various possibilities and where your skills fit within our team. Previous referral nursing experience with endocrine patients is desirab...

  • Company Moat Homes Limited in Dartford

    Internal Role Title: Health, Safety and Facilities OfficerHours: 35 hours per week, Monday-FridaySalary: £30,581 - £38,226 per annum plus car allowance of £2,272 per annum (salary offered dependent on experience)Contract: PermanentYou’ll be responsible for the ongoing coordination and management of health, safety and facilities data and systems, ensuring operational compliance. You’ll be proactively providing support in the day-to-day delivery of health, safety and facilities operations and projects. A strong understanding of facilities management, and health and safety issues, including an understanding of maintenance and service contracts relating to commercial buildings and property is essential. You will need to have a full driving licence and have your own car, to be able to travel ac...

  • Company Droylsden Academy in Droylsden

    Pay Scale: Grade F, points 17-22, actual salary £24,745 to £26,976 per annumContract: Fixed Term Maternity Cover – up until August 2025Hours: 36 hours per week, term time onlyClosing Date: 4 November 2024 @ 12 NoonStart Date: 6 January 2025 Are you passionate about making a difference to young people’s lives? Do you want to work in an experienced and supportive team? Are you looking for a role that enables students and staff to thrive and belong? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for a Year Manager (Non-Teaching) to join our Academy. This is an opportunity to join a dedicated team of staff who are committed to providing the best possible educational outcomes for our students.The TrustDroylsden Academy became the founding member of the Tame River Educational Trust on the 1st January 20...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Newcastle

    An exciting new job opportunity has arisen for a committed Registered Nurse to work in an exceptional care home service based in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne-and-Wear area. You will be working for one of UK's leading health care providersThis care home provides the highest possible standard of residential, nursing and dementia care, our well-established team are friendly and trained to deliver the best possible care**To be considered for this position you must be qualified as a Registered Nurse with a current active NMC Pin**As a Nurse your key duties include:• Leading a team of care staff to deliver exceptional care• Producing well-developed care plans and detailed risk assessments, with an understanding of regulatory frameworks• Maintain accurate documentation and resident records whilst in...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Newcastle

    An exciting new job opportunity has arisen for a committed Registered Nurse to work in an exceptional care home service based in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne-and-Wear area. You will be working for one of UK's leading health care providersThis care home provides the highest possible standard of residential, nursing and dementia care, our well-established team are friendly and trained to deliver the best possible care**To be considered for this position you must be qualified as a Registered Nurse with a current active NMC Pin**As a Nurse your key duties include:• Leading a team of care staff to deliver exceptional care• Producing well-developed care plans and detailed risk assessments, with an understanding of regulatory frameworks• Maintain accurate documentation and resident records whilst in...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Newcastle

    A fantastic new job opportunity has arisen for a committed Senior Care Assistant to work in an exceptional care home service based in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne-and-Wear area. You will be working for one of UK's leading health care providersThis care home provides the highest possible standard of residential, nursing and dementia care, our well-established team are friendly and trained to deliver the best possible care**To be considered for this position you must hold an NVQ Level 2 in Health & Social Care**As the Senior Care Assistant your key duties include:• Plan, implement and supervise the provision of quality care, in conjunction with People in our Care• Ensure People retain their dignity and individuality• To be involved in the general activities of the Care Home/Unit• Maintain a saf...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Newcastle

    A fantastic new job opportunity has arisen for a committed Senior Care Assistant to work in an exceptional care home service based in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne-and-Wear area. You will be working for one of UK's leading health care providersThis care home provides the highest possible standard of residential, nursing and dementia care, our well-established team are friendly and trained to deliver the best possible care**To be considered for this position you must hold an NVQ Level 2 in Health & Social Care**As the Senior Care Assistant your key duties include:• Plan, implement and supervise the provision of quality care, in conjunction with People in our Care• Ensure People retain their dignity and individuality• To be involved in the general activities of the Care Home/Unit• Maintain a saf...

  • Company CS UK Recruitment Ltd in Bank

    An excellent new job opportunity has arisen for a talented Kitchen Assistant to work in an exceptional care home based in the Scarborough, North Yorkshire area. You will be working for one of UK’s leading health care providersThis is an extensively refurbished Scarborough care home delivering quality residential care to its patients**To be considered for this position you must have previous experience of basic food preparation in a similar setting**As the Kitchen Assistant your key duties include:• Assist the Cook in meeting the nutritional and dietary needs of residents which respects the choice of the individual and promotes health and wellbeing• Assist the Cook in preparing and serving meals for residents and staff and maintain the general cleanliness of the kitchen area, in accordance ...

  • Company Focus Birmingham in Harborne

    Join Our Team as a Care Coordinator!Part time: 27.5 hours per week / £19376.50 (£24661 Pro rata)Are you passionate about making a real difference in the lives of individuals with complex needs? Do you excel in coordinating and advocating for person-centred care? If so, this exciting role as a Care Coordinator could be the perfect fit for you!Within this role, you’ll play a crucial part in ensuring smooth transitions for adults with complex needs into our specialist day service. You will work closely with individuals, their families, and a multidisciplinary team to create personalised transition plans, monitor progress, and advocate for the best possible care. You’ll be the point of contact for the people we support, liaising with external agencies and ensuring everything runs smoothly.What...

  • Company Melting cube Ltd in Send

    Job DescriptionYou will be expected to lead the team, drive sales, deliver great customer service and be the constant face of energy and passion on the shop floor. You will need to drive sales through training your team and implementing strong work ethics that focus on teamwork and providing great customer service.Main responsibilities• Supervise and train café staff to ensure high standards of service.• Manage inventory, budget, staff, equipment, place orders, manage customer requirements and control waste to optimize costs.• Monitor daily sales, create reports, and meet revenue goals.• Ensure compliance with food safety and cleanliness standards.• Create staff schedules and ensure adequate coverage during shifts.• Address customer complaints or concerns professionally and efficiently.• C...

  • Company Screwfix Ltd in Bracknell

    OverviewWe have an exciting opportunity for an experienced Supervisor to join our friendly team at the Bracknell Screwfix store.Full time 35.75 hours, however part time will be considered for the right candidate.You’ll be a vital part of the team, getting stuck in and leading by example. Whether you’re front-of-house helping customers or in the warehouse keeping our standards high, customers are always at the front of your mind. And with the help of our excellent training programmes and varied shift patterns to support a healthy work life balance, you’ll be on the right track for a promising career with us!Key responsibilitiesWHAT’S IT LIKE TO BE A RETAIL SUPERVISOR?Host – you’ll be the team leader, hosting in store, setting an example of what great looks like. You’ll understand what your ...

  • Company Screwfix Ltd in Bank

    OverviewWe are seeking a full-time Retail Supervisor to join our team at the Gloucester, Eastern Avenue Screwfix branch. The role requires availability on both weekdays and weekends.You’ll be a vital part of the team, getting stuck in and leading by example. Whether you’re front-of-house helping customers or in the warehouse keeping our standards high, customers are always at the front of your mind. And with the help of our excellent training programmes and varied shift patterns to support a healthy work life balance, you’ll be on the right track for a promising career with us!Key responsibilitiesWHAT’S IT LIKE TO BE A RETAIL SUPERVISOR?Host – you’ll be the team leader, hosting in store, setting an example of what great looks like. You’ll understand what your customers need, guide them to ...

  • Company Screwfix Ltd in Staverton

    OverviewYou’ll be a vital part of the team, getting stuck in and leading by example. Whether you’re front-of-house helping customers or in the warehouse keeping our standards high, customers are always at the front of your mind. And with the help of our excellent training programmes and varied shift patterns to support a healthy work life balance, you’ll be on the right track for a promising career with us!Key responsibilitiesWHAT’S IT LIKE TO BE A RETAIL SUPERVISOR?Host – you’ll be the team leader, hosting in store, setting an example of what great looks like. You’ll understand what your customers need, guide them to the right products, and make it super easy for them.Store standards – you’ll make sure everything runs smoothly from cash reconciliations, to customer queries, audit complian...

  • Company Screwfix Ltd in Bank

    OverviewWe are looking for a full-time Trade Supervisor to become part of our team at the Coventry, Willenhall Screwfix Branch. The role will primarily involve working from Monday to Friday.You’ll be the go-to person for our Trade customers. Representing the team on our Trade Sales Counter, you’ll help our Trade customers, predominately plumbers and electricians, to get exactly what they need for the job. You don’t need to be an expert about Trade, it’s all about relationship building, And with the help of our excellent training programmes and varied shift patterns to support a healthy work life balance, you’ll be on the right track for a promising career with us!Key responsibilitiesWHAT’S IT LIKE TO BE A SUPERVISOR?Get to know your customers –you’ll chat to them over a cuppa, understand t...

  • Company Cheshire College South and West in Crewe

    Salary: £25,205 – £28,282 (per annum)Contract Type: Permanent Hours: 37 hours per week (shift/rota basis including evenings and weekends)Location: Crewe CampusWe are seeking an Estates and Facilities Officer to join our team at our Crewe Campus. This is an excellent opportunity to provide general maintenance and repair of College premises in order to ensure a quality service for learners, visitors, customers and staff.Key Responsibilities:Undertaking general maintenance and repair of College premises and grounds;Identification/reporting of minor defects to be resolved in accordance with the Estates and Facilities team’s maintenance and repair programme;Providing a responsive service to support the College’s needs in relation to its premises and grounds;Follow Health and Safety guidelines w...

  • Company Raven Housing Trust in Point

    Full time, 36 hoursHybrid working - expected office days 5 days per week commencing role, with increased flexibility following completion of onboarding. Raven is here to make a difference, working as a team to build homes and change lives. We’re also ambitious: a sector-leader in carbon reduction, with commercial ventures and a focus on the future.Want to be part of this? We’re currently recruiting for a Customer Services Advisor to join our Customer Services team.What you’ll achieve in the role:The overall purpose of this role is to respond to all customer enquiries promptly and efficiently. Key responsibilities include:Acting as the initial point of contact, providing a full range of service delivery and other information, via phone, letters, emails, live chat, social media and face-to-f...

  • Company Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club in Lancing

    Job Title: Physical Performance Coach (W&G)Hours: Zero hours (Evening and weekend work will be required)Location: American Express Elite Performance Centre, LancingJob Type: Casual, hourly paidDeadline Day: 1st November 2024About usWe compete at the highest levels of football on a global stage whilst keeping our Sussex community spirit. Our vision is to be a top ten Premier League club and a top four Women’s Super League club. A commitment to high performance, high professional standards and making a difference is at the heart of everything we do. Come and support our Women’s and Girls’ Programme We are looking for someone to come and support the team on a casual basis, to provide sport science support (including testing, data analysis and interpretation), including daily data collection a...

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